
On 99 SZ 1 day tour

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On 99 SZ 1 day tour

Today is my day-off , one man band go to SZ . Frist station is direction village , 11:00am walk around just little bit mm$ no KO car. C 9 tata catched a young one up room.When she take- off O just small ball & not pink lin.:smile_40: :smile_40: Frist round month sevice & dog style finished .Pay $150    . Some hunger, found a noodle shop to eat a bowl soup noodle & a dish oil vegetable $14.                                                                                                                                                                                   Second stop go to Fung Wong SN( hj ) .Choose one petty gril , after a monent gril come in room . She touch me & I touch her. She do her work ,I take -off her bra .Wah one hand ball not big but the lin lin is very pink & fresh :smile_04: . Very good for hand feeling .When she finished the job , we talk until time   up . Pay $198 .                                                                                                                                                                                                        Third stop go to Moon Bay( ching bone ) . After bathed , chose one mm from computer & up room .The mm asked me what style , I chose( hong fung ) . She's hand work not bad & she good talk to me . As soon as telephone ring O time up . But my left hand not push oil at that time . The mm continuous push oil until finished her job . I think over 10mins . Very good sevice . Pay $ 148 + tips$50= $ 198 .   And by the SN mini bus to train station .                                                                                                              

                           Totally used $150+$198+$198+$14  and + bus fee$6=$566 in SZ .

                 This is my frist post :smile_13: :smile_13: , if no good . Please not fuxk .:smile_44:

原帖由 singleman 於 2008-10-25 11:23 PM 發表 查看引用來源
Today is my day-off , one man band go to SZ . Frist station is direction village , 11:00am walk around just little bit mm$ no KO car. C 9 tata catched a young one up room.When she take- off O just sma ...
完全睇唔明:smile_27: :smile_27:

師兄果啲又吾係 Old English...咁深奧既??

Any C hing help me  transfer to Chinese . Because I don;t how to write .

Band 3 HKongese on9 report ~ :smile_45:

Hong Kong style English :smile_30: :smile_29: :smile_03:

回覆 1# 的帖子

what do you say?

C Hing 食咁多餐哦 .. 呵呵:smile_30:

原帖由 aand031 於 2008-10-25 11:34 PM 發表 查看引用來源
C Hing 食咁多餐哦 .. 呵呵:smile_30:
On 99 one day tour is like that .:smile_35: :smile_35:

回覆 1# 的帖子

OK wor !!
Your HK English good and fit for HK Ching.
No complain ..
