
What else to do in SZ?

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What else to do in SZ?

Besides quickie, K, and SN. What else do you guys do in SZ? I have to live here for at least 2 months and I'm bored of those mentioned already.....

enjoy for life

Despite of sex………
There are quite a lot of things to do beside those you had mentioned.
e.g. go to spa, facial treatment, manicure, pedicure, haircut, shampoo, shanghai style shaving.
You can have one girl taking care of your hands,
One girl taking care of your feet.
One girl taking care of your face.
Gym, exercise, jogging, swimming…
And most importantly, you can spend a quiet, relax afternoon tea with your love one in Taiwanese style teahouse.
You can play chess ( for those chess with a lot of different colour of small pin balls in going to other triangles territoriy ) on the dinning table glass top.
You can listen to the music in the teahouse.
Every customers are so relax, the waitress will not disturb you anyhow.
Just custom yourself to be an ordinary local people , never show off, pay NO tips, dress in kai fong wear,

回覆 2# 的帖子

Thanks for ur report

haha......meccajeddahhk you are the man....

I really want to say
China is comparatively unsafe.
There is a great difference between the rich and the poor.
For those HK citizens like us. We are just the small potato,
We should stay away from trouble, stay away from
“ Black & White “ i.e. the Gong On, police, the gangster
we need sex , we get the sex in a proper way, don’t put yourself in troubles,
set guidelines to safeguard yourself.
And pay the sex fee as normal as the local people.
Get a girl friend, and keep a distance.
Never get involve too deep.
Never give your corresponding address to them.
Don’t say where you come from.
I would tell , I come from Canton, I don’t know how to speak Mandarin, as I did not go to school when I was young,
I don’t know English,

I know how to speak “ White Language “ i.e. Cantonese.
I came from the remote village away from Canton.
Ha, Ha,
For me , I like to go to some town away from Shenzhen,
You can have more services at what you spent.
The simply life there , the people there, the service there give you more than you expect.
Thought the girls might not be dressed up as those in Big city like SZ, they are more natural.
I keep myself in low key,
Giving tips privately for those waitresses, managers,
Show your respect to them,
Buy them, occasionally, some tiny little thing, a can of coke, a bottle of beer to share with,
Give them a red pocket of Lai See ( RMB 5 ) in Chinese New Year.
They recognize you all the time,
You show respect to them, they are very kind to you,
For me, I go to the same tea house,
I don’t need to tell them what kind of tea I want

They will bring the right tea for me
I don’t eat too much dim sum, one or two only.
No body come and disturb me
When I go to the girl house, they let me to go inside the special room ( with a lot of local girls inside ) for me to choose.
A few of the local Chinese can go there at the noon time when the girls just start to standby.
Some of the girls were lying on the sofa and sleeping.
The men just like choosing chicken in Market, grip the girls head and turn them face upright in order to have a good look of their face and sexy body before they decide to select of what they want.
They charge me the same ordinary price.
This is the real life, real reflection, real experience of what I did.
Sorry, I don’t know how to type in Chinese Charater.
I am a simple small potato,ha ha.

回覆 2# 的帖子

我完全同意 c 兄的講法,我都好low profile,好似local people 咁著衫和言行。都好有安全感:smile_30:
