
Help~~~~~~~~~~~~don't just look plese help

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Help~~~~~~~~~~~~don't just look plese help

I have sex with my gf yesterday with no comdom on and her period come today,does she still have high chance to have baby?

[ 本帖最後由 doyouhowdo 於 2009-3-29 08:03 PM 編輯 ]

i dont think the chance of having a baby is high at all

Thanks~~~~~~so do you know what is the percentage of my gf getting a baby.

My gf and me have sex at 6 afternoon and tml afterschool,i'll take her to take a pill from family planning.

Hopefully she won't have my baby becuase me and her is so young...

Thank for you help anyway haha

Going to sleep now everyone
Good night

Tml morning i'll check is there anymore commont and please post if you can becuase it really helps

就算係喺安全期中出, 一樣有好高機會會有bb
咁就諗住高枕無憂, 發夢冇咁早呀你

As I know, the chance of getting pregnant is 25%, if you have sex at the right period of time, i.e. 2 weeks after ur gf period has come. Normally, if you have unprotected sex at her period, the chance of getting a baby is not high since the sperm won't survive that long in her body (normally sperm survive for 3 days only)

做重要響佢到射賣................ 係到拎返出來射ma~

睇你寫既英文就知你係學生, 好心咪搞的咁既野啦!!!

Haha thank to everyone that helped me
Me and my gf went to the family planning today and the docter say she won't get pregnant.
The docter didn't give us the pill becuase we have sex the day before her period comes and told us to come back if her period seems abit different as usual.

So i think is fine la thanks for everyone help

By the way it is my gf don't let me wear comdom...when i told her that i need to wear it

原帖由 doyouhowdo 於 2009-3-30 12:27 PM 發表
Haha thank to everyone that helped me
Me and my gf went to the family planning today and the docter say she won't get pregnant.
The docter didn't give us the pill becuase we have sex the day before  ...
As other members already answered your question, I just have one thing to say.
If you really love your girlfriend and consider your future,
you should have safe sex at anytime, using condom!

Even your girlfriend told you not to use,
as a man, this is your responsible to have safe sex, either avoid any sex diseases or getting pregnant.

Your girlfriend doesn't know anything is not meaning you should follow or listen her without basic knowledge.
If you know your girlfriend is wrong, you should tell and teach her how to protect each other.

Love is blindness and Love can make people losing control.
So, be aware whenever you two want to sex.
Don't be regreted or getting worried after unsafe sex!

Please remember to use condom!

Hope this help and remember!

回覆 9# 的帖子

I agree~

佢叫你唔用你就唔用, 以家的港女好狡滑, 我有個frd就試過俾佢女友害, 就咁染上性病!!!  又有個frd試過俾佢女友迫佢響裡邊射, 等佢有左迫佢同佢結婚!!

我覺得你都係check 下自己會唔會染病好的啦~~ 好過擔心佢有左!
