
memories from boarding school #1#2#3#17#25 #35

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原帖由 star_platina 於 27-9-2021 07:45 發表 查看引用來源

Haha, for us kind of people who lived part of our life abroad, definitely a lot of say about this; similar situation but with different kinds of girls and that we share our experiences as an oversea ...
i want to hear your story! hahahhaha

原帖由 cx829 於 27/9/2021 10:25 發表 查看引用來源

i want to hear your story! hahahhaha
Mine wasn't as sweet, but still very juicy. Let me finish the recent story and tidy up my old ones and share in a new post for another laugh😬

原帖由 star_platina 於 27-9-2021 10:45 發表 查看引用來源

Mine wasn't as sweet, but still very juicy. Let me finish the recent story and tidy up my old ones and share in a new post for another laugh😬
you are going to like the next update. it was really kind of funny even after so many years.

原帖由 cx829 於 27/9/2021 13:03 發表 查看引用來源

you are going to like the next update. it was really kind of funny even after so many years.
Looking forward to it mate, wouldn't want to miss out any of the fun😬

回覆 25# cx829 的帖子

「夠啦……滴水啦……」Rene protests,顯然開始有D吾耐煩。
既然女神你講到出口,我只能夠拖住佢行到靠河邊的大樹旁,少少粗暴bend her over, Rene扶住棵樹,我拉起條短裙,再將期待已久的小J釋放出來。我都唔敢再玩,再等,免得女神怒怒豬,無德插就無人可憐啦。
拉開條thong, 慢慢將小J一寸一寸放入,又緊又滑戈水簾洞裏面。「阿……好舒服……」呢次係我出聲. 久違了的感覺!自從香港過來加拿大都無做過,呢個感覺正啊! 3個月來都係靠打飛機度日,今日要插返夠本! 當我還在自我陶醉戈時候Rene又出聲「入D啦……入…D…啊~~……快…D……Harder~~…」Rene用手拍拍我催促著我。雖然我龜頭已經變得又硬又大,Rene的小穴也非常的濕同緊,很快就全部滑了入去。Without wasting time,I fondled her breasts with one hand and played with her clit with the other.
我已經進入忘我境界, I completely forgot how to fuck. All the 九淺一深 and other techniques were all thrown out the window. All I knew was simple piston action. 將小J慢慢退到洞口,再大力的插進去。每一下都插到盡頭,而且還剩下少少的一截留在外面。每次我都用盡力的插,把佢插得全身顫抖的幾乎昏厥, 插到頂,頂到野的感覺, 應該插到頂摩擦了子宮口。
「阿……feels good………阿………keep going……I want it……」she said in a subtle voice, suppressing the volume.
I rocked her good and hard, but not for long. Since I have not been laid for so long, my senses were strong too. [shit..I want to cum...] Just as I was about to come, I pulled out and squirted all over the snow, fertilizing the grounds.
[阿~~] Rene exclaimed one last time as I pulled out. She tells me after, 我一直插佢, 佢感覺心裡有種舒服及滿足. 原來我抽插戈時后,Rene亦高潮左幾次, 最勁就係我抽出來個次.
Both of us are now satisfied and our regular senses are coming back to us. Little did we know both our legs are stuck in the snow/muddy grounds. 可能之前太心急無留意, 我地怕比人見到,所以走了過去河邊的樹邊做,無留意在軟綿綿的雪地下係軟泥地,一脚踏落去就已經沉左落去.所以幾時都話性愛衝昏頭腦. Hey, at that spur of the moment, who would have realized. 點算呢,我使勁想拉隻脚出來,不過都吾成功 and I fell on the floor while doing it. Rene 呢就抽到隻脚出來,對鞋就still in the mud. At this point, we were both getting worried. Can’t exactly scream for help and we needed to get back before teachers started to look for us. Back then, we did not have mobile phones. Couldn’t even get my friends for help. Luckily after lots of yanking and pulling me legs were free. I carried Rene on my back and fled the scene. Once we got back to the buildings, Rene ran bare foot back to her room. 我地分開之前, Rene笑笑口講「you owe me a pair of shoes, dummie」Kissed me lightly on the lips, then turned around and ran off.
我同Rene就正式開始左. This also marked the beginning of my Canadian adventures.

回覆 35# cx829 的帖子

Great story, pls update every day.thanks 😆👍🏻

原帖由 cx829 於 27/9/2021 14:30 發表 查看引用來源
「夠啦……滴水啦……」Rene protests,顯然開始有D吾耐煩。
既然女神你講到出口,我只能夠拖住佢行到靠河邊的大樹旁,少少粗暴bend her over, Rene扶住棵樹,我拉起條短裙,再將期待已久的小J釋放出來。我都唔敢再玩,再等,免得 ...
Ain't that sweet to be called a dummie?😬

回覆 35# cx829 的帖子


回覆 37# star_platina 的帖子

hahaha one of the great things about puppy love is that it's simple and sweet. Nothing complicated.

回覆 38# 柒七仔 的帖子

No need to 羡慕. U have stories to share too?
