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my first sex experience :$ (somehow a diary lol)

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my first sex experience :$ (somehow a diary lol)

Hi dear all.

...So today I'm going to share my first sex experience (which is quite trivial though lol) with you. (And I am deeply sorry that I can only type with my average English as I will die of fatigue if I type this in Chinese :smile_42:.)

And here we go - let me introduce myself a bit first - a normal 21-year-old student whose life is kind of empty and dull, having my puppy love which sucks in secondary. ...Well at best, I would call it a "puppy love" but at worst, I would call it a lecture -- a lecture that teaches me having a relationship isn't as romantic as I imagine. So what I expect in uni is I will be a nerdy geek, devouring books and studying all day and night until I graduate. Yet, things happen unexpectedly because of a guy. Let's call him D. D is one of my schoolmates who is witty, cute and smart .  We knew each other in O camp but we didn't get close at that time until we and some friends had lunch together. And for some reason, D sat next to me. I'm quite a (pseudo-)introvert so I stayed quiet throughout the lunch and fooled around my phone.

"Wow, I just can't believe you watch Monster! (Japanese animation)" He took a gander at my phone and exclaimed.
":smile_30: Haha why not?" I said.
"You don't look like a comic fetish, do u? lol" D asked suspiciously.
"Well...Just the opposite."
":smile_14:Whattttt? It can't be! Hey do u watch one piece?"

And eventually we kept chitchatting and chitchatting, having more and more interactions and endless topics which bound two of us together. When lunch ended, we exchanged our numbers. And that's how I knew D.

"Sup~" I received his message at home around 6:30pm.
"Still watching monster huh xd?"
"Nope lol"
"Haha right :p Btw are you free tonight? Shall we have dinner together?"
"...Not really, kind of busy." I didn't find excuses to reject him but I was actually busy at that time :p But I was quite glad that he asked me to go for a dinner (Well, at least I totally didn't feel bad to go with him...)
"awwww" He said.
"...Maybe tomorrow night if you are free."
"Sure! And btw, where do you take your pro pic? That's awesome!" Chitchatting began, again. Gosh, I had bundle of work left unfinished but paradoxically, I just couldn't stop replying him lol WTF.

...Our chitchatting stayed pure until we eventually began to share our love stories.

"Hey like to hear my love story? :p" D said.
"Haha sure~" I replied.
"But in return, U'll have to tell me yours. xd Okay?"
"No probs!"

So basically D said his puppy love was unrequited and bitter, being betrayed by his gf. (I guess you guys won't be interested in it, so let me make it short lol)

After that,
"Your turnnnnnn "

...Well maybe let me share a bit of my puppy love here. Caring though my first bf was, he was kind of too prim. Believe it or not, I hadn't even been kissed by him lol. (Once I had tried to take the initiative to break through this deadlock, but it hadn't worked...sigh)(Quite abstract to explain, but simply speaking, I can't find infatuation in our relationship.) We got fed up with each other plus, he planned to study overseas so the puppy love withered...

"Well...bygones are bygones. Cheer up! You'll find a better one, say, me xd" Well, I knew maybe he was just saying, but for some reason, I still blushed.

"Lol. Don't hard-sell please :smile_30:"

"Hahaha xd It's getting late, go to bed la, don't forget our dinner tomorrow~"

It was 2:15am. Rarely did I sleep so late (because of a guy ).


The day after, we met again in a decent restaurant.

"Hi~" I was quite in a good mood that day.

"So finally we can have dinner tgt with no "lightbulbs" :smile_30:" D said playfully. I giggled.

After finishing the dinner, again, something unexpected happened.

"Fancy a drink tonight?" D asked suddenly.

:smile_14:Wow. A drink. Never had I been asked to have a drink by a guy I was interested in. Guess what? That feeling was thrilling...

"Sure..." I knew, I just couldn't prevent myself from grinning at that moment lol.

So we took a cab and went to Rxxz carxxxxx- a "mecca" that I wanted to visit so bad for a long time xd..

After we arrived there, we sat down and "studied" (lol) the menu.

"...Ummm...all the things I know is only mojito :smile_35:" I stared at him, telling him awkwardly.

"Well it won't make you suffer from a hangover tomorrow." D said.

So eventually we had our drinks and appreciated the night scene there.

The ambience was relaxing until he continued what we had discussed the day before.

"...If you can't find your Mr. Right, consider me to be your outlet for love." Damn. Damn. Damn. I knew I was going to blush to death if he continued.

I didn't reply - but gave him a kiss on his cheek. ...Well, my first kiss. lol

...He was quite astonished at my reaction at the very first second but after that he placed his arms around my neck. I knew I loved being cuddled by him .
After quite a long time, we left the bar and went back home. The night was tranquil. (:

So after that, we were often together in Uni, texting each other secretly while we were having lessons . Yet, none of us took one more steps further though we knew too clearly that things were cooking between us. I know, I know, going too fast will result in a rebound :p. This ambiguous state remained unchanged until my birthday.


"Don't have sex with a guy until you get married!" This iron dogma had been indoctrinated by my spartan parents to me since I was just a young teen. I understood, but I broke it. :smile_30::smile_30::smile_30:

"Happy Birthday dear!" a message received at 1200 a.m. I was at the dorm at that moment.
Okay, undeniably, my heart was always warmed by his little messages like "It's getting cooler, get more clothes~" ... (:

"Awww One year older sigh"

"A year hotter~ lol" U know, it's like a venom - you know you might be in great peril if you get addicted to it, but you can't get out of it.

"I hope so xd"

"Can't wait for tomorrow's night xd"

"...same here :p"


...So my birthday came and we celebrated in a restaurant . D bought me a birthday gift but he asked me to unwrap it when I went home.
The ambience was warm.

"...Would you like to visit my home?" D asked. The dinner was nearly finished.

...Thrilling. Overwhelming.  That's the only feeling I had. Visiting your home for what? Chatting? Gaming? Drinking? ......or something juicy? lol

I didn't reply immediately.  There was a dreadful silence and the dogma from my mom abruptly appeared in my mind. lol A quagmire was in front of me.

"Well no worries, take your time to consider." D said gently.

"Never have sex with a guy until you get married!" Damn, I got completely flummoxed.

After paying the bills, we left the restaurant. I knew it's time I gave him a reply - I held his hands, kissing him on his cheek again. My second kiss. He smiled at me and held my waist and took a cab.

So...finally, his home. His home was cosy which made me feel relaxed and comfortable .

"So can i unwrap my present now?" I asked.

"Well...whatever you say." D said.
I opened the little blue box and that was a necklace.

"Thank you..."
"Let me help you wear it." God, I swore I would blush to death one day lol.

I could feel his hands touching my neck tenderly. His warm breath was so close to me that made my neck get warmer.grea

"It looks great on you, ain't it?" He said.

I didn't answer and smiled - out of the blue - he abruptly kissed on my lips, neck, cheek, you name it - and hands on my chests. I knew something big was going to happen.

"...Shall we continue at my room?" he asked.

"Don't have sex with a guy until you get married!" The words rang me again, but I decided to give up obeying the rules from that moment onwards.

I nodded my head.

I laid down on his bed, being kissed by him affectionately. He took off all my clothing's, cuddling my chests and nipples - I moaned softly. I wanted more from him.
And I knew I was getting wet and exhilarated because of the snog. He led my hands to his Johnny. ...It's the first time I touched a man's intimate part . The feeling lingered on in my memory forever.
"Isn't it getting harder and harder? Just because of you babe." My desires had been fully ignited by his words, the most powerful catalyst for me lol.
He then lowered his heads to my intimate part - licking it softly. I would say this was the best feeling I'd ever had and I couldn't prevent myself from streaming.

I was getting all wet at that moment. He knew that I was a virgin so he was gentle with me. He placed the head of his erection at the entrance, slowly pushes it into me.

"Argh!" Damn it. The pain of having first sex experience was beyond description. :') It's nearly agonizing. He knew I felt uncomfortable, so he waited and let me get used to the intrusive feeling of being penetrated. He kept kissing me everywhere, giving me hickeys. After a while, he completely took my virginity. It hurt, but it was sweet.

"You're tight... I'm going to move now." D said. He moved slowly and gently and made me groan so much...

Farewell! My virginity!


"Be my girlfriend." The first message when I was way to home.

Yes, truly yes <3
~The end~

[ 本帖最後由 if_0714 於 2013-3-29 06:20 PM 編輯 ]


are u still with him??

原帖由 20120816 於 2013-3-29 05:38 PM 發表 查看引用來源


原帖由 Heartbreaker. 於 2013-3-29 05:44 PM 發表 查看引用來源
are u still with him??
Yes (:

原帖由 if_0714 於 2013-3-29 05:45 PM 發表 查看引用來源

Yes (:
A sweet love story:smile_o05:


原帖由 Heartbreaker. 於 2013-3-29 05:48 PM 發表 查看引用來源

A sweet love story:smile_o05:
wow you have already finished reading the whole passage?

原帖由 20120816 於 2013-3-29 05:49 PM 發表 查看引用來源


原帖由 if_0714 於 2013-3-29 05:53 PM 發表 查看引用來源嗯(:

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