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原帖由 rigby 於 2014-6-3 04:51 PM 發表 查看引用來源

I can't say whether it is a good idea or else.

(1) 子版增設必須通知該區的分區版主作研究.

(2) whether we've enough viewers/posters to sustain 子版增設

(3) 百川納海,有容乃大。 子版增設 is reasonable when this zone becoming too crowded.  Otherwise, we're no longer an open forum ... we'll become 小圈子遊戲 !
Thank you for consider my suggestion, of course we understand you will need to 通知該區的分區版主作研究.  As a member of the forum, we don't want to see any admin to has too much power to do whatever he want, whenever he want too.

關於第二同第三點, 小弟嘅睇法係...

就好似去唱K咁, 如我想唱葉倩雯嘅"劉金發歲月", 又或者梅姐嘅"似是故人來", 我都可以用分類選擇真接選歌, 唔需要scroll過晒Twins嗰D垃圾歌先... 點解香討睇文章唔可以呢?

唱K都有分開粤語, 國語, 英文, 日文, 泰文...  咁有泰文嘅歌係唔係小圈子呢?  應該唔算係囉, 因為個個都可以選, 你喜歡就得, 閂埋房門無人會理你識唔識泰文...

個forum依然係open, 多人去睇某一個子版, 而唔去另一個並唔等於係"小圈子遊戲", 只係大家用行動投票, 佢哋鍾意邊樣多D.

希望大家可以workout 到一個版主又易做, 作家又歡迎嘅solution啦.

[ 本帖最後由 king57721 於 2014-6-3 06:03 PM 編輯 ]



原帖由 king57721 於 2014-6-3 05:43 PM 發表 查看引用來源

Thank you for consider my suggestion, of course we understand you will need to 通知該區的分區版主作研究.  As a member of the forum, we don't want to see any admin to has too much power to do whate ...
唱K is a good example - becoz they got a lot of songs therefore they 用分類選擇真接選歌, 唔需要scroll過晒Twins嗰D垃圾歌先...

(Q) 點解香討睇文章唔可以呢?  

(A) Becoz we don't have a lot of 文章

For the entire month of May 2014, there were only 300 new posts + 3043 replies.

Is this kind of traffic is good enough for Senior Admin to 開子版 ?  ... may be a bit too thin.

(Q) 唱K都有分開粤語, 國語, 英文, 日文, 泰文...  咁有泰文嘅歌係唔係小圈子呢?

(A) as I mentioned as above, if we're "over-crowded", 分開子版應該唔算係小圈子 but from practical need for efficiency.  

Please remember one thing, before Feb 2014, this zone was infested by Advertising Posts therefore effectively KILLED most of the traffic.

For the entire month of Jan 2014, there were only 64 new posts + 1547 replies.

After I've became Admin in Mar 2014 & focus on fighting Ads, the traffic slowly grow back to normal.  & it need more time for the traffic to grow to the point that Senior Admin would consider 開子版.

It is my personal opinion - given as the current traffic loading, 開子版等於係"小圈子遊戲" & a misuse of forum resource.

Anyway, I've already forwarded your suggestion on 版主會議室 & let's see how it goes.

連發五炮   勁    万分支持'

盜版行為   实屬不智


原帖由 rigby 於 2014-6-3 09:19 PM 發表 查看引用來源

唱K is a good example - becoz they got a lot of songs therefore they 用分類選擇真接選歌, 唔需要scroll過晒Twins嗰D垃圾歌先...

(Q) 點解香討睇文章唔可以呢?  

(A) Becoz we don't have a  ...
明白, 而且會尊重眾版主相討之後嘅決定.

我最後只係想講, 而家的確唔係有好多"本地原創"文章, 但係我哋無人可以好肯定咁話, 改版之後新嘅生態環境下, 唔會吸引到更多有興趣作者post文, 又或者現有
非常感謝版主們出嚟回posts. :smile_o12:

[ 本帖最後由 king57721 於 2014-6-4 01:39 AM 編輯 ]

支持版主正視問題, 支持各版友提出寶貴意見 :smile_o12:

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