
About what Angela did........

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About what Angela did........

Hi!! All!! This's Kathy and used to post my story here.  Of course, I knew Angela but can't figure out why you guys here push her to the edge.  With no doubt, she did somethin' wrong, 唔明你o地點會講一 d 咁 rude, 咁毒o既說話.....有人話佢 bitch, or even some called her 'eat shit!' like........Why???  Why u guys did that? Did she say kinda rude to u all verbally....huh!!  點解你o地要咁對 Angela!  我都有post my story and photos at other forum, of course, my story 's real.  係唔係我要將 all I belong to 講比你地聽; 我都有 post 過相, frankly, 40 %'s faked, but mostly real, cos I'm gettin' older day by day, and personally dun mind shared my image of golden age to all I dun recognize.  我要講o既係, mostly 呢度大部份o既 net friends 都好 friendly, 但唔識 respect 人o既人....你o地做o既野, 好似用緊把刀殺緊人咁.....Hope u guys....mind ur speech!!  This's actually I wanna say!!  

support:smile_38: :smile_38: :smile_38:

請問... 發生咩事? :smile_41:

原帖由 waiwaiwai3 於 2008-12-23 12:31 PM 發表
support:smile_38: :smile_38: :smile_38:

回覆 3# 的帖子


事實上D網友有D說話又真係過激咗既:smile_13: :smile_13:

哎呀~ 網上的東東~ 你信既 咪係真囉~ 你唔信既 咪看一看笑一笑囉~
何必出言傷人呢 :smile_45:



何必執著真假呢 ???

分享過, 快樂過便算吧....

[ 本帖最後由 superlady1221 於 2008-12-23 01:01 PM 編輯 ]

