
[轉貼] Stunt GP/遙控汽車GP大賽(正式版) + 100% save!!!

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Stunt GP/遙控汽車GP大賽(正式版) + 100% save!!!

實實在在的一隻好game, 玩法特別, 亦算簡單.
唔想佢隨時間被人遺忘, 惟有重發.
相信市面冇零售版, Team17 亦停止左隻game的發展, 相信post 出來也無傷大雅.

Aero Blasters (凌空特技型)

Speed Demons (高速狂飆型)

Wild Wheels (越野飛馳型)

遊戲畫面 (Screenshots):

Use arrow to control, "Ctrl" button to accelerate with n2o,"shift"button to performs stunt at any edge of road, and to turn ingreaterdegree.

To use the save, just replace the files in the game directory.

