
自學生時期到現在的經驗 Update #12 # 23 #29

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回覆 20# Sampras730 的帖子

thank you, c hing

will try to update next week (cause I dont know how to type Chinese), i just "handwrite" in the past, and would definitely share more

or i can write in english (should be faster) if c hing doesnt mind

回覆 21# mlingmling12345 的帖子

you may written in English and we will google translate.

學生時期的經驗 Update #12 #23

Hi all C hing, sorry for my late sharing of personal stories

As shared, after my first sex with gf, we were having more and more closer touches, and I was always planning to have the 2nd chance of having sex

After few months, we finally got a chance to stay away from home, and we just told our family we were having camping with friends. Actually, we went to Cheung Chau “Tung Tei” and rented an unit for 1 night. I brought a porn video tape in advance, and my gf did not know.

As planned, we cooked and finished the dinner, and I suggested to have a walk at the beach, but I asked her to put on a windbreaker while just wearing a bra inside, and she followed.

We found a quiet place at the beach, and we kissed. While kissing, I zipped down her windbreaker, and asked her to lay down, and my hands were surfing on her chest. She moaned, and closed her eyes, seems she felt so comfortable and wanted more. Actually we wanted to have sex quickly but as we saw some people were still at beach far away, we were still too shy, and then we rushed back to the flat. After entering, we continued to kiss and quickly took off the clothing. I asked her to try kiss me as she liked, and when her lips getting closer to my penis, I held it and pointed to her lips, and she agreed to kiss it this time, I could not describe how I felt as this was amazing, and unforgettable. She sucked for almost 5 mins, and I said I wanted to kiss her pussy too, and we changed the position. I liked to lick her tiny hole and it’s getting wet quickly. She was trembling as she felt so excited, and I said I wanted to put in the penis now, and she didn’t say anything. This time, I put on the condom and entering inside her hole gently, doggie style for first time. I asked her to see herself through the mirror reflection. This was so great when she saw herself, being fucked by me. And she screamed loudly, as she didn’t need to hide her feelings now. After 15 mins, I was about to cum, and she asked for changing the position, she was on top of me while I was laying.

And after a while, I cum, and we were so tired. We didn’t watch the porn video that I prepared in advance, as this was no use at the end.

That night, we finished with 2 times, and then we left for home. However, due to a quarrel which drove us apart, our relationship just last for around 18 months. And I was so sad and took time for me to get recovered. Being single for 6 months, I got a chance to have a new experience, and I may share soon





我們在海灘上找到一個安靜的地方,我們接吻了。親吻時,我拉下了她的風衣,讓她躺下,我的手在她的胸前衝浪。她mo吟著,閉上了眼睛,似乎覺得自己很舒服,想要更多。實際上,我們想快速進行性愛,但是當我們看到有些人仍在很遠的海灘上時,我們仍然很害羞,然後我們趕回了公寓。進入後,我們繼續親吻並迅速脫下衣服。我請她嘗試按自己喜歡的方式親吻我,當她的嘴唇靠近我的陰莖時,我握住它並指向她的嘴唇,然後她同意親吻它,我無法形容我的感覺,因為這太神奇了,令人難忘。她吸了將近5分鐘,我說我也想吻她的貓,我們改變了立場。我喜歡舔她的小洞,洞很快就濕了。當她感到如此興奮時,她在發抖。我說我現在想放陰莖,但她什麼也沒說。這次,我戴上安全套,第一次以狗狗式進入她的洞內。我請她透過鏡面反射看到自己。當她看到自己被我性交時,這真是太好了。她大聲尖叫,因為她現在不需要隱藏自己的感情。 15分鐘後,我快要精疲力盡了,她要求改變姿勢,當我躺在床上時,她在我上面。



[ 本帖最後由 mlingmling12345 於 2020-5-11 19:04 編輯 ]

原帖由 mlingmling12345 於 2020-5-11 19:00 發表 查看引用來源
Hi all C hing, sorry for my late sharing of personal stories

As shared, after my first sex with gf, we were having more and more closer touches, and I was always planning to have the 2nd chance of ha ...

cause i type in english first, and then using google translate to change to chinese...


回覆 26# SaltWetGuy 的帖子

no la, we were too shy at that times...
of course, i wanted to , and just in my dreams


之後在大學三年間都不太敢拍拖,雖然都有casual dates , 但都係行下街睇戲嗰種,冇乜commitment 就好啲

大學第二年因為去O camp 幫手,有的fresh 入學女仔識到,但我那時仲好細膽、怕羞,所以就算有feel 都冇乜主動識人。

嗰年開學一個月左右,喺圖書館撞番個組女,佢叫阿Bee, 我當然記得佢因佢外型幾sharp, 高得嚟均勻,大約5尺6寸,上圍有33C(後來至知),當佢叫我時都幾開心,傾咗幾句知道大家讀嘅科差不多,所以佢都話有問題就搵我。


過幾日,bee 打俾我,話想問功課,咁我地約咗喺cafe 見,一傾就幾個鐘,到夜晚,我話不如一齊食,bee 唔得,我話陪佢番屋企,然後知bee 其實住我屋企相距15分鐘步行左右。

當晚之後,我膽粗粗 send SMS 俾 bee, 佢都有回履,覆幾次之後就傾下電話。Bee 原來去過第二度讀書,唔適應跟住返香港,好多嘢由頭適應過。住也是住在表姐屋企(因佢表姐一個人住),bee 打算讀完大學再算,bee 有個LD男朋友,關係一般,但叫做有e-mail, 電話聯絡。

我同阿bee 講佢覺得悶可以搵我,大家都叫住得近。在學校有時會見到Bee, 都係寒喧幾句,但一到夜晚大家就會傾得close 啲。

有一晩10pm 左右,傾電話我講起佢當日的衣著,因佢當日特別sharp, 緊身白tee, 格仔短裙,我同Bee 講其實我見到都好有反應,bee 問係乜,我話正常男仔見到冇可能唔望多兩眼,白tee加黑bra, 我下面都忍唔住硬咗。

Bee 笑咗一下,跟住問我平時有冇留意佢,我話有,但佢有男朋友就唔諗太多。bee 跟住話不如而家出街食宵夜,跟住我問佢係咪一個人,如果可以,我就上佢度。

Bee 話可以,我就買少少嘢食,加埋去7仔買套,買定先,唔知有冇機會用。上到去,都係食宵夜先,然後我話傾一陣,我熄咗少少燈,然後問


Bee: 不如唔好講呢様嘢住,你話我知你今日見到我諗緊乜?


Bee: 點解想咁做?


Bee: 咁你依家仲想唔想?


Bee 照做,我叫佢合埋眼,然後從後攬住佢條腰,佢「啊」咗一聲,跟住我細細力錫佢條頸,慢慢兩隻手由條腰向上移,隔住衫摸到個bra, 我見bee 冇抗拒我就攝入衫裏面摸,發現是前扣,仲方便,就解埋個扣。對手捽粒的,硬哂。

因bee 在家着短褲,我下面一早硬哂頂住佢個穴,我改以一隻手潛入條褲然後摸佢下面,bee 一路冇講過嘢。但其實每個step 我都有同佢講,佢冇抗拒才做

例如:我話我依家攝隻手入去、我依家會令妳好濕,佢冇say no 就當ok

企喺度搞咗一陣,我問bee 攰唔攰,我話不如坐低,我拖住佢埋sofa, 我先坐低及除咗條褲及底褲,bee 話真係硬哂喎。
我叫阿bee 面向我先,然後我除咗bee 條褲及底褲,跟住v 字腳坐上我到, 我feel 到佢下面好濕,然後佢個窿掂住我下面,冇入到,已經好high

跟住我降埋佢上面啲衫及Bra, fully naked , 我一路錫佢對波然後想入。入咗一半,佢問有冇套,慘,諗住冇套試下但唔得

我唯有喺褲袋攞盒套出嚟,上套,然後再入。Bee 「呀」咗一聲然後上咗電咁自已 un, 我只是配合佢,插咗幾分鐘我話轉位,因為bee 都有5尺6, 我想試下大家企喺度然後後入,咁樣我可以用手揸佢對波。轉位後由我做主動,bee 話未試過呢個體位,我仲加快速度,跟住幾分鐘後我都射咗。

但做完後,大家都未想停,我知道bee 下面仲有好多水流出,大家車咗一陣,bee 終於都有高潮。(嗰陣時至知佢未到,我快過佢)。休息咗一陣,大家準備沖涼。


