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原帖由 人妻29 於 2015-7-28 11:32 PM 發表 查看引用來源
Yes...back at home by myself...just wake up with a terrible hangover headache....drink too much

We went to a club, Tom know the DJ and the HipHop singer who perform there (I think they grow up in t ...
你巳被佢食硬拍緊拖, 一步步入緊人地個圈套, 要散心都唔好比tom陪你 , 你識過其他朋友吧

國內夜遊版幾多師兄沉隻雞船, 幾多人妻離子散當初咪諗住玩下!

[ 本帖最後由 molumolu 於 2015-7-28 11:39 PM 編輯 ]


take care girl~!

原帖由 molumolu 於 2015-7-28 11:37 PM 發表 查看引用來源

你巳被佢食硬拍緊拖, 一步步入緊人地個圈套, 要散心都唔好比tom陪你 , 你識過其他朋友吧

國內夜遊版幾多師兄沉隻雞船, 幾多人妻離子散當初咪諗住玩下!
Why bother to go out to find another one and take more risk? Another random man no matter his is Chinese, White or Black can also be someone who try to gang rape me, sell me to his friends, force me to be a hooker and everything people here worry about.

It is not like I want a relationship and someone I can marry....just someone who can make me happy when I need him and Tom is doing that so far.

Not saying I am going to keep Tom forever, just not like I have to go shopping for another man tomorrow...when they show up they show up...and I shall share with all readers here.


黑鬼好勁:smile_34: 有冇相睇

Agree with29 and hope u can enjoy it

甘你同tom在toilet 做愛有無 use dom 因住中招

原帖由 人妻29 於 2015-7-28 11:44 PM 發表 查看引用來源

Why bother to go out to find another one and take more risk? Another random man no matter his is Chinese, White or Black can also be someone who try to gang rape me, sell me to his friends, force  ...
係換左其他人都會有危機, 但tom係危險人物, 即係好多師兄當初都係諗住玩下, 雞黎架我點會唔介意, 傾下傾下上左床, 人地又扮下慘搏同情, 又諗返轉頭我都叫唔小雞, 又人人有過去
慢慢就接受左, 老婆又c 下壓發下顛, 就咁頭家散左

tom有心裝你無心更係就晒你啦, 慢慢你就知

回覆 1329# 的帖子

tom以外你無其他朋友嗎? 與其係果邊孫零零, 又明知老公個心飛左隻雞到,唔開心 快d 返黎香港

你老公性技不如tom但係你重係想要佢多d , 遲下你老公迷戀個後生女, 人地又多妓巧, 你想搶返個老公唔易喎
