
[系統及改善] Vista Manager 1.5.7 讓你的系統變得更苗條、更快、更安全

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Vista Manager 1.5.7 讓你的系統變得更苗條、更快、更安全

【軟體名稱】:Vista Manager 1.5.7
【檔案大小】:6.01 MB
Vista 總管是優化和設置Windows Vista的軟件,它裡面集成了超過20個不同的功能,它會讓你的系統變得更苗條、更快、更安全以及更個性化!

掃描並清除一些垃圾文件,多餘的墻紙 、屏保文件以及其它國家的語言文件以減少硬盤空間的浪費;清理您註冊表中的一些無效、無用的鍵值以及不正確的鏈接,並且刪除它們;卸載及註銷安裝程序;在註冊表中搜索無用的類型庫文件.
自定義自啟動項目;個性化鼠標右鍵菜單內容;自定義系統桌面、菜單、工具欄及通知區域的許多功能,更改Windows登錄圖案 ;自定義您的OEM信息.
您可以提高系統桌面、菜單、控制面板及windows登錄的安全性,打開系統隱藏的參數設置,關閉系統自動升級及錯誤報告;隱藏或限制訪問驅動器,限制指定的應用程序運行,在資源管理中 偽裝文件夾,改變系統文件夾的位置;刪除很多組件的歷史記錄以防止別人查看.
列舉出了Windows中的一些有用命令集合,方便您的調用;定時關機、註銷、重啟 、待機及休眠您的計算機;將任意的Windows程序界面應用系統模板;加密/解密以及粉碎文件以提高安全性.

Features and Benefits of Vista Manager:
- Information. Get detailed system and all hardware information on yoursystem; show all detailed information of running processes and threadson your machine; Vista Manager offers 1-clicking cleans your systemautomatically.
- Optimizer. Tweak your system to improve windows startup and shutdownspeed; tweak your hardware to increase system speed and performance.
- Cleaner. Find out which files or folders engross your disk space andshown with chart; Find and clean junk files to increase Hard Diskspace; Duplicate Files Finder can scan your computer for files with thesame size, name and modification time; Registry Cleaner can easilychecks your registry and repair incorrectly linked registry entries,automatically remove invalid entries; Registry Defrag rebuilds andre-indexs your registry to reduce application response time andregistry access time.
- Customization. Control what is started on Windows startup; editcontext menus of mouse Right-Clicking; customize system desktop, menus,toolbar and notifications settings; automatically change your desktopwallpaper on background.
- Security. You can improve desktop, menus, Windows logon securities,and enable numerous hidden performance options of system, disablesystem updates and error reports; hide and restrict to access drives,specify which applications are not allowed to be executed on yourcomputer; encrypt/decrypt and shred files, change the location ofsystem folders; Privacy Protector can maintain your personal privacy byeliminating the tracks that you leave behind; create lots ofrandomization password once.
- Network. Optimize your Internet connection speed, manage all shares items; tweak your Internet Explorer easily.
- Misc. Utilities. Show the collection of Windows utilities; help youfind out the installation key of Windows, Office products; shutdownyour PC or remind you automatically.

Changes in Vista Manager 1.5.7, 9/26/2008:
- Privacy Protector updated to v2.1
- Task Scheduler Manager updated to v2.0
- Add the MSC file type fix, add some tweaks
- Registry Cleaner updated to v3.2
- Duplicate Files Finder updated to v3.1
HomePage - http://www.yamicsoft.com/vistamanager/index.html


