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哈囉大家好, 前幾日我炳炳趁住老婆大人阿小hong出外shopping之空隙, 乘機去 ‘激爪館’ 逍遙一番, 本來想搵上次喺走廊 ‘蟹候’ 果位未食過既 ( ( 號靚女, 但可惜短裙仔部長話 ( ( 已經好多日冇返工, 估計泊到好碼頭矣! 冇計, 唯有搵番舊相好小han姑娘啦.
小han姑娘姿色雖然唔係頂級貨, 但為人就風騷蝕骨, 摷兩摷啲水好似倒出嚟咁滯, 到最後衝刺時本來想抽條嘢出嚟玩顏射或者口爆, 但呢女條死攬住小炳炳唔俾離開佢妹妹個無底深洞, 直到出咗嘢佢仲叫炳炳唔好咁快起身可唔可以郁多幾吓, 咁炳炳咁就得人就趁雄氣未退繼續喺佢身上un多幾嘢, 小han終於如打冷顫般低聲呻吟得到咗佢要得到既高潮, 炳炳心諗係咪應該同佢收番錢呢喂:smile_22:
順便講句 ‘激爪館’ 深藏高尚住宅民居當中, 毗鄰菜肉市場及學校, 非附近出入人士真係唔係咁易知道佢個地步, 相對嚟講安全性應該高啲啲掛.
埋單盛為348人仔, + 10蚊雞一次性沖涼衫 + 10 locker仔貼士, 小han本來肯比炳炳做多次, 只係炳炳年紀大有心無力矣, 以此價值可以做兩q, 都算ok啦.

English Version

Hello everybody! For a few days before, me, Ping Ping, found a chance going to ‘激爪館’ while my respected wife Siu Hong left me away for shopping. I meant to find ( ( BG to whom I met her at the corridor as I visited 激爪館 last time originally. However the short dressed skirt head waitress said no. (( girl had been absence for 3 days as head waitress guessed she had been found a good ‘dock’. With no other better alternative, I picked the BG Siu Han who had been ‘eaten’ last time.
It was nevertheless Siu Han was not a very beautiful or pretty BG. She was the absolutely sexy & coquettish girl. I felt very wet when my fingers plunged into her ‘sister’ just for a moment. At the last part, I meant got off my cock from her hole but she grasped me very tight and didn’t let me go away even I ejected inside her body finally (Of course with a dum ). Then, she begged me moving forward and backward continually until she arrived a high tide with a quiver and groan! Ping Ping thought about whether I should charged back her anyway in turn :smile_22:
For more detail, 激爪館 located in high class residential estate which besides market & school. It was not so easy to find it out unless you visited this area very often. I thought it should be a relatively safe playground for buddies.
Charges : rmb 348 + 10 yuen one time bath clothes + 10 yuen locker boy tips. Siu Han promised to give me two times ‘happy’ yet I just did once only (I was not a young man la). It might be a fair duel if counted for above ‘privilege’ provided.

小han用手掩面怕醜唔俾見樣, 咁都好, 唔使炳炳要PS同佢遮眼, 慳番!
Siu Hong used her hand covering the face. Maybe it is good for me saving the time because need not using PS to blur her eyes.

[ 本帖最後由 TommyZZ 於 2009-4-27 09:31 AM 編輯 ]

回覆 1# 的帖子

thank you, c hing

哇, 正!!
多謝c hing 圖文並茂, 中英對照report..

係GZ 邊忽呀??


原帖由 htl 於 2009-4-26 06:37 PM 發表
哇, 正!!
多謝c hing 圖文並茂, 中英對照report..

係GZ 邊忽呀??
哈哈, 典解我出親包膠你哋都問喺gz邊度既? 唔通小弟喺講周個朵真係咁響?

原帖由 神州無敵 於 2009-4-26 06:43 PM 發表
只可以講喺豬豬區政府樓附近果啲大型屋苑入面, 唔可以咁揚呀, 否則好易冇得再玩呀:smile_44:

帶套吹就真係無乜癮!:smile_39: :smile_39:



English Version
Thank you for the report with pictures

原帖由 TommyZZ 於 2009-4-26 06:30 PM 發表 查看引用來源
哈囉大家好, 前幾日我炳炳趁住老婆大人阿小hong出外shopping之空隙, 乘機去 ‘激爪館’ 逍遙一番, 本來想搵上次喺走廊 ‘蟹候’ 果位未食過既 ( ( 號靚女, 但可惜短裙仔部長話 ( ( 已經好多日冇返工, 估計泊到 ...
有得 HAPPY, 又有錢收, 做尼行都唔錯!
