
CP Tao Yuen 桃園

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CP Tao Yuen 桃園

Hello, I come here again, last Friday I try CP (Tao Yuen), so so so so so so so much class one horse ( I mean the girls), we just use about $358 at K(For two), and I find a super class horse to overnight, $800 (2-5-8), she can join me until Sat noon about 4 pm (long time), I ko her 4 times, haha, all borther 天v is a rubbish now(天v fans b4), you can try try (Tao Yuen桃園), is my best suggestion!! :smile_38:

Chinese Version (thanks 滾王之王)
等我黎個中文番譯啦 樓主個卜街學人去桃園 點知一坐低 就有兩條女帶過黎 佢個個好正 另外個fd個個就唔掂即刻彈 跟住就出事啦 十幾個媽咪帶住幾十條女埋黎係咁質佢地坐低 當然正既唔少 但係樓主同佢個fd真係睇到眼花撩亂 樓主執到件好野梗係死摟住唔放啦 可憐佢個fd比幾十個係咁讃住 終於揀到個幾好既 咁其他個幾十個點算呢 張藖都冇位架啦 個媽咪係都要質的女過黎 連坐係其他女大脾都要坐 真係吹漲 好彩有個靚仔侍應醒目幫手 問定佢個fd要邊個 就幫佢叫走哂其他女 咁就由9點幾坐到12點 6支酒加雞翼雲吞315人仔埋單 其間個樓主仲on 99咁唱左首歌,跟住咪去宵夜直落 樓主應該冇吹水既 因為佢個fd第日下畫一點鐘call佢都仲係房吊緊 可憐佢個fd都係吊左兩鑊咋 樓主個個係天生淫女 唔做呢行真係哂哂 係咁搶住樓主黎做 樣身材真係唔差 佢個fd都想吊番幾鑊 個過程係咪好詳細呢 因為我就係個個可憐既fd 條女唔夠佢個正又吊得兩鑊 嗚嗚!!

[ 本帖最後由 apple1468 於 2008-11-10 07:52 AM 編輯 ]


回覆 2# 的帖子

haha, thanks! my English is not good, just I don't type chinese only, sorry! All Ching, I hope you can know what I mean, I just want to post the good report :smile_38: to all brother only, haha!!

Ha!! Just $358 for one night K with 4 guys 2 men and 2 women! Too cheap la!! You just took water ........:smile_30: :smile_30:

tks Tao Yuen report!

$358 have 6 bottle of ching tao beer, 2 nuts, one plate of fruit, and we call some food to eat 2 plate of chicken wing, because Friday is full, we just sit at 聽 only! and have some show to see tims, nice place.

when we set at the 聽, I think have about 100 person first class horse give our to choose, I never see it b4, because I less time to go, mother and waiter told me, the maximum time have 400-500 at flower steet tim about at 6 pm, next time ask me go early, because last firday I go there about at 9 pm.

加記雖然好玩,但原來咁多fist horses,真係要再試下:smile_40:

Hong Kong style English

you are so lucky, went there 9pm,
still can find top level horse,
people now wait there at 5 for the top horse
