We, a group of sybian riders looking for people to hear us scream, men and women are welcome to join our group and daily classic entertainment on discuss
producer: me (aka communist)
starring: cherry, clotti and miki (aka the three hotties - MC Square )
special appearance: leona
featuring our sybian machine: the very hardworking piggy (aka the drill)
co-directors: mm & micmic
screenwriter: ff (aka the brain)
absentee choreographer: blu rosie
dubbing artist: bebe (aka screamer)
We (both sexes) need your moisture and warmth.
If you too can't wait any more, why don't give us and yourself a chance to meet up each other?
Please come on in and/or come on to us!
Let's feel the heat, taste the seed and have a drink of juice together.
All english and non-english BS-ters are welcome.
Our tradition: for ladies, you can practice your english here (thisrule is strictly applied to ladies ONLY; for gents, sorry but please goand play badxxxxx n YK...)
useful links:
(I) for leisure
(II) for winning
(III) for slang and internet abbreviation
(IV) for others e.g. EYT, bok, yak
check with the BS-ters here
本帖最後由 我老婆係共產黨 於 2009-5-20 05:46 PM 編輯 ]