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沙咀美城酒樓對面茶餐廳,一下忘記像叫X樂軒,每次去食飯,那些妹仔企堂幾好傾,她們餐廳內日企到晚,人工雞碎,有件重幾索.又不受在兩邊企街龐大收入的誘惑,我佩服這幾個,人肯付出勞力唔一定要買身,亦可生存下去,有個細細粒,幾Q,叫做啊桂,有冇 ching 去吃飯時肯代我問候她們,說一我外國出完差送禮物及請她們食西餅,唔該。

[ 本帖最後由 lovetos 於 2008-11-19 03:20 PM 編輯 ]


calculate by yourself la. one day, average 10 x customers.

150 x 10 = 1500. so except their monthly holiday = 26 days. (YMB 39000).

prepare 40000 monthly la, Ching. but daily you have to ML 10 times to cover the expenses.

Why sinking??? I prefer daily new girls...

don't sink boat

原帖由 lovetos 於 2008-11-17 03:43 PM 發表 查看引用來源

沙咀美城對面茶餐廳,一下忘記像叫X樂軒,每次去食飯,那些妹 ...
問左佢要幾多就知道佢系好野 定 :smile_34: 啦 :smile_38: :smile_38: :smile_38:

I also recommend you not to sink:

Do you know the girl well?
Do you know whether she has bf?
Does she has any "problem"?
How she wants to live her life?
Does she want to quit the job and only "serve" you?
:smile_27: :smile_27:

原帖由 canon123 於 2008-11-17 04:46 PM 發表
calculate by yourself la. one day, average 10 x customers.

150 x 10 = 1500. so except their monthly holiday = 26 days. (YMB 39000).

prepare 40000 monthly la, Ching. but daily you have to ML 10  ...
my mate,I only go to 沙咀and go to the same mami for safety reason,as far as I understand there are so many girls and they only have 2 to 3 customer inweekday and may be5 at the weekend,they pay about50 forthe room and about 50 for there own mami,

回覆 6# 的帖子

she is quite frank,she want to make money,

回覆 4# 的帖子

playing for year and I thought I never will sink boat, this time I feel like to help one of the girl out,how it hapens is I know one mami so well she let stay  in the flat as long as I like,I usual come around 2 to 3 pm weekday quiet, this girl she always want to stay in bed longer and even felt to sleep after job done, becasue she told me she just doesn't want to sit inside the tiny shop downnstair with no air con to wait for customer ,  eventhoug she lay in bed naked, it is no fun keep playing her body while she felt to sleep and no rection,after a while  I felt to sleep myself as well and  when I wake up and  so as my little brother surprisingly , for my age about 50 I can never manage and doesn't  want to do the second time. but as I am here may as well wake  the girl up and she helped me to do the 2 times really nicely. and hold me to have a good rest after as well,I think the mami may have informed her this is a good customer before hand, anyyway I pay her well and she made me feel that I am alive again.  

mind you, life is so short,you only live once,  and you die for a long ong time

[ 本帖最後由 lovetos 於 2008-11-18 07:10 AM 編輯 ]

