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RN 係 registered nurse. It is a nurse who has graduated from a nursing program and met the requirements outlined by a country or state licensing body in order to obtain a nursing license. So it is a professional status.

原帖由 人妻29 於 2015-7-29 03:24 AM 發表 查看引用來源

幾十年夫妻生捱, 總有波節, 你老公身體有需要比賤婦入到位啫,出面d女人攻心計好弪

女校收生嚴為人又正派, 你問下性板有幾多師兄老婆比豬佢食,你老公想揾雞容易, 揾你咁好難,你優細仍在喎

你有幾痛咪有幾愛個老公, 人返唔到啫, 發訊息聊天, 佢連聊天都嚴煩先作打算

It doesn't matter now really. Why look back? If you know what you are in for in this relationship, just go with it.

Sex is a pleasure, like having a good meal. If you don't want to dine alone you can always look for a dining partner that you enjoy to dine with.

Again I supposed everyone is different, provided that you are sane enough.

妳嗰邊都夜晚了,早啲休息,但要記住不能比Tom 在妳家過夜。
原帖由 人妻29 於 2015-7-29 10:29 AM 發表 查看引用來源
RN 係 registered nurse. It is a nurse who has graduated from a nursing program and met the requirements outlined by a country or state licensing body in order to obtain a nursing license. So it is a p ...

原帖由 molumolu 於 2015-7-29 10:30 AM 發表 查看引用來源

幾十年夫妻生捱, 總有波節, 你老公身體有需要比賤婦入到位啫,出面d女人攻心計好弪

女校收生嚴為人又正派, 你問下性板有幾多師兄老婆比豬佢食,你老公想揾雞容易, 揾你咁好 ...
[ 本帖最後由 已婚 於 2015-7-29 11:00 AM 編輯 ]

其實男女分開兩地一定會發生類似的事情. 大家都係成年人, 總有需要.
只是西方社會同中國社會不同. 自己看看方向吧. 目前最重要就是習慣同建立自己架財政最重要.

原帖由 人妻29 於 2015-7-29 06:42 AM 發表 查看引用來源
ust woke up...still have a hangover

Tom come over after work and bring a pizza, we it together and he drank beer, and I did not drink anymore. Too much alcohol in the past 18 hours already.

I asked him why he took advantage of me the first time...and he said he did not. He said he was trying to escort me home, but I was getting too drunk to even tell him my address. And I was all over him in the car, and so he thought I was a willing participant.

When we went to the motel he put me on the bed and went to pee, when he came back I was already passed out. He took off my clothes and finish up what we had started. So he claim he never really take advantage of me. It was just causal sex.

I was going through what I posted before I doze off, and OMG.....I write those things here....maybe I did seduce him when I was drunk and I did not even remember?

He asked why I am writing on the ipad...I told him I was talking to friends overseas who follow my story...but now pizza is done, he want me to quit the program and went into bed with him.
咁既大話你都信???借醉強姦完仲講到自己係好人咁,如果當初強姦完個良家婦女之後個女人仲肯做免費雞男人就緊係無所謂,但女人被個男人強姦唔單只唔憎佢仲繼續自願同佢做愛就真係不能理解。呢個唔單只係你自己既事,係會比到佢地錯覺 ---- 原來強姦亞裔女仔佢地唔單只唔會報警而且仲會成為自己既性奴,只會有更多女仔成為強姦受害者

原帖由 ktrqsaq 於 2015-7-29 12:03 PM 發表 查看引用來源
咁既大話你都信???借醉強姦完仲講到自己係好人咁,如果當初強姦完個良家婦女之後個女人仲肯做免費雞男人就緊係無所謂,但女人被個男人強姦唔單只唔憎佢仲繼續自願同佢做愛就真係不能理解。呢個唔單只係你自己既事,係 ...
根本29係中緊人計, 條友唔係好人, 重要test下個tom直唔宜信任喎?

根本樓主係正經人家, 唔係wet 妹唔識世界壞人多, 老強都有好人?

我同意 正經人家同出來wet的,真係兩個世界的人。
原帖由 feelsorry 於 2015-7-29 12:14 PM 發表 查看引用來源

根本29係中緊人計, 條友唔係好人, 重要test下個tom直唔宜信任喎?

根本樓主係正經人家, 唔係wet 妹唔識世界壞人多, 老強都有好人?
