【軟體名稱】:Microsoft Toolkit 2.4.4英文正式版[Windows8激活工具和Office2010+2013激活工具]
【作業系統】:Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Microsoft Toolkit是一款免費的Windows8激活工具和Office2010/2013激活工具,是由Office 2010 Toolkit同一個作者製作。運行Microsoft Toolkit,點擊界面右下角的
Office圖標進入Office Toolkit界面,點擊Windows圖標進入Windows Toolkit界面,對應激活Office2013和Windows8系統。
Microsoft Toolkit 2.4.4正式版更新記錄:
-Added support for more product key types in PIDX Checker.
-Added support for Windows 8.1 BETA.
-AutoKMS and AutoRearm now have a Login Scheduled Task.
-Better handling of read-only folders and locked ISOs for Customize Setup.
-Compiled as AnyCPU.
-EZ-Activator will check for KMS Server Service before installing AutoKMS.
-Fixed some Yes/No prompts not working.
-Get Rearm Count works on products now, without any license file manipulations.
-Improved Microsoft Office 2013 Channel Switcher compatibility.
-Improved PIDX Checker and added support for more key types such as CSVLK Keys.
-KMSEmulator loaded from DLL in memory instead of vbc.exe.
-Saving Settings will restart KMS Server Service.
-Settings that use a NumericUpDown control can be typed in now.
-Updated KMSEmulator and KMS Server Service.
Microsoft. NET Framework 4.0 or 4.5 (Not 3.5)(必須)
Microsoft Office 2010 or Later for Office Toolkit Support
Windows Vista or Later for Windows Toolkit Support
KMS Server Virtual Machine for Windows 8 (or Microsoft Office 2013 on Windows 8) Activation Support
PROTIP: Use win8kms.mooo.com as KMS Server to activate Windows 8.
Windows 8和Windows 7下請右鍵管理員運行