
深圳 K, massage before 2PM?

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深圳 K, massage before 2PM?

in 深圳 now, 10:45AM 12/31, is it too early go to K or massage around 2PM?

is there a
深圳 k, massage recommend list in this forum I can take a look before try? sorry I look for 20 mins and can't find a list...

thanks c hing!

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sorry I don't know all the rules, please accept my apology.

can u point me to the right thread or link from this forum I can use as a reference?

I don't want go out and try and have my first bad experience report. please help. Thanks.

c hing,

i have been looking for more than an hour and can't seem to find any good review(s) in 深圳... what is CP? someone mention CP 富豪 is it in 深圳? can I go by taxi from 深圳 train station? please help lal

原帖由 123abcd123abcd 於 2008-12-31 11:51 AM 發表 查看引用來源
c hing,

i have been looking for more than an hour and can't seem to find any good review(s) in 深圳... what is CP? someone mention CP 富豪 is it in 深圳? can I go by taxi from 深圳 train station? p ...
深圳火車站搭火車咪仲快, 又平


thanks for the quick reply! as u see i am newbie and in 深圳 eat myself law

so 富豪 is it okay? how can I get there? if I tell taxi driver, do they know where? please help.

原帖由 123abcd123abcd 於 2008-12-31 12:00 PM 發表 查看引用來源

thanks for the quick reply! as u see i am newbie and in 深圳 eat myself law

so 富豪 is it okay? how can I get there? if I tell taxi driver, do they know where? please help.
sorry, cp d sn 我好小去


no problem, actually i don't know what is CP :smile_41:  I am in 深圳 near train station, any good suggestion, i don't mind spend more to get some good girls wor. please help lal
