
Final update!~ 我竟然被女病人色誘 #1 #36 #62, 我和 ex #75, #88, #118, #134

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原帖由 Mald 於 2012-11-1 03:37 PM 發表 查看引用來源
you didnt put your career in jeopardy.  that could've been a trap would you've gone to her place.

a similar court case happened before in hk, the doc said it was his client seducing him in the fir ...
Exactly! That's why I am so conscious about this issue~

Part 3

其實 part 3 係我最後一次見佢。Part 2 既大約一個月後既 Friday,係小弟o既 last day。 Off duty 後,就同班同事去左間露天 bar飲野 farewell 我。講真,其實我唔鐘意煙酒。但係大家約我,唔去又好衰...就硬住頭皮去 (我成幾年無落過 Bar 架喇)...

其實小弟做野個 town好細,根本無幾多間 bar。可能我真係少飲酒,2 杯 cocktail 未夠就少少 Wing... 傾講期間,同事話我知有個女仔好似係咁望住佢。我轉頭,原來就係之前個少女...

我行過去寒暄幾句,佢好似好開心咁。可能我 Wing Wing o地,望住佢對眼我不自控講左句:「You are adorable... 」

之後佢一手攬住我頸,微笑一下。o係我耳邊說「Am I?」然後又攬我條腰...我又同佢一樣,雙手放一樣位置... 額頭掂額頭,鼻尖輕輕碰鼻尖。我閉住眼。。。

好彩我班同事即刻有人大叫,令我定一定神。我好溫柔咁講:「Don't take any party drugs anymore, not good for your health.」

「You are so sweet, you care about me?」她回答

「 I want you healthy and happy, sweet heart」我回應

她微笑道:「I won't do that anymore, darling. 」然後輕吻我咀角一下。

我輕輕吻過她的額頭,說著「Sweet. Enjoy the rest of your night, sweet heart.」我便回到同事堆中...

Sorry, 無大家期待既性愛片段... :p

Maybe 我下次出我同 ex 既淫亂生活 :smile_44:


haha wait for exciting part

回覆22 #的帖子



原帖由 anglux.lee 於 2012-11-1 01:39 PM 發表 查看引用來源

baby abduction 有咩咁好睇...??

Research on what?
我個research is on seductive drugs, propofol and ketamine. 我同我mentor想figure out whether propofol alone is better or a combination of propofol and ketamine is better.

我想睇下child abduction醫院會點應變同埋點解啲人要abduct個bb..

Good post

It's a great post doc!
I'm not in your profession.
If I experience the same few years ago, I guess I would do exactly of what you have done.
But I guess I changed in recently years, being more pro-active is sometimes not a bad thing, but of course, be safe and do your risk-assessment thoughtfully!

原帖由 anglux.lee 於 2012-11-1 04:28 PM 發表 查看引用來源
Part 3

其實 part 3 係我最後一次見佢。Part 2 既大約一個月後既 Friday,係小弟o既 last day。 Off duty 後,就同班同事去左間露天 bar飲野 farewell 我。講真,其實我唔鐘意煙酒。但係大家約我,唔去又好衰.. ...
