原帖由 Hurt_Locker 於 2015-3-24 07:56 PM 發表 This is an example, and I would feel the same if the partner is you
原帖由 lazygirl2004 於 2015-3-24 07:59 PM 發表 OH明白:smile_40:
原帖由 Hurt_Locker 於 2015-3-24 08:45 PM 發表 I find you interesting Do I deserve to have your personal contact, so that I can know you more in private
原帖由 lazygirl2004 於 2015-3-24 09:32 PM 發表 我好怕醜架:smile_13:應該會嚇親你
原帖由 Hurt_Locker 於 2015-3-24 09:45 PM 發表 I have my limitations too so no worry. Anyway, if you really prefer to have our contacts on this forum, I will not push you. I am awaiting your PM.
原帖由 lazygirl2004 於 2015-3-24 09:50 PM 發表 HEHE...其實你邊度返黎?:smile_40:
原帖由 Hurt_Locker 於 2015-3-24 09:51 PM 發表 The UK, why ask so Does a British-born Chinese appeal to you haha
原帖由 lazygirl2004 於 2015-3-24 10:03 PM 發表 我都估你係 UK:smile_34: banana 係HK大把MARKET啦~:smile_40:
原帖由 lazygirl2004 於 2015-3-24 07:31 PM 發表 嘩...梗係啦,有FEEL同冇FEEL差好遠:smile_o05:
原帖由 Hurt_Locker 於 2015-3-24 10:07 PM 發表 Then what if I find you as the core of the market