
CA 新場.....

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c兄, 可以e-mail我媽電電話和個場d收費大概係幾多左右嗎: [email protected], thanks!!!!

c兄, 可以e-mail我媽電話和個場d收費大概係幾多左右嗎:
[email protected].,Thanks.

please send the detail information to me,
i would like to have fone no.
i may go on this sat.
[email protected]
thx ching

各位brothers, 資料已e-mail 給你們了

回覆 24# 的帖子


I have a holiday on Feb. must call me to join you and go have fun. please leave your contact to me via e-mail. my e-mail address is [email protected].
CHing, please tell about the charge and which day to go.

回覆 35# 的帖子


Sent already

c hing 我都想要電話, 可否pm給我, 謝謝

回覆 37# 的帖子

Sorry CHing,

I have no right to PM due to new hand ma:smile_13:


我都想要媽咪電話同名及房、酒水價錢 , 請發資料去: maoozii7......... 雅虎.com.hk 給我。

呢度唔准人留e-mail地址, 為免犯規, 我只有咁寫, 希望你睇得明, Thank you so much!

回覆 39# 的帖子


Sent already!
