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:044: 一星期前比女仔吹完,jj龜頭以下既地方好似...........................

係龜頭之外,,附近既地方痛呀....有d似一點點細紅點既出現,,,痛痛地...但紅點唔太顯眼呀...係咩事呀,,,去藥房買支咩藥茶定係過多幾日都未好就睇一般門診定社會衛生科???:044: HELP

[ 本帖最後由 雄風獅心王 於 2008-12-10 12:15 AM 編輯 ]

ching, be careful la. with wound, it is easy to get infection. usually, it will be fine in one week. try to buy the H2O2 to clean it. it will let the wound faster recover.

我試过一次以為龜頭炎, 去藥房買支藥育2日冇事


:032: the best way to see the doctor and test your blood,nobody know it's aids or not,don't wait 7 years till it comes out...:023:

go to see doctor la.
