
[轉貼] (Pearl)Bones 欲骨查 2008-11-19 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

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(Pearl)Bones 欲骨查 2008-11-19 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

(Pearl)Bones 欲骨查 2008-11-19 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

原創  Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 250 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

19 Nov 2008         THE WOMAN IN LIMBO

When the remains of a Jane Doe turn out to be Brennan's mother, Brennan must face the truth of who her parents really were… and why they disappeared fifteen years ago.

Booth and Brennan are leaving the Medico-Legal lab when they run into David Simmons, Brennan's latest love interest. David praises her latest manuscript, which surprises Booth, who was not allowed to read it. Brennan remembers that she forgot something and runs back to her office, seeing a digital reconstruction Angela has just composed. Brennan curtly demands that the skull and all the artifacts associated with the case be brought to her office. She digs into the artifact bag and examines the items; including a marble, and a belt with a distinct dolphin buckle. She immediately recognizes the buckle as belonging to her mother Christine. Zack tells her the body was found in a graveyard in Pennsylvania in 1998, but not in an actual grave. Someone secretly buried it at the edge of the cemetery. The team was simply working on a Jane Doe cold-case.

Brennan檢驗一名身分不明的女性屍骨,她重組死者外貌後,懷疑她是自己失蹤多年的母親,隨即向同事索取與案件有關的證物,她更認出其中一件 物品屬於自己的母親Christine所有!Zack告訴Brennan這具屍首早於98年於一個墓地發現,但屍體卻被埋葬在墓地的邊緣;Booth馬上 參與調查案件,並找回Brennan的父母失蹤時的座駕。 眾人建議Brennan先回家休息,Brennan回家後找出舊照片,一幕幕兒時回憶湧上心頭。事件更牽連Brennan多年沒有聯絡的兄長, Brennan看到他便感怒火中燒,奪門而去。到底死者會否真的是Brennan的母親?他們於15年前失蹤的原因又是甚麼?

Bones 2008 11 19
