
[其他及另類] ~免費軟件收集帖 ~ 15/April/2009 更新

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**刪除隱私程式, 刪除了就無法復原, 就算用救資料軟件也不可行, 所以用之前請三思是否有這需要才可**
Sure Delete、Eraser、File Shredder、Disk Redactor、Dariks Boot and Nuke、Active@ Kill Disk
[軟件名稱] Sure Delete
[相關網站] http://www.softpedia.com/get/Security/Secure-cleaning/Sure-Delete.shtml
[應用平台] Windows NT/2000/9.x/ME/XP/Vista

When you delete files in Windows by moving them into Recycle Bin all the data remain on your hard disk. Windows just mark file s location asfree. What does this mean ? This means that anyone with proper softwarecan recover this data. Ask yourself this question "Do I want everyone to see what I've done on this computer? " What you need is Sure Delete.Sure Delete is a tool for Windows based computers to completely removedata from your hard drive. No more worrying if your sensitive data canbe recovered. No more headaches. Sure Delete offers a file shredder aswell as HD cleaner

[軟件名稱] Eraser (Vista 用家安裝時請 Run as administrator)
[官方網站] http://www.heidi.ie/eraser/download.php
[應用平台] Windows2000/2003/XP/Vista


[軟件名稱] File Shredder
[官方網站] http://www.fileshredder.org/
[應用平台] Windows All

File Shredder 是一套免付費的軟體,檔案大小約1.15MB,安裝便利、操作也很簡單。安裝只要利用加入檔案或資料匣的方式,選擇要完全清除的檔案或資料匣。
這套軟體具備5種不同的檔案覆寫等級,包含簡單的單次與兩次複寫,以及合乎美國國防部標準的「DoD 5220-22.M」,或是7次複寫的「NSA」與35次複寫的最高粉碎等級「Guttman」。

[軟件名稱] UltraWipe
[相關網站] http://www.snapfiles.com/get/ultrawipe.html
[應用平台] Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista

UltraWipe is a utility that enables complete removal of sensitive data from the hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns while protection your privacy and recovering disk space at the same time. You can quickly select common file types like browser cache, temp files and others - but also add your custom entries as well. The program comes with an "Urgent Wipe" features that enables a "panic button" which will instantly delete a user defined range of files by either pressing the tray icon or a keyboard shortcut. UltraWipe includes a scheduler which can use to automate the wiping process. In addition to cleaning up the browser s cache, cookies, history, recent document list and custom entries, UltraWipe can also wipe free space, DRAM and much more!

[軟件名稱] Disk Redactor
[官方網站] http://www.cezeo.com/
[應用平台] Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista

Disk Redactor 讓你可以清除所選擇硬碟驅動器上的自由空間,因此可以覆寫任何先前刪除的檔,使得恢復困難或者不可能。該軟體將不會刪除任何現有的檔,它只清除已經被 刪除(但是能夠被資料恢復程式恢復)過的檔。Disk Redactor 會保留一個驅動器最後的16K空間,如果你正在清理一個系統驅動器(通常是 C 盤)那麼就應該選擇該選項。該軟體支援單一覆寫或者為增強安全性雙重覆寫功能。

[軟件名稱] Dariks Boot and Nuke (DBAN)
[官方網站] http://www.dban.org/
[應用平台] Windows 3.x/95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP

Darik's Boot and Nuke (DBAN) 是一款免費的硬碟資料消除軟體,使用者只需要將它下載回去,就能夠將它存放於磁片或光碟之中,等到需要時,可以使用它直接開機,並且自動為你清除硬碟中的所有資料,讓有心人士無跡可循。

這樣的軟體最常被應用於電腦回收業者,或者是想要賣出舊硬碟的人,因為硬碟裏存放的資料,可不是單存的刪除就真的一乾二淨的喔,他們是有被還原的可能性的。因此,下次要淘汰你的舊電腦之前,記得先使用 DBAN 把硬碟可清除乾淨,以免個人資料不小心外泄。

[軟件名稱] Active@ Kill Disk ( 分 Professional 同 Free )
[官方網站] http://www.killdisk.com/
[應用平台] Windows (All)

Active@ Kill Disk is a powerful and compact DOS utility that allows youto destroy all data on hard and floppy drives completely, excluding anypossibility of future recovery of deleted files and folders. If you useFDISK, FORMAT utilities, or DELETE standard operating system commandfor data removal, there is always a chance to recover them and useagainst owner s will. The program conforms to US Department of Defenseclearing and sanitizing standard DoD 5220.22-M. Active KillDisk workswith any computer, that is capable of booting into DOS mode from afloppy drive. It uses access to the drives data on a physical level viaBIOS bypassing logical drive structure organization, thus it does notmatter what operating systems and file systems are used on the machine.To use the software, simply copy it to a bootable floppy and insert itwhen you boot - do not try this unless you want to wipe your drive! Anoptional Pro version is available with even greater destruction levels.

[ 本帖最後由 isobel 於 2009-4-4 01:31 PM 編輯 ]

注意 : 此類監控軟件大部份都需要設定 [密碼] 亦會要求輸入 [電郵地址], 如需移除軟件, 同樣是需要輸入安裝時所輸入的  [密碼], 所以, 請家長會員緊記  [密碼].

Crawler ParentalControl 、ParentalControl Bar
[軟件名稱] Crawler Parental Control (家長監控軟件)
[官方網站] http://www.crawlerparental.com/
[相關網站] http://www.softpedia.com/Crawler-Parental-Control.shtml
[應用平台] Windows 2K/XP
注意:本軟體不建議跟 ZoneAlarm Internet Security 一起安裝。
Page 5 #65 有擷圖分享 >> #65 Crawler Parental Control (家長監控軟件)

Program Features
CrawlerParental Control's easy-to-use application provides youwithcomprehensive control of user activity on your computer.CrawlerParental Control gives you a perfect overview of yourchildren'sactivity on your computer and allows you to individualize andrestricttheir actions and time spent at the computer.

*Content Control (內容管制)
Have control over the content that comes into your home or office by customizing the content you want to filter and individualizing thec ontent accessible to every single user. Prevent your childrenfromaccessing porn sites and using your credit card for unauthorized onlines hopping.
*Time Control (時間管制)
Determine how much time yourkids and users of your computer can spendonline and using yourcomputer. Set different time limits and periodsduring which user canaccess your computer and get connected to theInternet. Don't let youremployees spend their worktime by browsing onthe websites they do notneed for their work.
*Usage Logging and Email Notifications (使用日誌記錄和電郵通知)
Monitoronline and offline use of your computer even when you're not athome orin the office. User activity reports are stored on yourcomputer and canbe sent to your email address so you can access therecord from any web browser at any time.
*Application Usage Restrictions (應用程式的使用限制)
Decidewhat applications can be used by users of your computer. Do youwant to prevent your kids or employees from using instant messaging,P2P andother applications? Crawler Parental Control is ready to helpyou!
*System Restrictions (系統限制)
Prevent your children and other users of your computer from installing unwanted and potentially harmful software and uninstalling applicationsthat youneed to use. Stop unauthorized access to your important files andi ncompetent changes to your system and security settings.
*User-friendly Interface (介面操作容易)
CrawlerParental Control is very intuitive and easy to use, so you don't have tobe a computer expert to handle it. If you still have questions after trying it out, you'll find answers in our detailed Helpsection. Our support team is also available seven days a week.

[軟件名稱] ParentalControl Bar
[官方網站] http://www.parentalcontrolbar.org/
[應用平台] Windows 98/ME/2000/XP (Internet Explorer 5.5+/Firefox 1.5+/Safari 10.4+)

完成安裝後,ParentControl Bar 便會即時過濾IE輸入的網址,如果是已知的色情網頁,程式會馬上彈出警告視窗,須輸入密碼﹑轉為家長模式開啟。要是 ParentalControl Bar 錯誤地把正當的網站誤辨為不良網頁的話,用家可把該網加入允許的清單。用家也能把「漏網之魚」加入禁止清單。

1. 加入密碼防止擅改
用家在安裝 ParentalControl Bar 後,工具列會馬上在IE出現。經過預設,ParentalControl Bar 會以「Child-Mode」(兒童模式)來啟動,因此用家在安裝程式時,需要先輸入密碼啟用「Parent-mMode」(家長模式)或修改設定。

2. 不良網頁即時過濾

3. 自定清單及過濾標準
用家也可按下工具列上的「Change Parental Settings」按鈕,自定禁止及允許的網站清單,又可更改程式過濾網站的標準,控制IE可瀏覽的網站內容。建議用家把Google加入允許清單,否則會無法使用此搜尋網絡。

[ 本帖最後由 isobel 於 2009-4-4 01:31 PM 編輯 ]

3D Graphics Tools
POV-Ray、Google Sketchup、Now3D、Browz 3D、Sweet Home 3D、Wings 3D、3D Canvas、Blender、LeoCAD、Anim8or
[軟件名稱] Google Sketchup (注意 : 安裝完成前會問用家是否安裝 Toolbar 及將 google 設為首頁, 請用家自行決定是否安裝)
[官方網站] http://sketchup.google.com/
[應用平台] Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista

使用 Google SketchUp 不需要學習複雜的指令碼,因為它內建工具集及智慧導引系統,我們可以很直覺地以線條架構模型,以及繪製曲線、移動牆壁(平面)、拖曳平面建立立體模型,或者延伸與縮小尺寸、變更材質等。

[軟件名稱] Now3D
[官方網站] http://digilander.libero.it/giulios/Eng/Index.htm
[應用平台] Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP

Now3D 的操作畫面切成六個視窗,分別提供你不同的視野角度、著色與檔管理,只要對於立體空間感稍有概念的人相信都可以迅速的製作出立體模型與圖像。

[軟件名稱] Browz 3D
[官方網站] http://users.skynet.be/bk232951/appbrowz3d.html
[應用平台] Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista

Browz 3D is a browser for 3D models of various types. It supports 3DS, ASC, DXF, LWO, OBJ and T3D formats with 4 display modes, wireframe, vertices transparent and opaque. You can zoom and rotate the model and highlight one of the meshes inside the model. Additional features includes sorting of your models, color coding and more. The program uses the OpenGL engine.

[軟件名稱] Sweet Home 3D
[官方網站] http://sweethome3d.sourceforge.net/
[應用平台] Windows 2000/XP/Vista,Mac OS X 10.4 / 10.5, Linux and Solaris

Sweet Home 3D 是個室內設計用的 3D 模型軟體,使用起來很簡單,主要是將視窗左列中所用到的物件拉到圖中,然後組合成模型,使用者並依照自己的意思和喜好來修改和上色,就能完成心目中理想的家。

[軟件名稱] Wings 3D (官網提供作品交流)
[官方網站] http://www.wings3d.com/
[應用平台] Windows 2000 or higher/Mac/Linux

Wings 3D是一套具備專業等級功能卻免費的3D模型繪製軟體。它的檔案不到2MB,卻擁有強大的多邊形(Polygon)模型繪製以及完備的匯出匯入功能,並且支援時下最流行的3D檔案格式,有3D繪圖需求的朋友一定來試試看!

[軟件名稱] 3D Canvas
[官方網站] http://www.amabilis.com/
[應用平台] Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP, DirectX

3D Canvas是一款結合了拖放弁鄋漣Y時3D造型和動畫製作工具。複雜的模型可以透過簡單的 3D 原形建構,或者使用3D Canvas 的 Object Building Tools(物件建造工具)來製造。建立一個動作場景就如同將物件的每個點按時放置在場景中那麼簡單。3D Canvas 將確保最後的結果動畫執行流暢。最新的特色包括骨骼模擬和反轉運動。

[軟件名稱] Blender (官網提供教學區及成品參考)
[官方網站] http://www.blender.org/
[應用平台]  Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Linux/Mac/Solaris


* 支持不同的幾何圖元,包括多邊形網紋,快速表層塑模,曲線及向量字元。
* 多用途的內部洵染及整合 YafRay 這個開源的射線追蹤套件。
* 動畫工具,包括了反向動作組件,可設定骨幹,結構變形,關鍵影格,時間線,非線性動畫,系統規定參數,頂點量重及柔化動量組件,包括網孔碰撞偵察和一個具有偵察碰撞的粒子系統。
* 使用 Python 語言來創作及製作遊戲及工作自動化腳本。
* 基本的非線性影像編輯及製作功能。

[軟件名稱] LeoCAD
[官方網站] http://www.leocad.org/win.htm
[應用平台] Windows/Linux

LeoCAD is a CAD program that uses bricks similar to those found in many toys (but they don't represent any particular brand). Currently it has a library of more than 1000 different pieces.

[軟件名稱] Anim8or (免安裝版)
[官方網站] http://www.anim8or.com/main/index.html
[應用平台] Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista

Anim8or is a 3D computer animation program that is designed to allow straightforward creation of animations. You interactively create and edit objects, figures, and scenes directly on the computer's screen. The basic interface is similar to most 3D animation and CAD programs. You control various aspects of your work using an ordinary computer mouse or tablet. You select and drag, rotate, scale and place objects by clicking in the various views of your work. There are two toolbars that you can use for common tasks. The one at the top of the has buttons for general commands that are used throughout Anim8or, while the one on the left allows you to change your mode of operation for common tasks in the current that you are using. The usual menu is there for less frequently used tasks.

[ 本帖最後由 isobel 於 2009-4-4 01:30 PM 編輯 ]

Scribus、The Rasterbator、PosteRazor、Posteriza
[軟件名稱] Scribus
[官方網站] http://www.scribus.net/
[應用平台] Windows NT/2K/XP/2003/Vista, Linux, Unix, Mac

Scribus 是一個開放原始碼的個人出版排版工具,支援多種不同的作業平台和完整的文字、圖像編修功能,軟體中採用向量物件概念,配合精準的尺度刻劃,讓使用者的編排更為精準,更提供 CMYK 色彩修正功能。

[軟件名稱] The Rasterbator (需安裝 .NET Framework 1.1) (免安裝版)
[官方網站] http://arje.net/rasterbator
[應用平台] Windows 98/98SE/Me/2000/XP/Vista


[軟件名稱] PosteRazor (分安裝版及免安裝版)
[官方網站] http://posterazor.sourceforge.net/
[應用平台] Windows 2000/XP/Vista, Mac, Linux

PosteRazor enables you to create posters from your high resolution images that can be printed on any standard size printer. It takes your original images and splits it into portions that fit the paper size you selected (A4,A3, Legal, Letter, Tabloid or custom sizes) and enlarges the image to the selected proportions. You can create regular poster sizes, or even wall posters, provided you have a high resolution image. All you have to do is increase the dimensions by the number of pages you want to use and the program will do the rest. The resulting poster is saved as multi-page PDF file and can then be printed by any standard printer and then assembled into a poster using scissors and glue (not included).

[軟件名稱] Posteriza (免安裝版)
[官方網站] http://www.posteriza.com/es/index.php?lang=en_US
[應用平台] Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista

Posteriza enables you to create poster or banner size prints from your digital images. The program slices the images into multiple parts and makes them fit into a number of regular size pages (A4, A3, letter, etc.), which can then be assembled after printing. It automatically includes margins to overlap and glue the pages. In addition, you can add up to 4 lines of text, as well as a frame to enhance the looks. The program is easy to use, and offers easy configuration and previews of the results. You can create regular size posters, wall posters or anything in between, although you should use a high resolution image for larger printouts in order to produce quality results. The program can also save the output as JPG files, allowing you to use 3rd party printing services instead of your own printer. Standalone, no install needed.

[ 本帖最後由 isobel 於 2009-4-4 01:29 PM 編輯 ]

Pivot Stickfigure Animator、Microsoft GIF Animator、Extra.Movie to Gif
[軟件名稱] Pivot Stickfigure Animator
[相關網站] http://www.snapfiles.com/GeT/sTiCkFiGuRe.html
[應用平台] Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista

Pivot Stickfigure Animator是個神奇的工具,可以讓你完成棒子人的動畫,並輸出成為GIF,工具支援了編輯節點與修改,儲存角色的功能,PSA支援大多數動畫工具需要的蔥皮編輯輔助,所以制作動畫的過程中也相當的流暢與容易,事實上,多花點心思也可以做出不錯的作品。

[軟件名稱] Microsoft GIF Animator
[相關網站] http://ms-gif-animator.en.softonic.com/
[應用平台] Windows 98/2000/XP/2003/Vista

Microsoft GIF Animator lets you easily create and customize animated GIF files for your Web site.GIF animations are based on the GIF89a file format, which stores timing information to create the illusion of animation like a cartoon "flipbook". With GIF Animator you can make your animations loop, spin, fade in and out; set the size and transparency of your images; and control a wide range of other options. GIF Animator also features automatic or custom palette creation.

[軟件名稱] Extra.Movie to Gif
[官方網站] http://www.atlas-zone.com/software/index.html
[應用平台] Windows 98/NT/ME/2000/XP/Vista

Extra.Movie to Gif 是:影片轉動態 Gif、影片轉圖、圖轉動態 Gif 的方便工具。支援播放/轉檔許多影片格式,包括:

AVI Files (*.avi)
MPEG Files (*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.dat;*.vob)
MPEG-4 Video Files (*.mp4;*.m4v)
Windows Media Files (*.wmv;*.asf)
Real Media Files (*.rm;*.rmvb;*.ram)
QuickTime Files (*.mov;*.qt)
Flash Video Files (*.flv)
3GP Files (*.3gp)
OGM Vorbis Files (*.ogm)
Other Files (*.divx;*.mkv) And MORE

Extra.Movieto Gif自帶解碼器,可以播放/轉檔絕大多數的影片格式,免除使用者再安裝其他編碼器工具包的麻煩。本軟體有提供兩個小影片可以測試:test.mov、test.rm。在轉檔的過程,原本「開始轉檔」的按鈕會變成「中止轉檔」,你可以隨時中止轉檔過程,這對於不小心轉檔過長影片的使用者,很有幫助。

[ 本帖最後由 isobel 於 2009-4-4 01:28 PM 編輯 ]

Email Notification Tool
Thunderbird、IncrediMail、POP Peeper、Poppy、PopTray
[軟件名稱] Thunderbird  
[官方網站] http://www.moztw.org/thunderbird/
[應用平台] Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista

Mozilla Thunderbird 是經過對 Mozilla 的郵件組件的進行重新設計後的產品,其目標是為那些還在使用沒有整合郵件功能的單獨瀏覽器或者需要一個高效的郵件客戶端的用戶提供一個跨平台的郵件解決方案。
另外,由于完全專注于單獨郵件客戶端的開發,開發者可以摒棄其他那些不需要的組件,盡最大可能把這個客戶端程序做完美。與以前作為 Mozilla 瀏覽器的郵件組件的時候相比,現在這款單獨客戶端程序的界面要整潔許多。

[軟件名稱] IncrediMail
[官方網站] http://www.incredimail.com/t_chinese/splash.aspx
[應用平台] Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista (MS Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher)

IncrediMail 是一個與眾不同的E-mail軟體。它具有非常酷的視窗介面、寄信動畫效果、可愛的收件信差。還有很多的信簽、動畫、音效、卡片等,可以組合成出非常炫的電子郵件。讓寫E-mail和看E-mail都變成新鮮的體驗。

[軟件名稱] POP Peeper (多國語言含繁中)
[官方網站] http://www.poppeeper.com/
[應用平台] Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista

POP Peeper 是一款能夠替大多數使用者解決郵件檢查困擾的小軟體,當使用者的電子郵件信箱不支援 POP3 協定而無法以一般的電子郵件軟體進行檢查時,你就可以讓 POP Peeper 來幫助你。 POP Peeper 所支援的網頁形式電子郵件囊括了較知名的 Hotmail 、 MSN 、 Yahoo 、 Gmail 等,讓使用者能夠直接透過 POP Peeper 來檢查這些信箱是否有新的郵件到來。

POP Peeper 的使用非常簡單,使用者只需要輸入相關的郵件帳號與密碼,那麼 POP Peeper 就會每隔一段時間去替使用者檢查是否有新信件到來,當有新信件時,程式就會主動告知使用者,讓使用者可以不錯過任何郵件。

而 POP Peeper 當然不只是可以檢查網頁型式的電子郵件信箱,只要是支援 POP3 的信箱,它也都能夠幫使用者查驗,並起提供簡單的信件閱讀功能。這樣的好處是能避免不確定的信件被收進你的電子郵件軟體中,你可以在透過 POP Peeper 確認後,才真的把信件收入,避免夾帶了病毒、惡意代碼郵件的威脅!

[軟件名稱] Poppy (官網提供設定教學)
[官方網站] http://www.jsonline.nl/Content/Poppy/Poppy.htm
[應用平台] Windows All

Here is a list of the features of Poppy:

* Checks multiple POP3 accounts for new mail.
* Uses the taskbar icon to indicate that mail is waiting.
* A configurable interval between checks of the POP3 account.
* A a convenient popup menu to reach all functions and configuration.
* Play a sound when new mail has arrived on any account.
* Play a different sound for each account.
* Execute an external program when new mail has arrived.
* Show a non-interfering popup window when new mail has arrived.
* Automatically hide the popup window, without user intervention.
* Always notify or only when new mail has arrived.
* Always notify or only when mail from a friend has arrived.
* Dialog to display 'From' address and subject of each message.
* View the headers of an e-mail message.
* Preview the source of an e-mail message.
* Delete e-mail messages from POP3 servers.
* Select and/or unselect messages based on selection rules.
* Only notify based on the selection rules.
* Check e-mail headers against an anti-SPAM DNS blacklist.
* Option to automatically delete SPAM messages
* It is small and easy to use.

[軟件名稱] PopTray (多國語言含繁中)
[官方網站] http://www.poptray.org/
[應用平台] Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista

PopTray 最多可以檢查 20 個信箱帳號,並且使用不同的聲音提醒,還可以自伺服器取得信件標題,以及刪除信件。

[ 本帖最後由 isobel 於 2009-3-6 08:35 AM 編輯 ]

Matador Spam Fighter、Spamihilator、SpamBayes、SpamAware、Junkanoo、Mailwasher Free
[軟件名稱] Matador Spam Fighter (Spam filter for Outlook )(需安裝 .NET Framework 1才能使用) (Pro 為收費版本)
[相關網站] http://www.snapfiles.com/get/matador.html
[應用平台] Windows 98/ME (32 bit)/2000/XP/Vista (32 bit)

無論何時收到新郵件,SPAMfighter 都會自動對它進行檢查。如果是封垃圾郵件,它就會被移到您的垃圾郵件文件夾。如果您接到一封未被察覺的垃圾郵件,只需在一個按鈕上點擊一下,這封垃圾郵件在幾秒鐘內就會被從223國家/地區的其他 5.444.562 SPAMfighters 中刪除。

[軟件名稱] Spamihilator (多國語言含繁中, 需另外下載語言包)
[官方網站] http://www.spamihilator.com/
[應用平台] Windows 2000/9.x/ME/XP/Vista

如果你想和垃圾信件徹底再見的話,不妨試試這款針對Outlook Express系列、Eudora、Pegasus、Opera等多種主流郵件工具所定制的Spamihilator。它不僅能將常見的垃圾郵件拒之門外,而且還允許用戶隨時將漏網的垃圾郵件加入其過濾系統,因此使用時間越久,其攔截效率就越高。該軟體將自己設置為郵件代理伺服器(因此理論上可適用於幾乎所有郵件程式),所有郵件都要經過它的過濾後才會被郵件客戶端程式接收,它設置的過濾條件主要有兩種:通過內置常見的廣告用語、不良語詞等對郵件標題進行分析和過濾;根據用戶自己添加的垃圾郵件地址進行過濾。所以攔截率相當高。使用中你可以通過「設置-->過濾器配置-->過濾關鍵字」添加過濾的關鍵字,以便獲得更好的過濾效果;也可以通過「設置-->發件人 -->被阻止的發件人(或好友)」定義黑名單和好友列表,這樣你也就不會因為一些玩笑郵件而錯失好友的信件了;該軟體還具有「回收站」功能,可避免誤刪的重要郵件丟失......還有更多的功能期待你的使用!

[軟件名稱] SpamBayes
[官方網站] http://spambayes.sourceforge.net/
[應用平台] Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista

垃圾郵件的猖獗催生了一批反垃圾郵件的軟體和演算法,SpamBayes 的名字已經很明顯了,是在Paul Graham工作基礎上,開發的一個基於貝葉斯演算法的垃圾郵件過濾程式。通俗的話說,就是把我們收到的郵件分類,識別出垃圾郵件和正常郵件。 SpamBayes的分類有 “spam 垃圾郵件”,“ham,好的,非垃圾郵件” 和 “unsure尚不能確定”。 所有的貝葉斯垃圾演算法軟體都要求 “訓練” 這個軟體。一開始,每個用戶應該根據自己的實際情況,用現有的郵件,告訴貝葉斯軟體哪些郵件是垃圾郵件,哪些不是,讓軟體具備 “基礎知識”。隨著以後的使用,貝葉斯會越來越聰明,自動判斷垃圾郵件的精確度會越來越高。總的來說,貝葉斯是一種隨每個人的具體情況,可以動態調整的,自適應的演算法,所以比較領先。SpamBayes 專門為 outlook(2000,xp和2003都行)做了個addin,非outlook用戶也可以用。

[軟件名稱] SpamAware
[官方網站] http://www.jam-software.com/freeware/index.shtml
[應用平台] Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista, Microsoft Outlook/Express/Windows Mail

SpamAware is an Outlook/Outlook Express add-inthat uses the SpamAssassin engine to score email as it arrives in your inbox, and marks potential spam with a tag in the subject line or automatically moves it to a junk mail folder. SpamAware also supports Blacklist/Whitelist entries and can automatically add people you communicate with to the White list. Other features include integrated virus scanning (powered by Clam AV), RBL lookup and more.

Pros: Automatic spam detection; customizable filtering; integrated virus scan
Cons: Scanning and classification of spam is VERY slow

[軟件名稱] Junkanoo
[官方網站] http://www.kidmoses.com/junkanoo/index.html
[應用平台] Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista

Junkanoo monitors your POP3 mail account and marks or deletes spam before it is downloaded to your Inbox. It uses a set of filters that can detect many common spam techniques such as hyperlinks in the mail, empty sender addresses, odd characters, images and more. It also includes a whitelist and blacklist to delete or exclude specified senders, as well as an option to exclude mails with certain keywords from being filtered. Junkanoo can also be used to send new email messages or to reply to incoming messages without the need to launch your email program.

[軟件名稱] MailWasher Free ( Pro 為收費版本)
[官方網站] http://www.mailwasher.net/
[應用平台] Windows NT/2000/9.x/ME/XP/Vista

MailWasher 目前最強的砍信軟體,專砍垃圾信件。砍過一次之後就可以列入黑名單,下次再也不會出現來自這個帳號的郵件,直接在背後就砍掉。最棒的是,他還會反擊,發一個假的信件給這個帳號,告訴發垃圾的人沒這個帳號!使用者終於可以有反擊的垃圾郵件的機會了。一次可以檢查好幾個帳號的信件,Yahoo、 Hotmail、一般的 POP3 都可以檢查。如果你的帳號很多個,不想一個一個檢查,Mailwasher也是省時省事的好軟體。

[ 本帖最後由 isobel 於 2009-2-24 03:23 PM 編輯 ]

微軟官方 XP 主題下載 (某一些主題需要驗証才可下載, 某一些似乎停止下載, 如毋須正版驗証的, 只會貼官方網站連結, 如需要正版驗証的, 會另外提供一個 [相關網站] 給非正版用戶下載)

[軟體名稱] Zune Theme
[官方網站] http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=75078

[軟體名稱] Energy Blue Theme (因為未搵番其它網站的連結, 先放上 4share 分享, 不日更換)
[分享下載] www.4shared.com/XPEnergyBlue2

[軟體名稱] Ontario Theme
[官方網站] Microsoft.com/downloads/Ontario Theme
[相關網站] www.softpedia.com/Microsoft-Windows-Theme-Ontario

[軟體名稱] Christmas Theme 2004
[官方網站] Microsoft.com/downloads/Christmas Theme 2004
[相關網站] www.softpedia.com/Themes/Microsoft-ChristmasTheme

[軟體名稱] Final Fantasy XI Theme
[官方網站] Microsoft.com/downloads/Final Fantasy XI Theme

[軟體名稱] Egypt Nile Theme
[官方網站] Microsoft.com/downloads/Egypt Nile Theme

[軟體名稱] Ree Ree Khao Sarn Theme
[官方網站] Microsoft.com/downloads/Ree Ree Khao Sarn Theme
[分享下載] www.4shared.com/MSRRKSP

[軟體名稱] Brazilian Beaches Theme
[相關網站] www.softpedia.com/Microsoft-Brazilian-Beaches

[軟體名稱] Nunavut Theme
[官方網站] Microsoft.com/downloads/Nunavut Theme
[相關網站] www.softpedia.com/Microsoft-Windows-Theme-Nunavut

[軟體名稱] Brazilian Carnival Theme
[官方網站] Microsoft.com/downloads/Brazilian Carnival Theme

[軟體名稱] Microsoft Chinese New Year Pack 2005 (官網暫停下載, 所以只作個人分享)
[分享下載] www.4shared.com/CNP05
注意 : 程式為簡體字顯示, 但大家可以放心, 繁中及英文版安裝時都沒有出現亂碼.

[軟體名稱] Microsoft 4 Patas
[官網下載] Microsoft.com/download/Microsoft 4 Patas
[分享下載] www.4shared.com/4Patas

[軟體名稱] M$ Chinese Culture Theme Pack of Beijing Opera Mask (官網暫停下載, 所以只作個人分享)
[分享下載] www.4shared.com/BOM06CHS
注意 : 程式為簡體字顯示, 但大家可以放心, 繁中及英文版安裝時都沒有出現亂碼.

[ 本帖最後由 isobel 於 2009-4-5 12:30 AM 編輯 ]

TypeFaster Typing Tutor、Mika's Touch Type Trainer、Bruce`s Unusual Typing Wizard、Kiran's Typing Tutor
[軟件名稱] TypeFaster Typing Tutor
[官方網站] http://www.typefastertypingtutor.com/
[應用平台] Windows All

TypeFaster is an Open Source typing tutor that offers a touch typing course in 15 lessons. The program can keep track of your progress with statistical charts and create custom exercises based on the errors you make during your lessons. An interactive keyboard display can assist you with finding the keys without having to look at the keyboard. Type Faster also includes spaceship-shooter typing game. Other features include support
for international keyboard layouts, customizable typing lessons, adjustable font sizes and more.

[軟件名稱] Mika's Touch Type Trainer (免安裝版)
[官方網站] http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~bg8j-immr/touch_type/index.html
[應用平台] Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP

Mika's Touch Type Trainer is the most popular Touch Type Tutor in Japan. First it was developed in 1991, and publicized as free software. Since then many schools had adopted this Mika's Touch Type Trainer to teach computer literacy. Originally this Mika' Touch Type Trainer was made in Japanese Language. But I had converted messages form Japanese to English. Even if you are not Japanese you can use this Mika's Touch Type Trainer now.

[軟件名稱] Bruce`s Unusual Typing Wizard
[官方網站] http://typing.qcalculus.com/
[應用平台] Windows 98/ME/2000/XP

Bruce`s Unusual Typing Wizard is a simple application that can help you learn touch typing. It offers 13 typing lessons that gradually introduce you to the keyboard keys, as well as a typing practice mode that measures your typing speed and errors. The program also includes a simple typing game and keeps track of your statistics.

[軟件名稱] Kiran's Typing Tutor
[官方網站] http://www.kiranreddys.com/products/typing.html
[應用平台] Windows 98/ME/2000/XP

Kiran's Typing Tutor Features
- Basic typing lessons enable beginners to understand Touch typing
- Typing practice in Kiran's Typing Tutor is much more advanced and scientifically designed
- There are more than 500 typing practice lessons and more than 500 testing lessons
- Finger preview feature shows what Finger to struck
- Key preview feature shows what key to be pressed
- Key press feature shows what key we are pressing
- It calculates and shows Accuracy, Word per minute and key per minute after every lesson
- It measures your typing speed, errors for each letter and accuracy and analyses shows as understandable graphs in progress window
- Kids Typing module includes five deferent types of lessons designed for age groups from 4 to years
- Numeric Typing module designed to teach numeric key board
- Typing Games module includes four different type of games designed to learn typing while relaxing
- User friendly help system is available at all the time
- Customizable settings and options are available and supports multiple users

[ 本帖最後由 isobel 於 2009-4-5 12:39 AM 編輯 ]

Tux Paint、Drawing For Children 、Math Ninja、Math Flash、Sebran's ABC、NASA World Wind、Google Earth
[軟件名稱] Tux Paint (多國語言含繁中)
[官方網站] http://www.tuxpaint.org/
[應用平台] Windows/Mac OS X/Linux,/FreeBSD/NetBSD

Tux Paint 是一個專為三歲以上的兒童設計的繪圖用的自由軟體。 他有簡單、容易使用的介面,有趣的音效,及鼓勵並帶領兒童使用這個軟體的卡通造型的吉祥物。Tux Paint 提供一張空白的圖紙和許多的繪圖工具,可以幫助您的小孩啟發創造力。


[軟件名稱] Drawing for Children
[官方網站] http://drawing.gamemaker.nl/index.html
[應用平台] Windows

Drawing for Children是一款優秀的繪畫軟體,但它的功能似乎更多。特別是圖章工具,更有特色。
中間為作圖區,左上邊調色板,最上面一排是作圖工具欄,從左到右分別為:恢復、選擇畫筆、特殊形狀、符號、橡皮擦(含背景選擇)、圖章、輸入文本、特效、建 築類工具,以及列印、調入檔、保存檔、簡介和退出。該軟體設計了右鍵功能,這在繪畫類軟體中是不多見的,具體用法你可以自己試試,很有特色。

[軟件名稱] Math Ninja
[官方網站] http://pjwalczak.com/mninja/index.php
[應用平台] Windows 9x/ME/NT/4.0/2K/XP

Math Ninja 是一款可以幫助你實踐數學技能的教育性遊戲軟體。提供了包括帶有可定制等級選項的加法,減法,乘法,除法在內的8種遊戲難度等級。遊戲的目標是盡可能快地解決習題,每個正確的解答結果會為你贏得一個穿孔。在最低的難度等級,Math Ninja 適合於孩子,而更高等級則需要一些高級技能。該軟體可以使用遊戲者的名字進行定制並且還可以保存一個帶有詳細練習結果的日誌。

[軟件名稱] Math Flash (免安裝版)
[官方網站] http://fly.hiwaay.net/~palmer/mathflash.html
[應用平台] Windows 98/ME/2000/XP

Math Flash Features
- Intelligent random challenge generation for millions of practice problems.
- Fully configurable drill and practice in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
- Digital voice feedback.
- Score keeping.
- Options for any math skill level from Kindergarten to Adult

[軟件名稱] Sebran's ABC
[官方網站] http://www.wartoft.nu/software/sebran/
[應用平台] Windows 98/ME/2000/XP

Sebran's ABC 使用圖片、音樂和遊戲方式進行字母、數位、簡單數學和初步閱讀教學。該軟體使用(克羅地亞語)Croatian,(加泰羅尼西亞語)Catalan, (丹麥語)Danish, (英語)English,(愛沙尼亞語)Estonian, (芬蘭語)Finnish, (法語)French,(德語)German, (挪威語)Norwegian, (羅馬尼亞語)Romanian,(西班牙語)Spanish或者(瑞典語)Swedish進行教學。

[軟件名稱] NASA World Wind (需安裝.NET Framework 2.0)
[官方網站] http://worldwind.arc.nasa.gov/
[應用平台] Windows 2000/XP/Vista reported to work but has problems, UAC needs to be turned off for install and during use)
3D graphics card/DirectX 9

NASA World Wind(有直譯為世界風者),是NASA發佈的一個開放源代碼的地理科普軟體,由NASA Research開發,NASA Learning Technologies來發展,它是一個視覺化地球儀,將NASA、USGS以及其他WMS服務商提供的圖像通過一個三維的地球模型展現,近期還包含了火星和月球的展現.
用戶可在所觀察的行星上隨意地旋轉、放大、縮小, 同時可以看到地名和行政區劃.軟體還包含了一個套裝軟體,能夠流覽地圖及其它由網際網路上的 OpenGIS Web Mapping Service 提供的圖像.

[軟件名稱] Google Earth (專業及增強版為收費版本)
[官方網站] http://earth.google.com/intl/zh-TW/
[繁體版本] http://dl.google.com/earth/client/branded/redirect/Google_Earth_CZXV.exe
[Google 地球] 使用者指南 : http://earth.google.com/intl/zh-TW//userguide/v4/
[應用平台] Windows 2000/XP/Vista

Google 地球能讓您飛到地球上任何地方,觀看衛星圖像、地圖、地形圖、3D 建築物甚至到天際中探索星系。您可以探索豐富的地理內容,儲存遊覽過的地方並與其他人分享。

[ 本帖最後由 isobel 於 2009-3-6 08:38 AM 編輯 ]
