
只招條件好, 素質高的女友,18-33歲又接受我35就得<有第個新post>

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原帖由 多利士 於 2008-10-29 04:24 PM 發表 查看引用來源

有幾多都好, 唔多唔少岩岩好.. 吳華德都話多多真係唔話得...^^

原帖由 cashierr 於 2008-10-29 10:49 AM 發表

你地好衰...  :smile_19:
it seems that the lolly talk bugged u ... :smile_14:
alright ... will try to give the host the benefit of the doubt and leave more constructive cm (no guarantee tho)

原帖由 吳華德 於 2008-10-29 03:46 PM 發表

邊句想答咪答, 唔想答咪唔使理囉.. 網上世界係咁架.. 句句要去理實激死..
its always good to keep a close lit to the temper and dun let the ugly side show off in front of all the potential candidates, isnt it?

instead of teasing and bashing you, lets share one story which i came across on the internet:

9月20日遇到一個10年前識的地產靚女 J, 第一個物業便是我和她一齊時, 經她買的.
J 知道我單身之後, 安慰了我一陣, 然後對我說:"你放心, 你是一個M字損盤... 我介紹女仔俾你啦, 大把人要..."
哎, 想不到她也在取笑我的"M"字頭!
我說:"不, 我和她一齊十二年半了! 我是她的第一次, 她也是我的第一次... 妳... 明白嗎? 從來沒想過要去認識別的女孩... 這一年半以來, 為她哭了過百次了..."
她說:"你看開一點吧, 女人和男人很不同的; 女人變了心, 很絕的, 不會再回來的了..."
我聽著聽著, 眼又紅了, 一滴眼淚流了下來...
這年半以來, 哭了過百次了! 妳知道嗎...

host, questions for you: what you do think about this story? can you tell why the 12-year relationship vanish into the thin air?

look forward to hearing your point of view

[ 本帖最後由 wannabe 於 2008-10-29 05:45 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 wannabe 於 2008-10-29 04:59 PM 發表 查看引用來源

no hidden message or implication whatsoever!
sweetie, i honestly think the host will buy you a lollipop upon your request :smile_40:
only an 'easy-job' at the end of the day
isn't it, host?
should i beg for a lollipop like a little girl? haha
u know what, ill never be a little girl in the eye of the host, like he wont regard u as one
get what i mean?

原帖由 wannabe 於 2008-10-29 05:26 PM 發表 查看引用來源

its always good to keep a close lit to the temper and dun let the ugly side show off in front of all the potential candidates, isnt it?

instead of teasing and bashing you, lets share one story  ...
frankly, i just like the way u deliver the msgs:smile_40:

原帖由 吳華德 於 2008-9-20 12:55 AM 發表 查看引用來源
對自己有信心的女仔, 對未來充滿理想的女仔, 才好 add 我.. 唔該哂...

將來真係一齊左, 所建立的家庭自然不會太差.. 所生的小朋友質素都會高d... 我絕對相信, 有相同想法, 好識 ...
既然有所要求, 我點都有返咁上下! 點解? 因為...
否則, 遇到咁的女仔, 我都留不住啦, 岩嗎? 好易理解的!


原帖由 wannabe 於 2008-10-29 05:26 PM 發表 查看引用來源

its always good to keep a close lit to the temper and dun let the ugly side show off in front of all the potential candidates, isnt it?

instead of teasing and bashing you, lets share one story  ...
一句答哂: 緣盡.
反問下妳自己.. 妳點解拍左幾次拖, 唔可以一次過, 點解分左幾次手..
唔使講, 一定係妳花心, 妳衰, 妳一定有問題!!! 好心妳改善下, 反省下點解別人可以維持十幾年, 而妳無一次係得...

原帖由 吳華德 於 2008-10-29 05:59 PM 發表 查看引用來源

一句答哂: 緣盡.
反問下妳自己.. 妳點解拍左幾次拖, 唔可以一次過, 點解分左幾次手..
唔使講, 一定係妳花心, 妳衰, 妳一定有問題!!! 好心妳改善下, 反省下點解別人可以維持十幾年, 而妳無一次係得...
man, that isnt referring to herself

原帖由 doremiii 於 2008-10-29 06:03 PM 發表 查看引用來源
man, that isnt referring to herself
Mi... 講真妳邊次說話唔係帶刺的?
既然妳唔岩睇就咪入來睇嘛... 無人叫妳地一定要留言架...
識妳年幾都仲係咁.. 哎... :smile_42:

原帖由 吳華德 於 2008-10-29 06:07 PM 發表 查看引用來源

Mi... 講真妳邊次說話唔係帶刺的?
既然妳唔岩睇就咪入來睇嘛... 無人叫妳地一定要留言架...
識妳年幾都仲係咁.. 哎... :smile_42:
dun be offensive to ppl who are actually trying to help u out
theres no point repeating sth u dun feel like to listen, but that's the way to improve, by accepting diversity of opinion
