
Looking for 18> ABCs, BBCs, CBCs, ..., ZBCs who prefer eng chat (part 49)

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原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-12 01:57 AM 發表 查看引用來源

i just watched that two days ago.....

i think both sides are too extreme......... and at the same time, i think it's a problem on both side
next week will hv kong boy, i am looking forward to see:smile_40:


原帖由 mugen-purin 於 2009-3-12 02:01 AM 發表
next week will hv kong boy, i am looking forward to see:smile_40:
i thought i was the only one that watches sunday file...... :smile_35:

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-12 02:07 AM 發表
hows it going west side.

anyway, gotta jet. have a good one everybody

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-12 02:08 AM 發表

i thought i was the only one that watches sunday file...... :smile_35:
Oh, havn't watched that for a long time
Is it produced by >>><<<?

I watch those by RTHK though

原帖由 mugen-purin 於 2009-3-12 02:01 AM 發表
next week will hv kong boy, i am looking forward to see:smile_40:
k. now i got more time to elaborate
couple things i really agree with are...
"公主病", 過份減肥, 扳 cute 影相 (你估你係成龍咩, V 乜鬼野o者....), lastly and most importantly 低質數, 要求高

couple things i dont agree with...
when 陳子聰 told the "where to eat dinner" story, i think guys do the exact same thing as well, absolutely no difference than girls

the girl asked the guy about "when you marry me, will you give me all ur money?"... her motives weren't all that bad (if she was being honest), only to test if the guy is 斤斤計較.... but her approach was definitely misleading and over the board...... i dont think i have heard any other girls but hk girls would ask such a thing...........

one of the sales girl said... "如果真係窮.. d 人會睇你唔起囉".... why?????? why does it matter wht other ppl think of you (or ur man)?

then the other girl said "d 男仔望既女仔都係化左粧既".......... doesn't necessary mean the girls are pretty... if anything, it's probably jus that the make up was a attention magnet... but by all means, it does not necessary mean men approve of it. (for the record, i like girls with minimal make up, too)

貪無虛榮 goes both way. i think guys are not much better either. that's what bmw and mercedez benz is about after all

one last thing i think they didn't address at all is....... a lot of the time, it seems these stereotype 港女 is only a core..... with nothing inside... the girls emphasized so much on look and appearance, but when u speak to them... it's so empty... and difficult to strike a meaningful conversation with.

all that being said. let me go to the gym and upgrade myself too sin....

[ 本帖最後由 futfuk 於 2009-3-12 05:06 AM 編輯 ]

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-12 02:12 AM 發表

Oh, havn't watched that for a long time
Is it produced by >>>
RTHK? i dont like 五凌鏡 or 鏗鏘集...... probably cuz i find them less entertaining

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-12 05:01 AM 發表

k. now i got more time to elaborate
couple things i really agree with are...
"公主病", 過份減肥, 扳 cute 影相 (你估你係成龍咩, V 乜鬼野o者....), lastly and most importantly 低質數, 要求高

cou ...
The paradigm is changing. Having a muscular/good shape at least body is not that important right now.

Career ( or money at the end ) is one of the big factor
So, lol good luck

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-12 05:02 AM 發表

RTHK? i dont like 五凌鏡 or 鏗鏘集...... probably cuz i find them less entertaining
Their topics are more serious and it's good.

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-12 06:51 AM 發表

Their topics are more serious and it's good.
i watch them when i am back to hk. it gives me a brief idea of the latest issue in hk.
