原帖由 maymaychu8 於 2012-5-3 03:13 PM 發表 ok, what do you want me to teach you?
原帖由 高杉晉作 於 2012-5-3 17:21 發表 唔係重唔重要 係有定無咁解
原帖由 votreami 於 2012-5-3 17:23 發表 wow, it's a sex battle, and you peformed so well in the process... I admire you so much... :smile_40:
原帖由 bigdaddy169 於 2012-5-3 17:25 發表 :smile_o04: :smile_o04: :smile_o04:
原帖由 路經此地女 於 2012-5-3 17:37 發表 你唔好玩啦,p12有個ching見過你貼既相,話你鬼妹身材喎,我邊及得上一半呀:smile_o03:
原帖由 axauxx 於 2012-5-3 17:58 發表 Lucky John that he can be your first man. He was rewarded of what he did. Really jealous him. Just wonder whether your hubby knew it or not and how he responses about it. http://i1.hk/d/image ...
原帖由 63021 於 2012-5-3 21:20 發表 恭喜may may破處了:smile_47: :smile_47:
原帖由 63021 於 2012-5-3 21:36 發表 佢忍唔住想射呀:smile_47: :smile_47: