
memories from boarding school #1#2#3#17#25 #35

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原帖由 cx829 於 26/9/2021 15:32 發表 查看引用來源

Rene特 ...
Isn't this an interesting way to present a story? 故事只要能夠令人共鳴,點樣寫都只係style問題,師兄加油!😬

原帖由 cx829 於 2021-9-26 15:50 發表 查看引用來源

LOL 我呢D中又唔好英又半桶水,辛苦師兄們啦。enjoy the update
冇所謂啦,而家唔係考試又唔係出書,而且你寫得幾好呀,感覺似一個外國人用廣東話講故事咁,幾得意,keep going. Thanks.

原帖由 star_platina 於 26-9-2021 17:45 發表 查看引用來源
Isn't this an interesting way to present a story? 故事只要能夠令人共鳴,點樣寫都只係style問題,師兄加油!😬
trying to hit two birds with one stone. this presentation helps with the atmosphere I am trying to create. esp for those that have not studied aboard. it should be easier for them to relate. Partly also because my chinese really isn't that good.
I am really hoping to hit some pressure points for those that have studied aboard with this story.

原帖由 人夫愛人妻 於 26-9-2021 17:59 發表 查看引用來源
冇所謂啦,而家唔係考試又唔係出書,而且你寫得幾好呀,感覺似一個外國人用廣東話講故事咁,幾得意,keep going. Thanks.

回覆 17# cx829 的帖子

Quickly I turned Rene around and slipped both my hands between her bra and her boobs. With my hands, I grab her boobs as if I am trying to give her warmth through my hands, squeezing it as if it would run away. Rene整個胸部的形狀很挺,對波唔會太細,剛剛好,抓落去對手滿滿. So satisfied。
Rene turned her head around, 我親著她柔軟的嘴唇,舌頭跟她糾纏著,對手繼續搓揉她的乳房,直到我用手指頑皮地玩弄她的perky nipples「阿……阿………好舒服……」
過了一陣,Rene「yeee~~ 」左兩秒,就停低,好溫柔,轉身深情望著我,用D小朋友想玩玩具戈眼神同語氣「拿出來我幫你啊」,未講完就拉低我拉鏈,跪在地上幫我舔。她的小手又軟又滑,手口并用,舔了都吾知夠唔夠三下,就已經弄得我的小J幾乎要爆炸。我唯有拼命的忍,怎知她愈玩愈興起,還在上下的套弄,含,舔,賴,啜,食樣樣齊。It was cold and she was kneeling on the ice. I felt bad, but didn’t want her to stop either. 我的經驗告訴我, Rene應該不是第一次,應該有D經驗. Oh what the fuck do I care. 冰天雪地有幸能夠比一個這樣的大美人吹,我還能還要求甚麼呢?Just go with the flow. Besides, I like her to start with.
Rene raises her head looks at me with those innocent big eyes 「我想要……人地想要la……」What man can resist those eyes and the words coming out of her mouth? I would probably dive in the frozen lake if she asked me to. I put my right hand in between her thighs, slowly moving up and down, building up the excitement and turn on her senses even more. Moving up, higher and higher until I reach the end. Wetness was the only thing I felt. Wait. Where are her panties? While I try to look for her clit and tease her a little more, I found a thin piece of cloth. Ahhh, she is wearing a thong, thinking to myself. Without any hesitation, I pulled it aside, revealing the hidden jewel, the clit. Using my middle finger, I drew circles on her clit. There was so much juice my finger was sliding on and around her clit.

原帖由 cx829 於 2021-9-26 20:15 發表 查看引用來源
Quickly I turned Rene around and slipped both my hands between her bra and her boobs. With my hands, I grab her boobs as if I am trying to give her warmth through my hands, squeezing it as if it would  ...
Keep going please, nice narratives... Will be even better if there are more photos of Rene🤤

Keep it up

That's a good one!!!

回覆 18# cx829 的帖子

CX兄,nice story, keep it up👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

原帖由 cx829 於 26/9/2021 18:50 發表 查看引用來源
trying to hit two birds with one stone. this presentation helps with the atmosphere I am trying to create. esp for those that have not studied aboard. it should be easier for them to relate. Partly al ...
Haha, for us kind of people who lived part of our life abroad, definitely a lot of say about this; similar situation but with different kinds of girls and that we share our experiences as an overseas students met with some sweet girls. 絕對有共鳴,類似嘅情境,一樣咁甜美嘅女孩,同樣咁激情火辣😬
