
26 F - Looking for Witty & Humorous Males # 6

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原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-11 05:16 AM 發表

Do they have househusband job provided? LOL

That's real world, sadly.
You may want to pick up some your hobby back to entertain yourself.

Target, I don't have any concrete target neither. ...
i used to be very motivated
but now with this boss i m totally doomed
i know i am a loser if i lose all motivations because of one person
but it's just disgusting working with some dumb heads all the time

i'll be out of pocket for a while
see you around

folks -

i have a 7am tomorrow (yes 7am in the office!!!)
need to sleep la



morning all...

what a fresh start of the day... i m amazed that everyone came in awake for my meeting this morning.  what's going on here... no one comes by?

原帖由 Winning 於 2009-3-11 09:52 PM 發表

Very surprise to find out that prejudice still exist in a civilised world.
i am not living in a utopia and it's yet to be a perfect world

to your surprise, some afrian americans call each other nigars

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-12 02:06 AM 發表

Is it similar to what we called PK to each other?

But nigars, this word is just too bad
I am sure if you yell this in the metro train at night....you will be.....blah blah blah
i know it's bad enough
well, what i was trying to say is that chinese out-number african amercians
does it sound better?

what do you think about racial discrimination?

honestly my industry is dominated by white
but thanks to our "diversity" policy (which I believe I myself benefited from it too), we do try to include people from different cultural backgrounds and those from minority groups are given preference sometimes even they are not capable of handing the job
same in school admission I believe

i haven't worked long enough but can easily tell someone's background from their work attitudes without looking at their faces

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-12 02:58 AM 發表

D.E. Shaw is like that too.

Oh well, honestly, I do think white people are smarter ( while jewish is the smartest ).
So I am not surprised by white dominiation.

Racial discrimination. ...
agreed with you to 101%
jewish are very smart and cunning (usually wicked too)
a lot of my co-workers have jewish heritage.

even in this civilized society, we need to admit that racial discrimination (aka prejudice) does exist

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-12 03:21 AM 發表

Usually, racial discrimination doesn't affect daily social life that much.
You will feel it only when there is big political changes like Obama or some law enforcement.

I had never had been dis ...
Well, that I can't agree with you

I was traveling and was late to catch the flight (very late type) but I did managed to go to airport 60 mins before boarding
I was telling the ground support to help me with getting onto the plane
he said,"it's too late"
i replied,"according to the ticket, I have the right to board"
he said,"miss, it's too late, boarding was done, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ENGLISH!"

I flipped out right at that point
of coz I didn't realized that it was discrimination at the very beginning
after knowing that fact that i wasn't able to catch my flight
I made a very serious compliant (of coz) to his manager
who later on apologized and arranged everything for me the next day

i speak fairly fluent english with little accent
most co-workers think I am ABC (o, i forgot that I was in London)
later on my attorney friend wrote them a letter... i was really close to sue them

so discrimination is everywhere
live with it.

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-12 03:57 AM 發表

60 mins before boarding is not late.

Oh well, maybe it's the real world

I am still living outside the real world
anyhow i don't think obama is going to change anything
the market is not responding positively since his inauguration (well, maybe not these two days)

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-12 04:38 AM 發表

indians, sri lankan,s iranian, etc
pretty smart ppl too.... they dominated the electrical engineering hall
hm... i can't tell you how many times i need to explain to the indian IT folks my problem
i can't understand their accents
