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原帖由 piggy3616 於 2009-8-2 06:43 PM 發表

Finally mother bought Canon camera, cost 1,880. 10M Pixel.
We didn't buy that $99 DVD player.  Sales said that was toy grade.  Another one, cost $199, we can buy that at any time, so we prefer no ...
For DC, Canon one is the best as far as I can tell ( Best quality/price ratio )

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-8-2 06:44 PM 發表 查看引用來源

The result was good
Just that guy may not have interest at you
It's a good opening though
But that was around 3 years ago........ long time la....

Just curious to know, any one of you get First Aid Certificate?

I have to renew my St. John Ambulance First Aid Certificate next month ............ have to attend a Full Day Course......... then spend a night for examination.
Time to cut my nail again.... and to watch the VCD to practise on how to handle the bandage........ and CPR.
Have to renew this Certificate every 3 years....... if not renew ...... then when want to get the Certificate again...... have to attend 30 hours course.

The purpose of learning First Aid is....... I never know whether I will use it or not..... but posses this knowledge is better than not knowing..... at least, there is a little chance to help other, if there is such circumstances........

Few days ago, a young boy was eating 'Fish Ball', then suddenly the Fish Ball struck on his throat...... but no one knew how to save him.  Newspaper said a woman carried out CPR for him, but another man stopped her, challenging whether she was doing the right thing or not.  The boy was sent to hospital afterward.  If anyone knowing First Aid (know the correct way on how to save the boy), they should be able to help him.  I wish he is alright.

[ 本帖最後由 piggy3616 於 2009-8-2 07:13 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-8-2 06:44 PM 發表 查看引用來源

The result was good
Just that guy may not have interest at you
It's a good opening though
I know that...... you don't need to remind me again......

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-8-2 06:54 PM 發表 查看引用來源

For DC, Canon one is the best as far as I can tell ( Best quality/price ratio )
Well, my mother likes Canon and I agree with whatever she picks.
If buy anything she doesn't like........ she will throw it later..........

原帖由 piggy3616 於 2009-8-2 08:43 PM 發表

Finally mother bought Canon camera, cost 1,880. 10M Pixel.
We didn't buy that $99 DVD player.  Sales said that was toy grade.  Another one, cost $199, we can buy that at any time, so we prefer no ...
Today I also bought a Panansonic DC Camera 8M Pixel for HK$900. Very good value, with 4G SD memory card for another $120.
I dont need to take high definition pictures so 8M is good enough for me now.

原帖由 piggy3616 於 2009-8-2 09:05 PM 發表

Well, my mother likes Canon and I agree with whatever she picks.
If buy anything she doesn't like........ she will throw it later..........
I had 2 Canon carmeras already and want to try different brand. So I buy Panasonic this time.

原帖由 koala0824 於 2009-8-2 07:23 PM 發表 查看引用來源

Today I also bought a Panansonic DC Camera 8M Pixel for HK$900. Very good value, with 4G SD memory card for another $120.
I dont need to take high definition pictures so 8M is good enough for me ...
I taught my mother on how to use that camera.  Hope she is still remember tomorrow!

原帖由 piggy3616 於 2009-8-2 07:03 PM 發表 查看引用來源

But that was around 3 years ago........ long time la....

Just curious to know, any one of you get First Aid Certificate?

I have to renew my St. John Ambulance First Aid Certificate next mont ...
Oh well
My bro got the First Aid cert
But i can tell, or he told me
He is not dare to do First Aid even so
Too risky without frequent practise
It's one's life

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-8-2 07:35 PM 發表 查看引用來源

Oh well
My bro got the First Aid cert
But i can tell, or he told me
He is not dare to do First Aid even so
Too risky without frequent practise
It's one's life
If no Doctor and no nurse around, anyone who has First Aid knowledge, should save the boy.
If the Fish ball remain there, he can't breath, his brain will be damaged and he may die eventually.
When I was watching that news from TV, I felt quite upset for why no one could save the boy.

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-8-2 09:35 PM 發表

Oh well
My bro got the First Aid cert
But i can tell, or he told me
He is not dare to do First Aid even so
Too risky without frequent practise
It's one's life
I had First Aid Certificate but was long time ago and I have never renw it.
Though I can remember what to do but never have the chance to practise so I dont think I would try if someone is in emergency.
