
五星級大鼠 Ratatouille [中] (4.36G)

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五星級大鼠 Ratatouille [中] (4.36G)

【電影名稱】五星級大鼠 Ratatouille
【檔案大小】4.36 GB
【字    幕】印度尼西亞語 (印尼), 馬拉文, 英文, 繁/簡中文
【發    音】國語, 粵語, 英語

      開口埋口 "Bon appetit"竟出自一隻為食鼠口中一隻居住法國的老鼠Remy,天生嘴刁為食,最大志願有朝成為五星級大廚。為達成理想,Remy不惜舉家搬到巴黎一間頂級餐廳的地下水渠居住,更在偷師、找材料、試煮菜期間不惜竄遍大街小巷,搞到全城一鑊粥,炒起無數笑料!到底人人喊打的老鼠Remy能否如願以償,成為《五星級大鼠》
      In the hilarious new animated-adventure, RATATOUILLE, a rat namedRemy dreams of becoming a great chef despite his family's wishes andthe obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent-phobicprofession. When fate places Remy in the city of Paris, he findshimself ideally situated beneath arestaurantmade famous by his culinaryhero, Auguste Gusteau. Despite the apparent dangers of being anunwanted visitor in the kitchen at one of Paris' most exclusiverestaurants, Remy forms an unlikely partnership with Linguini, thegarbage boy, who inadvertently discovers Remy's amazing talents. Theystrike a deal, ultimately setting into motion a hilarious and excitingchain of extraordinary events that turns the culinary world of Parisupside down.


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[ 本帖最後由 hallen9710 於 2009-3-28 10:16 AM 編輯 ]

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