
Meow & Chochet - 刻骨銘心的愛情故事

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very good post 我都感動了:smile_24:

回覆 #121 lwp 的帖子

Chochet 兄 及 h446848 兄兩大高手的心得

拜讀完Chochet 師兄各文章...後感想...及討教 (h446848)


拜讀完Chochet 師兄各文章.... 感覺師兄自身條件優厚..... 應在各領域都很成功...... 師兄應屬溝死女類別........ 但願意和囡囡共同經營一段十多年的感情..... 小弟十分敬佩........
師兄頂得住.........囡囡在工作其間為你帶來感情上的困擾..... 師兄EQ之高......亦是小弟要向你學習的地方.
小弟綜合師兄各文章......我個人得出結論.......為何師兄可以成功打敗各對手..... 奪得美人歸.....有2個先天條件..... 2個後天條件....

1.師兄性格大方, 對金錢不是太計較.
2.自身條件優厚, 可以負擔必要開支

1.        有一定溝女實戰技巧和經驗.
2.  有明燈指引.... 師兄有朋友介紹囡囡給你認識......這點非常重要..... 囡囡一開始與師兄就是朋友關係.....唔係客....對於溝女第一招攻心.....就較為容易.

所以我估師兄在泰囡攻略一文中..... 就忽略了大部份brother都係以客既身份去溝囡囡..... 唔係朋友..... 所以有些師兄論點未必幫到有需要的brother..... 希望師兄可以補充一下....

小弟覺得師兄既論點...係可以幫到已經溝到囡囡既 Brother 經營這段關係需要注意既地方....


Chochet :(一)  第1點  - 是要有時間, 若閣下偷跳的或萬種事情纏身者, 成功機會等於0
h446848 ....小弟非常同意

Chochet :很多人會問必須要在任何動作前要自問媾囡囡的目的為何?但小弟可以清楚的告訴大家 = 泰囡不用。她們自已明白無論愛多深都是眼前短期性, 無任何長遠計劃, 而且絕少會跟你要錢, 除非不得而。這就和家鄉菜相差十萬八千里了。當她們回國時要走就走,非常灑脫。

h446848 :  根據此論點.. .....小弟有事請教..... 如小弟己經同囡囡返過泰國.... 見佢D最好朋友..... 同返佢鄉下見家長....亦得到佢家長既祝福...... 囡囡開始同我討論...... 佢適合係香港做D乜..... 師兄囡囡是否同我吹下水?......這個是我苦思緊既問題..... 師兄請指教 ..因小弟係用中期關係(1-3年)來經營這段關係....重來沒想過這段關係可以走得甘快甘遠...

Chochet : (二)  第2點 - 必須時常要保持自己儀容衣飾清潔整齊, 亮麗, 尤其手指甲, 腳甲, 頭髮。要彬彬有禮 - 因為泰國人很喜歡有禮的人。因囡囡要在姐妹中用你來show off 時她要有面子。而且她們無時無刻在心內拿你和所曾遇見的男人(不論是老公, 男友, 客人)作比較。她們不需要靚仔, 但極需要給她們感到有安全感, 和你一起時不需要想太多

h446848 ....小弟非常同意

Chochet : (三)  第3點 - 最重要 - 必須審慎選定目標, 要用盡一切方法手段查清囡囡有沒有同居的泰仔在馬交。若是葡國仔, 本地仔, 香港仔, 熟客,通通無問題, easy 啅。就只是有泰仔的囡囡不要花心機。


Chochet :一經選定目標, 就千萬不能改變。因閣下一出招, 在她的圈子裹全世界都知道你的意圖, 你的存在,再想改媾其他女, 你無機會

h446848 ...小弟非常同意.....亦是大部份Brother....溝唔到目標囡囡既主因.....囡囡係唔會介意客..or...熟客上過自己D姊妹朋友.....但一之唔容許自己條仔上自己D姊妹朋友....

Chochet :  (四)  第4點 - 所有事情都順水推舟, 千萬別逆水而行。囡囡每天上班都要逆來順受, 下班後見你還要看你老哥臉色, 大少爺態度,不走才怪。但又要在適當時候給她知道你不高興或心痛。要軟時超軟, 當硬時要勁硬。

h446848  ...小弟非常同意.....亦是我玩最熟既1招......成日攪到囡囡流馬廖...抱住我講.."郭伴cup"...

Chochet : (五) 第5點 - 對她細心, 必須要令她知道你關心她但不是管她。泰妹最恨的是被問長問短, 這是大忌。

h446848 ....小弟非常同意

Chochet :要暗示, 明示和她一起並非是想要她的肉體而是她的心。曾經有囡囡問我:"我全身各部分都給無數男人玩過, 吻過, 搞過。你不介意嗎?" 我回答:"我只在乎妳的心"。我親眼看見她紅紅的眼眶內有淚光。之後, 自然你要怎樣就怎樣了。

h446848 小弟非常同意.....攻心同捉感動位係小弟絕技....3次攪到囡囡大哭.....無數次攪到囡囡流馬廖.......主要囡囡有個感恩既心.....甘我先有位入.......

Chochet :就是她們請你食免費餐, 也並沒有大不了(我食過數不清多少次, bro 們或許不相信但是千真萬確,而且很平常,很多道友都一樣,回歸前葡國仔食得最多。只是外面的人不知曉而巳), 這 並非表示對你有特別對待。


Chochet :直至有一天她給你她家中和她房間錀匙。恭喜閣下畢業了。


[ 本帖最後由 lwp 於 2007-1-21 10:44 PM 編輯 ]

仍然無限量支持.:smile_38:  :smile_38: :smile_38:

支持 ~~~好耐無睇過甘好 post ..多謝老師 !

回覆 #133 lwp 的帖子


發表於 2006-11-21 07:18 PM

Letter to Chochet   

Dear Brother Chochet,

I have been very moved by your story.   Therefore, I would like to share with you my perspectives on Meow and you a well as telling you a little bit how you impact my life:

        1.        On Meow – All she had done is to ensure that you are safe and happy

Reading through the whole story, I felt very strongly that Meow would like to marry you.  She had even taken the step to ask you shooting wedding pictures with her.  I have no doubt that marrying you was what she would very much like to do.  For some reasons, she could not do that.   Surprisingly, she turned around and persuaded you via her close friends to giving up on her.  I have thought about this question over and over again.  The first explanation, which is straightforward, is her mother’s debt.  However, the debt had been there for quite sometime and I don’t see it is a determining factor in the sudden turnaround.  The hidden reason, I suspect, was about Chochet’s personal safety.  I can imagine when Meow tried to negotiate with Mr. Cheung of her departure, Mr. Cheung may not want to let Meow go.  From his history, Cheung, being very influential in Thailand, could smash Chochet in a way similar to, if not more serious than, the HK TV/movie martial art star.  The last thing Meow would like to see is that you were being endangered.  Instead of pursuing a future with you, she had no choice but dropped you out of the picture to protect you.  I believe she let go of you simply to ensure you would be safe.  Meow is very consistent in her past behavior to keep Chochet out of her personal trouble.  Think about all the difficulties Meow had gone through with her mother’s debt.  She just kept them to herself without even letting Chochet know about any details.   As far as the story goes, I had not seen Meow asking Chochet for any help financially.  With all the time Meow spent with Chochet, Meow would like Chochet to see the best part of her or at least a “hassle free Meow”.    In short, Meow wanted Chochet to be happy.

         1.        On Chochet

                    a.        Marriage – don’t let the past drag on your future

It is very noble that you are sticking to the promise to Meow of not getting married.  However, the promise is only meaningful if Meow is still alive.  Your promise would have reserved the possibility to get married with Meow in case Meow could come back to you after whatever reasons in the future. It does not mean anything if Meow is not here anymore.   In addition, you should do exactly what Meow might have done to you (i.e. to let go of her to ensure she is safe and happy in heaven).

                    a.        Regret – we all made regretted decision on imperfect information

When you left Thailand in April 2000, you were at least confused or more likely frustrated by what Meow had done and decided to move on to a new chapter in your life.  The information you did not know was there she was still loving you as much as the past, if not more.   Later on in 2003, the hint from the ring, the words from Meow that you were the only one who made her warm and beloved and Meow’s longing for seeing the ocean again with you are all new information that would make you choose differently if known to you in April 2000.  If I were you, I would have made the same decision.  We could not blame ourselves in light of something we later find out.

                    a.        What’s next – searching for a soul mate

I totally understand your signature of transforming from a man full of love to a man short of love.  After going through over 10 years in a heart-breaking love affair, I don’t think you can afford another 10 years going through another upheaval.  Naturally, you would like to escape from love.  Meow is the one you love the most while you are the one Meow loves the most.  Unfortunately, both of you cannot spend the rest of your life together.  The probability that you will find someone you love more than Meow is very low.   However, you need to live another 40 years with someone you can share your joy and pain, with someone who can be constructively critical of what you are doing.  Most importantly, you may want to settling in with a family.   She may not be someone you feel strongly about from the bottom of your heart but she should be someone that you can communicate intellectually and be comfortable of bearing your burden emotionally.  That is what I refer to a soul mate.  Good luck!

         1.        On myself

I have not been touched and moved for a very long time.  Brother Chochet, thank you for sharing this story with us.  The first question that prompts me is “can I afford to lose my loved ones”.  That is exactly what your recommendation is all about -  treasure the ones around you.  I am lucky enough to have a relatively easy and painless life.   However, I have forgot a lot of beautiful moment I have spent with my wife.  I should go back to re-discover what we have gone through and take the initiative to spend the rest of our life more meaningful.  I would not have done this without your story.  I am fully indebted to you.  

With warmest wishes


發表於 2006-11-22 12:37 AM


“晚日寒鴉一片愁,柳塘新綠卻溫柔。若教眼底無離恨,不信人間有白頭。     腸已斷,淚難收。相思重上小紅樓,情知已被山遮斷,頻倚闌干不自由。”

發表於 2006-11-22 01:06 AM

Agree. Especially this is not just a story but Brother Chochet's personal experience. I believe that there are both sweetness and tears in his mind when brother Chochet share this love story here. I think he already achieved his objective to raise our awareness to treasure our loved one while we still can.

Since brother Chochet is sharing his pain for our gain, I was really touched. My salute to him and wish this story could help reminding people about treasuring our love/loved one.

發表於 2006-11-22 11:32 AM

細佬我讀得書少, 連睇各位大哥大的英語文章淨係查字典都用去幾個鐘, 但小弟覺得完全值得.
難得Chochet兄幾篇文章居然引出咁多位高人, 高手, 高水平的大哥大出山, 這才是厘個討論區的價值,
最  可怒的係冇版主 ???真奇怪 ???

發表於 2006-11-26 01:33 PM

小弟絕對同意, 原來這討論區卧虎藏龍, 有咁多高人在, 小弟眼淺以為只有好似自己一樣的雞蟲才上討論區搞搞振.........  失覺失覺  

[ 本帖最後由 lwp 於 2007-1-22 10:47 PM 編輯 ]

嘩, 討論區的會員質素如此的高, 實非我想像得到, 只怨自己讀書唔努力, 而家見到人地寫的文章, 中文又好, 英文又好, 慚愧. :smile_42: :smile_42: :smile_42:

原帖由 siosio 於 2007-1-23 11:05 AM 發表
嘩, 討論區的會員質素如此的高, 實非我想像得到, 只怨自己讀書唔努力, 而家見到人地寫的文章, 中文又好, 英文又好, 慚愧. :smile_42: :smile_42: :smile_42:
Cool. PUSH it back to the TOP............

Push it back to the TOP again

Push it back to the TOP again
