
Autodesk 3DS Max 2009

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Autodesk 3DS Max 2009

Autodesk 3DS Max 2009                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        中文名稱:歐特克3ds Max 2009
英文名稱:Autodesk 3ds Max 2009

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  2008年2月12日Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ:ADSK) 宣佈推出Autodesk 3ds Max建模、動畫和渲染軟件的兩個新版本。該軟件是用於開發遊戲的領先的創造工具。該公司推出了面向娛樂專業人士的Autodesk 3ds Max2009 軟件,同時也首次推出3ds Max Design 2009 軟件,這是一款專門為建築師、設計師以及可視化專業人士而量身定制的 3D應用軟件。Autodesk 3ds Max 的兩個版本均提供了新的渲染功能、增強了與包括 Revit軟件在內的行業標準產品之間的互通性,以及更多的節省大量時間的動畫和製圖工作流工具。3ds Max Design 2009還提供了燈光模擬和分析技術。

  Autodesk 傳媒娛樂部高級副總裁 Marc Petit 解釋說:「每個設計都訴說著一個故事。娛樂技術讓設計專業人士能夠探索各種想法、驗證其設想並傳達設計理念。它能夠使他們在把設計付諸實踐前先行體驗這些設計。」

  Petit 補充道:「Autodesk 3ds Max現在形成了兩種截然不同的風格,這是為了更好地滿足我們的娛樂和視覺可視化客戶的特定需求。3ds Max 2009 和 3ds MaxDesign 2009為用戶帶來了定制的在線體驗、用戶界面和應用默認設置、教學教程、範例以及其它。這簡化了學習的過程,讓用戶更容易找到與他們最密切關聯的信息。」


  Autodesk 3ds Max 2009的主要功能包括:簡化重複工作流的新推出的「Reveal」渲染工具包以及模擬現實中表面狀態的ProMaterials素材庫。這一版本還帶來了眾多biped的改進以及新型 UV 編輯工具。經過改進的 OBJ 和 Autodesk FBX文件格式的輸入與輸出大幅提高了與 Autodesk Mudbox、Autodesk Maya、Autodesk MotionBuilder軟件程序和其它第三方應用軟件之間的互通性。此外,一種新型場景設置技術,即 Recognize,與 Revit Architecture2009 一起顯著改善了應用軟件內的工作流程。

  3ds Max Design 2009除了不具備軟件開發工具包 (SDK)之外,擁有 Autodesk 3ds Max 2009的所有功能,。SDK 是一套用在娛樂市場上的開發工具,用於軟件整合到現有製作的流水線以及開發與之相合作的工具。3ds Max Design還擁有用於模擬和分析陽光、天空以及人工照明來輔助 LEED 8.1 證明的 Exposure 技術。

3ds Max 2009 主要功能

新的 Reveal渲染系統為您快速精調渲染提供了所需的精確控制。你可以選擇渲染減去某個特定物體的整個場景;或渲染單個物體甚至幀緩衝區的特定區域。渲染圖像幀緩衝區現在包含一套簡化的工具,通過隨意過濾物體、區域和進程、平衡質量、速度和完整性,可以快速有效達到渲染設置中的變化。

Biped 改進
新增的Biped工作流程可以讓您處理的Biped 角色的手部動作與地面的關係像足部動作一樣。這個新功能大大減少了製作四足動畫所需的步驟。3dsMax 2009 還支持Biped物體的以工作軸心點和選取軸心點為軸心進行旋轉,這加速了戲劇化的角色的動作的創建,比如一個角色摔在地面上。

改進的 OBJ 和 FBX 支持
更高的 OBJ 轉換保真度以及更多的導出選項使得在 3ds Max 和 Mudbox以及其它數字雕刻軟件之間傳遞數據更加容易。您可以利用新的導出預置;額外的幾何體選項,包括隱藏樣條線或直線;以及新的優化選項來減少文件大小和改進性能。遊戲製作人員可以體驗到增強的紋理貼圖處理以及在物體面數方面得到改進的 Mudbox 導入信息。3ds Max 2009 還提供改進的FBX 內存管理以及支持 3ds Max 與其它產品(例如 Maya和 MotionBuilder)協同工作的新的導入選項。

改進的 UV 紋理編輯
3ds Max在智能、易用的貼圖工具方面繼續引領業界潮流。您可以使用新的樣條貼圖功能來對管狀和樣條狀物體進行貼圖,例如把道路貼圖到一個區域中。此外,改進的Relax 和 Pelt 工作流程簡化了 UVW 展開,使您能夠以更少的步驟創作出想要的作品。SDK 中的.NET 支持支持.NET,可通過使用 Microsoft 的高效高級應用程序編程接口擴展您的軟件。3ds Max 2009軟件開發工具包配有 .NET示例代碼和文檔,可幫助開發人員利用這個強大的工具包。

新的材質庫提供易用、基於實物的 mental ray材質,使您能夠快速創建常用的建築和設計表面,例如固態玻璃、混凝土或專業的有光或無光牆壁塗料。

3ds Max 現在支持新型的區域燈光(圓形、圓柱形)、瀏覽對話框和燈光用戶界面中的光度學網絡預覽以及改進的近距離光度學計算質量和光斑分佈。另外,分佈類型現在能夠支持任何發光形狀,而且您可以將燈光形狀顯示地和渲染圖像中的物體一致。

Autodesk 3DS Max 2009

Create stunning 3D in less time with Autodesk® 3ds® Max software. Thisfull-featured 3D modeling, animation, rendering, and effects solutionis used to produce top-selling games and award-winning film and videocontent. Those looking to quickly and efficiently generate convincingcharacters, seamless CG effects, or jaw-dropping games will want toexplore this latest release of the software.


-3ds Max User Interface
-Data and Scene Management Tools
-Polygon Modeling and Texturing
-Spline/Extended Spline and NURBS Modeling
-General Animation
-Character Animation
-Space Warps
-Multiple Rendering Options
-Rendering Controls and Effects
-Hair and Fur System
-3ds Max API/SDK
-Connectivity and Integration

System Requirements:


32-bit OS:
Microsoft® Windows Vista®
Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional (SP2 or higher)

64-bit OS:
Microsoft Windows Vista
Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64

Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 6 or higher

DirectX® 9.0c* (required)


At a minimum, 3ds Max 2009 32-bit software requires a system with the following:
Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® XP or higher processor
512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)
500 MB swap space (2 GB recommended)
Hardware-accelerated OpenGL® and Direct3D® supported
Microsoft Windows–compliant pointing device (optimized for Microsoft® IntelliMouse®)
DVD-ROM drive

Note: Apple® computers based on Intel processors and running Microsoft operating systems are not currently supported.

At a minimum, 3ds Max 2009 64-bit software requires a system with the following:
Intel EM64T, AMD Athlon 64 or higher, AMD Opteron® processor
1 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
500 MB swap space (2 GB recommended)
Hardware-accelerated OpenGL and Direct3D supported
Microsoft Windows–compliant pointing device (optimized IntelliMouse)
DVD-ROM drive

Qualified Hardware: http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/item?siteID=123112&;id=9886527

Key new features and enhancements:

Reveal Rendering
-The Reveal rendering system, new in 3ds Max 2009, gives you theprecise control you need to quickly refine your renders. Choose torender your entire scene minus a specific object; or render a singleobject, or even a specific region of the Framebuffer. The renderedimage Framebuffer now contains a simplified set of tools to quicklyvalidate changes in a render by optionally filtering out objects,regions and/or processes in order to balance quality, speed, andcompleteness.

Biped Enhancements
-The addition of a new Biped workflow means you can now have your Bipedcharacter’s hands behave like feet with regards to the ground plane.This new feature dramatically simplifies the number of steps needed tocreate quadruped animations. Autodesk 3ds Max also delivers support forrotating Biped objects around the Working Pivot, as well as the PickPivot, which facilitates the creation of certain kinds of dramaticcharacter performances—for example, a character falling to the ground.

Improved Support for OBJ and FBX
-Greater OBJ translation fidelity, along with more export options, makeit easier for you to move data between 3ds Max and Mudbox—as well asother digital sculpting applications. Take advantage of new exportpresets, additional geometry options (including hidden splines/lines),and new optimize options that give you reduced file sizes for improvedperformance. Game artists will particularly enjoy the improved texturemap handling and improved Mudbox import information with regard to facecounts per object. 3ds Max also delivers improved FBX memory managementand new import options that support interoperability between 3ds Maxand other products such as Maya and MotionBuilder.

Streamlined UV Texture Editing
-Autodesk 3ds Max continues to lead the industry in intelligent,easy-to-use mapping tools. The new spline mapping feature can be usedto map tubular and spline-like objects such as mapping a road ontoterrain. Additionally, improvements have been made to the Relax andPelt workflows that streamline UVW unwrapping—enabling you to achieveyour desired results in fewer steps.

.NET Support in the SDK
-Support for .NET in 3ds Max allows you to use Microsoft’s efficient,high-level user interface APIs to extend the software. The 3ds Max SDKships with sample .NET code and documentation showing developers howthey can take advantage of this powerful set of development tools.

Tracker: http://open.tracker.thepiratebay.org/announce

Size: 970.34 MBs

Info Hash: 1c9984a991e98f1eb17f03eb59d150614bfce889

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