
只招條件好, 素質高的女友,18-33歲又接受我35就得<有第個新post>

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原帖由 sabian 於 2008-10-30 12:45 AM 發表 查看引用來源

原帖由 doremiii 於 2008-10-29 05:32 PM 發表
should i beg for a lollipop like a little girl? haha
u know what, ill never be a little girl in the eye of the host, like he wont regard u as one
get what i mean?
u little tricky charmer :smile_40:

oh ya...
better call me cheap, low-quality
the host seems too good ... (to be true)
a bitch or demon like me never hv luck to be the princess charming in million years lol

[ 本帖最後由 wannabe 於 2008-10-30 09:04 AM 編輯 ]

原帖由 doremiii 於 2008-10-29 06:09 PM 發表
dun be offensive to ppl who are actually trying to help u out
theres no point repeating sth u dun feel like to listen, but that's the way to improve, by accepting diversity of opinion
sweetie, perhaps you and i shouldn't come in and sabotage his chance to expand his social circle

原帖由 吳華德 於 2008-10-29 06:24 PM 發表

don't know why, just every time i see you, offensive wars happen.
lets chill...
if i were you, i would embrace all the damn words and take them as compliments with one sentence "thx but no thx" as a response

it's funny that most of the time in order to get to know the other person better ppl cannot avoid conflict and getting into a fight sooner or later...what a shame! :smile_39:  (oops here goes my untamed sarcasm again)

anyway, be cool and hv fun here instead my dear

原帖由 wannabe 於 2008-10-30 09:03 AM 發表 查看引用來源

lets chill...
if i were you, i would embrace all the damn words and take them as compliments with one sentence "thx but no thx" as a response

it's funny that most of the time in order to get t ...
agree:smile_46: :smile_46:

原帖由 吳華德 於 2008-10-30 02:38 AM 發表 查看引用來源

張國榮?!:smile_14: :smile_14: :smile_14:

原帖由 wannabe 於 2008-10-30 09:03 AM 發表 查看引用來源

lets chill...
if i were you, i would embrace all the damn words and take them as compliments with one sentence "thx but no thx" as a response

it's funny that most of the time in order to get t ...
C兄/C姐,好明顯樓主既反應已經講左"thx but no thx"啦喎
你真係要佢寫"thx but no thx"先收貨呀?:smile_14:

原帖由 普普通通的人 於 2008-10-30 09:20 AM 發表

C兄/C姐,好明顯樓主既反應已經講左"thx but no thx"啦喎
你真係要佢寫"thx but no thx"先收貨呀?:smile_14:
ain't i blind or u?
if the host the seeker understands what the real meaning of the thx but not thx, he wouldn't overact and get pissed off ...

原帖由 wannabe 於 2008-10-30 09:40 AM 發表 查看引用來源

ain't i blind or u?
if the host the seeker understands what the real meaning of the thx but not thx, he wouldn't overact and get pissed off ...
C兄/C姐,坦白講,我都唔認同樓主既一D想法/立場,我只係奇怪,你咁緊張做乜?睇落我覺得係你overact and get pissed off,多過樓主喎 少D用D "offensive"既字眼,大家傾下計之嘛,何必一定要人認同自己呢?所以,我唔要求你講”thx but no thx”咖

原帖由 普普通通的人 於 2008-10-30 09:51 AM 發表 查看引用來源

C兄/C姐,坦白講,我都唔認同樓主既一D想法/立場,我只係奇怪,你咁緊張做乜?睇落我覺得係你overact and get pissed off,多過樓主喎 少D用D "offensive"既字眼,大家傾下計之嘛,何必一定要人 ...
早晨, 謝謝!
