
當 年 情 !!

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當 年 情 !!

自從女女出世以後, 除了照顧BB, 幫仔仔温習功課, Yoga, 陪著羊咩 my husband,  生活就是這樣了.  幸福??  當然啦, Husband, 仔仔女女..... Kathy 來說己很滿足了.  有時間中, 都會回味以往和我一起的男人的時刻. ( Exclude my ex-husband!) 以往有睇過我故事的net fd, 希望再見到你們.....

農曆年時候, 天氣十分寒冷,  記得一次和朋去London, 當然包到一隻rice dumpling 咁啦.......嗰次都係 Business trip, with my boss......Kathy身體唔係咁好咋, 所以同Boss 做哂Present D 嘢之後, 都冇出去食飯.  Boss都係同我喺 Hotel裏面食飯.  (有睇我以前嘅 Post 都知呢個 Boss Kathy 十分之好.  (當時我係離婚, 而佢太太就 pass away.....) 當晚可能真係太攰及身體不適, 一定要回房休息.  Boss送到我回到房間, settle咗我之後佢就準備離開.  正當他要離床之際. 我望著他, 而且眼淚不段流下and said...."please stay, dun leave me alone......" 當晚我跟他做咗.  諗番起都幾好笑, 嗰時我發緊燒, (後尾先知道.) undressed me very very gentle.....好温柔, 以往喺公司大家朝夕相對3, 當晚大家赤裸裸的一起, 回想起他哪話兒都頗長的, (我要差不多2 隻手揸着才知道長度......)  當他吻向我耳珠的時候, 我整個人一軟的倒向他.  (耳珠是我的敏感點....) .....我的小妹妹還剛巧的碰向他哪話兒. 但雖然當時我很想要, 但當時的我實在太病, 他亦沒有向我繼續, 當時就係咁......倆個赤裸男女, 一間房, 一張床.....他就是這樣攬著Kathy, 到天光...........

to be continued.....


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原帖由 惡女b水 於 2010-12-13 12:07 PM 發表 查看引用來源

Thx Dear!!  This is a story about my ex-boss where I worked in I-bank, he who took good care on me alot.  今日我還可以對婚姻有僮境, 他真的幫我不少.  

4 月份的 London 早上仍然是很冷的.  床上的我被一雙強而有力的臂膀攬著, 很溫暖的呢?
: "Hi!! Morning!!"
Boss :  "Hi! Dear, Feel more better now, wanna get some water?"
我望著他有一種很奇怪的感覺......覺得一男一女, 赤裸裸的在床上一晚, 但又沒有做愛, 頗奇怪呢.  他正想下床之際, 我的手拉著他的手, 他凝視著 Kathy in naked, 而經過一晚的休息後,  Kathy 覺得好了很多.......他的咀唇緊貼著我.......他的那話兒已經.....已經脹大起來, 而他亦用他的手指撫摸著我的陰唇, 突然間, 我感到突然一震......流出很多水呢.  他亦知我怎樣想......並將他那話兒貼向我的陰戶....." lease, babe.....a....abit...ta......tight...ah!!......slo.....w....Oh!......ah!..." 他亦知他的巨物可能會弄痛我......so, 他只是入了 1/3 就停一停, 他那勷手亦游走我的乳房, and slightly lick my nippo area...... feel 到他再開始進攻.  而我亦很想他的陰莖向我插入......他扶一扶我的腰, 突然一梃..........."Ah ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ......Ah......G...o...d !! It's .....so......l o v e l y, ..... honey !!......記得當時的感覺很深刻.......因為倆個人'合二為一' 的感覺實在太美妙......

to be continued......

very good and support, your photo look sexy.

Oooh!  Kathy, 支持你先!你的御床帶刀侍衛。

He could be your father.

Well, Kathy, I'm not intending to challenge what you related, but I must say that it's very hard for a man to have a nude lady with him & could stop himself from entering her. If I was you, I will consider it as an insult. Why ? it's hardly to believe that he is respecting you but only a matter that you can't make him to even have a hard-on or say you have not attractive enough to even seduce him. So there're 2 point of view, for what you've said, you may consider it a very romantic evening, very momorable. But on the point of view of men, it's ridiculous, we will consider that you're not even able to allow him to have his hard-on, not even to light on his fire. Hahaha...what a joke.

原帖由 cchk211 於 2010-12-13 12:37 PM 發表 查看引用來源
Well, Kathy, I'm not intending to challenge what you related, but I must say that it's very hard for a man to have a nude lady with him & could stop himself from entering her. If I was you, I will con ...
Just wanna tell you, this is a story happened over 7 yrs ago, and a.....he. that gentlement, used to be my boss, and just being with before I met my husband nowaday.  I dun have any affair, and won't happen anymore.

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