
沉船沉到無得救 :我和她在深圳的故事(Update:P.23,P.34,add details P.52)

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回#852 mudullmic 師兄:你講開呢樣,我今日聽到件事真係火能滾!個故事開頭咪有個B同我果個一齊住。今晚我同我果個講開電話,佢話B成日同佢講又話香港唔得生活壓力大(佢地都黎過香港),又話我地香港人住屋?租屋好無面(不過我果個已知係香港住屋?好正常因為佢有個Fd長駐香港的),跟住就話我去北京果時我無咩買過夜俾C份人好現實(睇返前文,我地係四人行)所以有D唔係禁鐘意我,又話永遠都唔去沙咀玩話果度爛又Cheap(我同我D fd同我果個成日去沙咀玩的)。跟住就同C講話係都返去嫁個有錢人有樓有車。其實呢D我不紐都知知地,不過今次講得極多極詳細。我果個當然成日俾佢吹眠都不為所動,因為佢都知阿B係高傲果批(話說佢阿媽係四川做官,屬高幹子弟果批,唔知因為佢原本條仔炒?左股票佢先傻下傻下帶埋我果個黎深圳),呢個佢同另一個Fd都認同,只不過現階段我果個唔知點同B交代會繼續留係深圳因為佢地原先落黎果時約定一年之後搵夠一齊返四川,仲要係同我呢個香港人一齊。不過我心想,你憑咩睇唔起我地香港人,我地賺既一分一毫都係靠我地自己既努力!你就算同我同我個Fd A去沙咀玩都係我同我個Fd俾錢架啦!我都未因為你係大陸人而睇唔起你!禁巴閉就唔好淨係識坐台賺男人錢同淨係想點樣嫁個有錢老公…淨係識林點樣依附男人。(純粹發泄,另提點各位師兄沈都唔好沈呢D船)

回#853 lennoxchan c hing. Thx very much for yr opinion. From my observation, she treat her family members very good. She also live with her mather in a just factory dormitory (very dirty and small place) in the early oct national holiday. In fact, in serveral years ago, her father and mather was divorced and her father even agreed to give up everything in the house including her in law. But this time when she came back she also visited her father with me...btw, wts the purpose if I re-visit her family in case to test her activities if she treat her family members well? Pls advice. Thx!

回 #858 masato1882師兄…無咩,純粹個人感覺問題…

please give me more time for read

回#859 Q女殺手,應該等唔到,我最少都同佢住多半年,即係最少都差唔多大半年之後,到時都唔知呢個Post仲係唔係度…

回#860 cpmiraton師兄,還未找到,你有好介紹?

原帖由 wwkin216 於 2009-10-24 00:25 發表
回#852 mudullmic 師兄:你講開呢樣,我今日聽到件事真係火能滾!個故事開頭咪有個B同我果個一齊住。今晚我同我果個講開電話,佢話B成日同佢講又話香港唔得生活壓力大(佢地都黎過香港),又話我地香港人住屋?租屋好 ...
dont expect to get love from this type of woman...
her value is based on money, nothing else! it doesnt worth a cent!
basically, u can just fuck her and say your pussy is stink but you sucked a good dick!!

re #867 masato1982 c hing. It is caused 深圳 is a really fucking city which will change one's mind to absolutly materialism. I must clarify that it is not the one I know in the very beginning, but jus time oassed by she changed like that time by time. I have nothin to say and regret to see that. Luckily my gal is not like that, or I will disappoint to die.

原帖由 wwkin216 於 2009-10-24 01:00 AM 發表 查看引用來源
re #867 masato1982 c hing. It is caused 深圳 is a really fucking city which will change one's mind to absolutly materialism. I must clarify that it is not the one I know in the very beginning, but jus ...
Your girlfriend will make you regret the die is only a matter of time. The beginning of each love is beautiful. After all, different cultural traditions, but will make her change.

