原帖由 chengwinnie 於 2010-7-20 18:00 發表
但係女人其實適應力好強,我同教授分手後,再跟東方人上床都可以好high~ 最緊要對方識得點樣挑逗自己~~~
http://i1.hk/d/images/r10/m ...
From my close friends who have relation with 'Blacks' or 'Whites'.... they no longer can enjoy the 'high' with Asian man...
They 'pretend' to get 'High' as they have married to Asian man... sad that they have to live like this forever or they will be 'offtrack', this can be a tragedy
Glad and hope you are not the same as them..... or will not be the same as them....
本帖最後由 Martian@Earth 於 2010-7-21 07:14 PM 編輯 ]