
Meow & Chochet - 刻骨銘心的愛情故事

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I can't think of any words to describe my feeling after I have read this story. It is very difficult to find someone that you love and do likewise. Anyway, I feel deeply touched by your story and I will push it everytime I see it. Thanks bro

I aslo want this story置頂:smile_22:

原帖由 Tiknuh 於 2007-2-27 12:54 AM 發表
I can't think of any words to describe my feeling after I have read this story. It is very difficult to find someone that you love and do likewise. Anyway, I feel deeply touched by your story and ...
代 Chochet兄多謝你的支持和欣賞!

1) Respect Chochet and Meow (the couple).
2) Certified: This artice is telling the truth, a truly love story from Nov 1991 to June 2004 with 2 hearts. This a 13 years love story and it goes beyond. Some parts are not detail, but fair enough.
3) Chochet is reading somewhere in the world.

Opinions from someone else in the world:

1) Cheung is a power man who could take control of everything, including her family and Meow. That made Meow couldn't get out of the situation by herself (since Nov 1992).
2) Meow couldn't blame her family, since Cheung could be party the one who arranged her family in debt. It was not only becuase of debt. Meow knew it, but she didn't tell Chochet. Meow didn't want to tell Chochet because she didn't want Chochet to get into trouble (after 1995).
3) By March 2000, everything has been confirmed. Meow took 5 years to get out, but failed to get out of the situation. There were alot of things Meow didn't tell Chochet, but Meow didn't want Chochet to go too much as that could make both into deep trouble. I would say Chochet can do it. If Meow could tell more and go further, Chochet could step forward, that could make another story.
4) Plu didn't tell the background to her husband, thus, he couldn't tell Chochet the conflicts of Meow in July 2001. She planned to leave her family since 1995. It was the best chance Chochet could take Meow away in July 2001. Chochet didn't know, Meow had too much drugs that made her stay. By 2001, Chochet should be able to take control, but he didn't notice. Chochet didn't notice the situation would go worse.
5) Between March 2001 and July 2001, Meow was too sad of her situation and the relationship with her family.
6) Chochet knew it, Meow had had enough in 2003. That was the last chance Chochet could take her back. Chochet didn't know until June 2004.
7) I am sure Meow knew your feelings. You didn't fail to give her happness, it was both of you that had the happness.

8) Meow had a choice between Nov 1992 and March 2000: a) Cheung with money support for her family long term and she can keep her usual livings in Thailand, b) you (she had to leave Thailand and her usual livings long term). Keep it in mind, what she would think of a total regular living in HK (You may have to move to Thailand for different livings).
Chochet: Fact is Meow choose a).
9) Considering the time period Cheung kept Meow, Meow could be the one who asked for marriage instead of Cheung. Cheung is a person who can manage money risk, thus, Meow could not get out of the situation as she planned before 2000.
10) By 2001 right after their marriage, Meow had had enough. That proved 9) could be a possibility.

[ 本帖最後由 中共太子黨 於 2007-2-28 01:12 AM 編輯 ]



I am serious

原帖由 Trent 於 2007-2-27 06:08 AM 發表


I am serious
yes, I argee.

better than ordinary love stories from TV or movies.
