
[其他] total lost

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total lost

total lost on Saturday and Sunday. Ball and Horse. One month's salary lost. Borrow money from brother and lost again.
How to live this month.

face ur bro and sing "How do I live without you" again...

樓主, 勸你―句, 賭搏用多餘錢好la~

Saturday and Sunday match  got nthing special happen wor
how can u lose all ar??


原帖由 waves369 於 2006-10-16 09:51 PM 發表
樓主, 勸你―句, 賭搏用多餘錢好la~
everyone know but I need to solve the problem now. I think I should borrow more money from others in order to get back the money.

原帖由 billyjean2005 於 2006-10-16 10:25 PM 發表

everyone know but I need to solve the problem now. I think I should borrow more money from others in order to get back the money.
Good Luck la~:022:

原帖由 billyjean2005 於 2006-10-16 10:25 PM 發表

everyone know but I need to solve the problem now. I think I should borrow more money from others in order to get back the money.
I borrowed money from my friends again but unfortunately, I lost again. What should I do now?

借啦借啦~~~睇下你幾時冇晒fd- -.......唔係我話你~賭唔起唔好賭咁大~~~

原帖由 kenol 於 2006-10-17 08:55 PM 發表
借啦借啦~~~睇下你幾時冇晒fd- -.......唔係我話你~賭唔起唔好賭咁大~~~
Thanks! But I have no other choice. Only borrow money and bet again. If I can win, I will repay all debts.
