
[轉貼] (Pearl) Monk神探阿蒙 (VI) CH08 2008-12-10 (英/粵)[ 繁中][DivX]

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(Pearl) Monk神探阿蒙 (VI) CH08 2008-12-10 (英/粵)[ 繁中][DivX]

(Pearl) Monk神探阿蒙 (VI) CH08 2008-12-10 (英/粵)[ 繁中][DivX]

原創 Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 246 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

10 Dec 2008        Mr. Monk Goes To The The Bank

It's nighttime, and two cops are outside the West Bay Trust bank, writing a parking ticket for an illegally parked SUV. They mention that the bank had just been robbed the day before but tonight there's no evidence of trouble. As the cops drive away, however, a glimpse inside the bank proves that not everything is as it seems: four people are trapped inside the bank's vault. The unfortunate foursome - Monk, Natalie, Capt. Stottlemeyer and Lt. Disher.

Flashback to a few days earlier: Monk and Natalie are in the kitchen preparing a meal of burnt toast when they see a television report about a bank robbery – at Monk's bank. At the crime scene, Stottlemeyer is taking statements from the employees about the robbery. They tell him that a heavily accented Russian in a green hooded sweatshirt forced his way in, grabbed all the money, broke into the safety deposit boxes and then, after shooting one of the tellers, made his getaway with the stolen goods.

阿蒙存放貴重物品的銀行發生劫案,Stottlemeyer向在場職員落取口供,得知劫匪乃一名帶有俄羅斯口音的男子。劫匪奪去了銀行的現鈔和保 險箱內的物品,當中包括阿蒙心中的瑰寶──Trudy的手鐲! 阿蒙發現銀行有內鬼,為了找出事情的真相和奪回寶物,阿蒙竟當上銀行的警衛,更搞到被鎖在保險庫內!

Pearl 神探阿蒙 (VI) CH12  2008 12 10 粵英-中字640x480 Divx
