
[轉貼] (Pearl) 手袋黨 Cashmere Mafia CH06 2008-11-13 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

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(Pearl) 手袋黨 Cashmere Mafia CH06 2008-11-13 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

(Pearl) 手袋黨 Cashmere Mafia CH06 2008-11-13 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

原創  Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 252 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

13 Nov 2006        Yours, Mine, and Hers

As word of Jack's new job at a rival publisher surprises Mia, any hopes Juliet had for an amicable divorce are dashed after she finds Davis clearing out their apartment of much of its art and furniture -- and the Aston Martin he just gave her. Seeing Jack's new girlfriend wearing one of her scarves on television convinces Mia to get back everything she left at his place, including a tape she made of them having sex. And orders from Henry Gorham to land billionaire Maxwell Tate as a client present Zoe with a formidable challenge now that she and Clayton are competing for a big promotion. Meanwhile, when Caitlin goes in for the sonogram, she is surprised when Alicia's ex-girlfriend, Olivia, shows up, too.

Rushing to the hospital after being told that Davis had a heart attack, Juliet is surprised to find that it was Cilla Gray who brought him there. Feeling shaky and charitable, Davis apologizes for taking all their things and insists that she keep the apartment. However, after the doctor says that he really had panic attack and that his heart is fine, Davis reverts to form and resumes turning up the heat in their acrimonious divorce. Meanwhile, to keep Alicia happy, Caitlin meets with Olivia to discuss how they can all raise the new baby together.

Juliet本想與Davis在和平、友善的情況下離婚,可是Davis趁Juliet不在,竟將家况大部分的藝術品及傢具搬走,逼使 Juliet放棄原來的決定。 Mia在電視節目中看見Jack的新聞報道員女友取用了她遺在Jack家的圍巾,令Mia決心回到Jack的家中取回所有屬於她的物品──當中包括她與 Jack的性愛錄影帶。 為了得到晉升的機會,Zoe將與Clayton進行一場龍爭虎鬥。Alicia的前度伴侶Olivia突然在Caitlin進行超聲波掃瞄的地方出現,令 Caitlin驚訝不已。Mia約會Jack,並提出欲到他家取回自己的東西,得到了Jack的答應。 翌日Mia找來友人陪同到Jack家,無意間找回與Jack共同度生日的回憶。此時卻碰上Jack的現任女友歸來,兩人互不相讓,最後不歡而散。

Pearl 手袋黨  2008 11 13 Divx
