
Rockza Show - August 11 - September 10. Final show report Part 2!

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Rockza Show - August 11 - September 10. Final show report Part 2!

(Cont'd from Part 1 of the Final Show Repot for Rockza, Aug 11 - Sep 10)

All good things must come to an end. Finally the ending feather dance. Haruki came out first, and as usual I could not take my
eyes off her. Then Hiro and Sora came out. I initially didn't expect anything special, may be a bit more smile, then suddenly
Rin then Sora broke out with a large smile on their faces. I turned around and saw the Japanese fans held up a HUGE banner
(spreaded across the entire last row in the middle section) which unfortunately I could not translate from Japanese into Chinese
or English, but it must have been something real good. Anyways, the feather dance went on with all the girls smiling (I saw
Hiro smiled as well, which really showed she was relaxed). Then each back dancer was introduced. Everyone clapped. GOod. Then
came the main dancers - Haruki first then Hiro (at this moment, yes, my eyes were still at Haruki and I waved a little at her
and she smiled back. Sigh, my heart sunk. Last time I was seeing her ) then Haneda then Sora then Rin. All were smiling and
went smoothly. I gave everyone of them their deserved claps while still trying to look back at Haruki .... then something caught
my eyes .... Maria was introduced and SHE WAS CRYING! I was stunned and I was sure everyone was stunned. Now I could not look
at Haruki any more but I kept my eyes on Maria. She was really crying - out of joy, out of relief and more so - out of knowing
that she is so well loved by almost everyone and that this is her last time she will be seeing all her fans (a lot of them
returning and she must recognize their faces) that had been giving her the support throughout this month. All the dancers
were now lined up in the middle stage thanking the audiences. Thunderous claps, cheers, and fans calling out "maria don't cry".
Finally they moved back and did their final post. Before curtain started to close, I looked at Haruki one last time, I think
she saw me and smiled at me. BUt I could not smile back. My heart hadsunk completely - by knowing that I won't see Haruki again,
and by being completely touched by Maria. I was clapping hard, so were everyone else. Curtains closed, lights on. People were
still clapping for a full 10-15 seconds and on-off people calling out Maria's name. Finally clapping subsided and people started
to move out. 20/10

I saw the PR manager, his manager, and the senior manager at Rockza. I rushed over to congratulate them on the show. A number of
C-hings also went over to congratulate the managers. The japanese fans went over and spoke with the CEO. I was fortunate to be
introduced by the PR manager to the CEO as well, and I think he toldthe CEO that I had watched the show 60 times in about 17 days.
The CEO looked surprised, then bowed a bit and thanked me and shook my hands. I felt honoured.

I and a number of C-hings moved out and were still discussing the show outside the theatre for a short while before we left.

This final show had touched many people's heart and had left a fond memory for many people.

So what is the final score? 10/10 for each solo sequence, 10/10 foropening sequence, 10/10 for middle cut sequence. And *** 20/10 ***
for the feather dance! Maria - you did it!

On behalf of myself, and a number of C-hings whom I spoke with, I would like to wholeheartedly thank Rockza for bringing this
show to Macau. And to bring in Maria, Haruki, Hiro, Sora, Rin and Haneda to perform so marvellously well. And - to Maria Ozawa -
you being a superstar but NOT behaving like a superstar - has won manyhearts. And to my favorite Haruki - you are the least known,
but you have brought such a suprise to so many people (and captured my heart). And to all others - Sora, Hiro, Rin and Haneda -
for bringing us so much joy in watching your performance. And last but not least, to all the back dancers, without your support,
some of the dance sequences will not be so good.

I hope the Rockza show will continue to be performed in Macau. It has alot of values, and it brings a whole different perspective
of strip dancing to everyone.

C-hing, thank you for your very detailed review m( _ _ )m
however, I noticed that your both review have been viewed quite a lot of times but without any feedback by other C-hings
I guess the lengthy review in English may kinda scare off some C-Hings
so I am wondering if I may "translate" and kind of summerize your review in Chinese..... :smile_13:
trust me, I SUCK in typing Chinese, much much much better to type in English, but in order to draw other C-hings' attention and to answer their questions towards the show (if there is any) and hopefully it will eventually have some contribution to the future shows, I may give it a try, but it should take some time to do that....
of course, if other C-hings may post their review in Chinese, they are all very welcome :smile_35:

回覆 2# 的帖子

Thank you my friend if you can help to translate the report into Chinese. If possible I would like to keep the whole report as it is instead of summarizing it because a summary may result in the loss of details / context, but you can do whatever you see is best.

If there are other C-hings who can help out it is most appreciated.

Thank you for your detailed report and I love it.

If that final show were to be held on weekends, I am sure I would be there too.  Now after reading your report, I think I have missed a great show.

I think the inclusion of Maria in last month's show has raised the level of the performance.  The 'killing me softly with his song' session which Maria played is really fabulous and I was electrified.  I never find anything like that in the previous Rockza Macau show.

Tux1 C-Hing, after watching 60 show in 17 days, I think you are more than an audience.  I hope you don't feel too bad now after farewelling the show for 2 days....

[ 本帖最後由 heartace 於 2008-9-12 06:45 PM 編輯 ]

heartace C-hing, glad to know you feel the same way I do!!
I was shocked and totally drawn into Maria's performance when hearing the first note of Killing Me Softly
I guess from now on whenever I hear the song again, I would think of Maria... :smile_35:

原帖由 heartace 於 2008-9-12 06:44 PM 發表
Thank you for your detailed report and I love it.

If that final show were to be held on weekends, I am sure I would be there too.  Now after reading your report, I think I have missed a great show. ...
I am very hurt now. No more seeing of my angel, and no more seeing of all the other dancers.

I need drinks to put myself to bed so as not to think .... But it is very difficult. The music keeps ringing in my head and that all those vivid images show up ...

回覆 5# 的帖子

Read my early version of review of the current show (started Sep 11).

http://www30.188channel.com/redi ... o=lastpost#lastpost

In summary I AM VERY ANGRY about this current show. 2 days after watching a super show I wasted money (ferry tickets, show ticket) to watch this garbage. I want a refund!

回覆 6# 的帖子

tux1 C-Hing, take it easy.  I think the dancers who are popular will be returning soon for a new show. I remember 夕樹舞子 had been in Macau's show twice.  So don't be too upset.  I believe I will see Maria again in one year.  

Or you can even fly to Japan the see your angels in Japan Rockza. So it definitely will not be 'no more seeing of my angels'.

回覆 5# 的帖子

So do I.

I think 'Killing me softly with his song' has become Maria's song. :smile_30:

Maria surely was "killing me instantly" by her smile
