
[原創] Left 4 Dead 2 正式破解版 *直接下载*

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Left 4 Dead 2 正式破解版 *直接下载*

破解版已出,Enjoy !

1. Copy all content from DVD to your HDD into some folder and then and add
setup.exe from l4d2-lksi archive to that folder.

2. Run setup.exe and choose your installation directory (folder name must not
contain spaces (eg. NOT "Left 4 Dead 2", you must use "left4dead2")!

3. Press Install!

(It would need about 30min to install the game properly. Also you can check
your installation directory for files. There should be cca 7.00GB's of files!)

Password: dj1sly

如果你去Link 1 時見到呢句:
This service is temporarily not available from your service area.

下載 UltraSurf 9.4:
原網址: http://www.wujie.net/點擊這裡打開連結可防惡意程式碼

開 Firefox 或 IE 時用佢就 Download 到 ,先run呢個軟件 ,
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仲有係要轉網頁編碼做 UTF-8 先睇到 MEGAUPLOAD ,否則個網會空白一片

換句話講, 即係你一見個網頁係空白頁的話, 就試下轉網頁編碼做 UTF-8就冇死

轉網頁編碼做 UTF-8:
Mozilla Firefox

Internet Explorer



[ 本帖最後由 milogen 於 2009-11-18 09:36 AM 編輯 ]
