
徵nice girl for 2 14, and future relationship~ (last post got deleted)

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徵nice girl for 2 14, and future relationship~ (last post got deleted)

New post......... last night but got deteled. . .i dont know why. . .

For those  who replied sorry i dont have the chance to see it. . .

a short rebrife. . .

this 2 14. . my x is getting marry and invited me to attend . . .  but obverously i am die to not to go. . .

So i am here to 徵 girl 20-28, whom can show me around in HK (for this speaical day)and for future relationship..  

well. . something about me again. . .i am 2X. . from Aus HK. . i can read speak fluent chinese and canton

talkative.  . in a way . . . 180cm tall . . fit figer. . .sporty person . . .play all short of comp game. .

To be an cabin pilot next yr. . .  just gratz from UNSW major in Aerospace eng

(hope this time i didnt break any rule for the post)

first one, good luck to you

. . .

, , , how sad , , ,
