做左好多年CD rom 終於決定要分享一下:smile_44:
讀國際學校,中文唔係太好 請見諒佢係一個好flirty既男仔 成日都話我好吸引啊 但其實nothing happened。。。
暑假既時候 我地一齊去左一個exchange trip
去到個間學校佢講明唔可以去游泳池游水 因為無救生員
而個晚我就話 其實一直都好像試一下夜晚游水 好似好正感
佢就話好啊 不如我地一齊去游水
我就話 30min後見啦 好sweet的係佢黎左我間房接我
去到更衣室 我就尷尷尬尬感除3....
點知。。我扣唔到我個bikini 唯有問佢啦
佢就笑笑口感幫我 幫我扣之餘仲係我耳邊吹氣 我心唸。。。得米拉哈哈
落水都好小心 因為d水聲 好驚有人見到。。始終都係偷偷摸摸架嘛
一路都係傾下計感 突然之間 佢就講起我地學校好多人都"bok"過野
我話 係?感你呢?
佢話 我同我之前個女朋友2年wor 緊係有啦 點可能無?
and i said Im still a virgin....
佢突然之間就hug我 當時feel到佢既six pack 同古龍水真係好正
之後佢叫我面對面感望住佢 佢就ai係泳池邊我就靠住佢感
我地係月亮下對望 跟著佢就係度講佢d經驗
話自己從來都係女仔主動kiss me 我次次都係被動
我就話係meh lets see then
突然之間聽到有人聲 係真係好驚架 佢就趁機抱實d 係危急既關頭 我竟然feel到his dick slowing rising up.....
我望住佢 佢望住我 對望左好耐 and he kissed me
and we made out for a long time
he slowly put his finger under into my pants and started searching .... searching
我就當然mak大腳kiu住佢 佢既手一路向下探索 了了下 我不禁係他耳邊moan
ahh....ahhhhhhhhhh...ahh come on
and he put his head down to my boobs, and started caressing it.. sucking it
ohhh and he said lets go out of the pool
its really hard to do anything here
and we went up and he carried me to the changing room....
陣間再打 打中文好tired啊
本帖最後由 淫娃bb 於 2015-5-25 11:56 PM 編輯 ]