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大家都冇喺人前提今次business trip所發生過嘅嘢。大家繼續在人前保持普通同事嘅關係。因為 jet lag 的緣故,返到香港整整一個禮拜,我都好乖冇再跟他偷情。在 business trip回來之後的星期五,佢突然在收工嘅時候,當所有同事都放曬工,佢就走到我的辦公室內提到之前佢話要做我的私人健身教練,而且佢能夠搵到一個私人健身房,可以讓我哋有私人嘅空間去做運動。
我見只是做下運動又冇相干就應承。本來佢話想即日就實踐這個運動計劃,但係當我諗到孤男寡女在一個私人空間入邊做運動難免會嵌入情慾的引誘,我就話我仲有啲攰,嗰晚都係唔好啦。其實我係驚我下面仲未消腫又再畀佢條大賓週刺激,就真係老公返嚟都未有得好。不如下個禮拜先。於是我哋就約定下個禮拜一收工之後就一齊去做運動,亦即係老公去完 business trip 前的最後一個禮拜左右。
佢仲問及我有冇適合做運動嘅衣服。平時我做運動時的裝束都係 sport bra、tee shirt 加短褲。佢話不如收工一齊去買多幾套做運動嘅服裝。因為佢話整個運動嘅schedule唔係一次性就有效。佢話起碼要一個星期有3,4次先至可以在短時間之內見到成果,而且佢都要買啲運動褲同適合我用嘅健身用具。我就話都好。於是我哋就一齊收工去食飯之後就去運動服裝舖。我哋首先各自挑選適合嘅衣物 。我都好自然咁去選擇一啲我 慣常穿著的運動衣物。除咗個sport bra之外,這都不外乎好像當年讀中學嘅時候上PE堂的運動服裝,都係tee shirt 同短褲。當佢揀完佢要買嘅嘢嘅時候,佢就走過嚟睇下我買成點。佢翻開我已經揀好嘅衣物,
"Oh.....They are all wrong. Let me guide you through and introduce the better sport clothing."
佢果然係一個前運動員,佢對運動裝束的熟悉程度簡直可以用專業來形容。佢為我揀選一啲時下最流行嘅 sport bra ,而呢啲嘅 sport bra 的貼身程度 係因應佢所為我將要的運動需要而釐定。佢仲為我揀選咗好幾件運動背心。 呢哋運動背心嘅質料都係高排汗性同埋  啲 cutting 都係比較鬆身,而且啲袖位 都係比較大,又或者係露出大部分嘅背部。揀完上身嘅服裝佢就拉住我去揀下身嘅服裝。首先佢帶我去挑選運動褲,
佢為我揀選了好幾條超貼身嘅運動短褲。如果唔係喺運動舖入面我仲以為呢 啲係打底褲。我初初都有啲抗拒,平時我做運動最多都係著一啲鬆身嘅短褲,做咩要著呢啲咁貼身咁短嘅褲。佢話呢啲褲可以快速排汗,而且因為貼身嘅關係 反而冇咁容易走光。呢啲短褲係高柔韌性可以適合唔同運動嘅動作。之後佢就 帶我去選購專為運動而設嘅內褲。佢為所我挑選嘅都係thong 嘅款式, 我見到我就話,
"These t backs are no good for exercise. They will rub my private part and cause health issues."
"They are not the sexy t backs you used to wear. They are sporty thongs." 佢就解釋呢啲內褲係專為我做運動而設,而且係高排汗性,唔會構成任何衛生嘅問題,而且因應之前所選購嘅貼身短褲, 呢啲嘅內褲就不會見到 啲底褲邊,著起上嚟可以美觀一啲。聽落又幾有道理。到最後經過幾番爭扎之後 我都係選購咗呢啲嘅內褲。當然我梗係 好醒目咁樣話,
"Ok if you say so, you pay for me."
"Not just the thongs but all of them!"
"If I pay for them, I will take charge and you need to wear them for me. And I want to pick the ones I liked. How's that?"
"Ok, done deal."
佢好似預定咁,一早已經知道佢鍾意啲乜嘢咁樣,就手到拿來攞埋一堆衫,就自己走去 check out 。
嗰一刻我當然係唔想啦,咁我就話如果佢唔怕唔啱身,白俾錢,我就自己返屋企試身啦 。
嗰陣時我先至發現比起之前我哋一齊選購的服裝除咗質料之外,啲 cutting 有啲唔同。由  sport bras  講起,啲  sport bras完全冇pads,而顏色上由本來全部黑色變咗分別係白色、紅色、 hot pink 同黑色,而且啲 cutting 比起之前揀落嘅相對嚟講較為性感,都是低胸,有啲仲係幼帶嘅,而且唔係三個係有成五個咁多!
原來佢已經一早揀定多兩個!有一個黑色嘅背部重要係 see through 。跟住睇下啲內褲,跟之前冇乜特別,都係thong 嘅款式。只係啲顏色上完全因應 sport bra嘅顏色所陪襯。有紅色、白色同黑色,又係有五條之多。 到啲運動背心, 全部都係鬆身嘅。有啲仲係吊帶,啲袖 位都係比較大,同埋露出大部分嘅背部。 當我試穿時,基本上我嘅雞翼位, 亦只係背肌嘅位置係完全露出,而且質料除咗係高排汗性之外,仲係比較薄。基本上係能夠透視件 Sport bra。啲短褲全部都係窄身高排汗 性嘅質料。雖然就唔 薄,但係就非常之短。褲腳離大腿盡頭只有一吋左緊大部分都係黑色,白色同紅色。
佢就好心急咁要我逐件著上嚟畀佢睇。 為咗可以快啲打發佢走,我就勉為其難試咗幾套畀佢睇。佢仲親我係房試身嘅時候,自己走咗去雪櫃開咗支紅酒,坐喺 梳化到等待我喺睡房換完衫出嚟畀佢睇。
"Oh beautiful! Nice!"
當我將所有衣物全部換完,亦展示過曬 畀佢睇嘅時候,佢就衝上前將我攬住坐在梳化上,我已經感受到佢條大賓週已經硬左,
"Haha...... I need to do one more thing."
"I need to check the level of your pussy tightness that I can compare before and after the training next week." "How would you like to check?"
"Of course, I need to experience tour pussy tightness personally." "Personally experience?!"
"Yes, I use my cock to feel the tightness."
"Why not? Then how can I compare? Come on!"
"No way! I finished all the fitting as your will. You should leave now."
"Oh I am hard on now. I can't resist any more. I want you."
"You want me what?"
"Of course, I want to have sex with you." "No, you better leave now."
"No. I have been turned on by you. Let's have some fun. You know we haven't had fun for almost a week. Also your husband hasn't been here for a week. Don't you need that? Let's have some fun, please."
"Not a week long, just only 5 days...."
"Yes 5 days are a work week."
佢講得啱幾日冇做又真係幾想要,但係始終都唔係幾想, "No......"
"But.....I am hard on."
"No....My pussy is still swelling."
"Really? Let me check."
當佢一摸到陰蒂嘅時候,我就打咗個冷震, 然後成身軟曬佢仲攝隻手入背心入面 隔住 sport bra 去搓弄我被sport bra 壓扁的乳房。佢仲親我意亂情迷嘅時候 湊上嘴巴跟我熱吻......
"No, we shouldn't do that. You better leave now....."
"But I am hard on...."
"But my pussy is swelling...."
"Let me check that again ....... in detail............."
"Hey......what are you going? Stop......ar.....Be careful. The short is too tight. Be gentle. Don't hurt my pussy and make it worse."
於是佢就好溫柔咁除咗嗰條短褲,然後將我拖到梳化上,而佢就跪在我面前,小心翼翼咁將條白色 sport thong 撥開露出 陰唇,佢細心檢視陰唇的形狀就話
"Well it is swelling but not too bad. It's getting better. I think it is healing.....Let me kiss your swelling pussy as a lovely treatment......"
"No.....I have shown you my pussy. Now you know I am not telling lie to you. It is still swelling....."
‎"Ok but my cock is hard now especially when I saw your little pussy. At least help me to release my cum.....Can you? Just suck my cock?"

"mmmm........Ok.....Just blowjob......"
‎"Come on suck my cock now!"
‎"Wait.....You need to take a shower first. At least wash your cock......"
‎"Ok, wait for me. Just one sec."
咁佢就話可唔可以沖完涼之後著得性感一啲嚟幫佢口交,咁我就話睇下點先。 我沖完涼之後就著返佢喺個 business trip 買畀我果一套紅色 push up胸圍 同 T back。再穿上 一件薄薄嘅絲質睡袍,務求畀多一點試過嘅刺激,希望佢可以快啲射出嚟。因為件黑色睡袍冚住咗 套紅色內衣,佢見到我嗰陣時就有啲意見,
"Oh where is my sexy sporty outfit? I want you wearing them while you give me a blowjob."
"Well.....I don't wear new clothes without washed. No worry. Of course, I will treat you nicely. I want you to cum quickly. You will not disappointed. Let's unwrap your towel."
"If you want me to cum quick, you need to have more simulations on me."
咁我就解開睡袍的腰帶,把件睡袍拉低,露出膊頭。佢見到我膊頭上的紅色bra帶就喜出望外,佢仲可以重高以下窺探到被紅色 push-up bra 擠出來的事業線。
"Oh! The red lingeries, I like it. It looks familiar. This reddish miracle bra .....I bought during the trip. You still keep it? Nice! You must like it. This bra is recording the sensation memories during the trip. Wow, I am getting harder.  I guess you must be wearing the sexy reddish t back down there, right?Good!"
"Shut up, sit down and enjoy the blowjob..." ‎
佢就好似個大爺咁,坐咗喺梳化度,一邊 攞住杯紅酒去飲,一邊解開他的浴巾,他的大賓週隨即從浴巾裏彈出嚟!
"Can you take your black silky robe off and show me your sexy lingeries as well as your nice little breasts?" 我就話,
"Hold on a sec. I am thirsty. Let me grab some water."
於是我就去攞咗杯暖水和冰水,在他面前 飲了一啖暖水,再含住一啖暖水就為他口交。佢舒服到即刻呱呱大叫,我就即刻 再含返住一啖冰水,繼續為佢口交,佢即時發出一啲讚嘆嘅叫聲,
"Oh shit..Shi....Arr......That is great. How do you learn that skills? You got the skills! Is that so called ice fire blowjob?"
我口正在忙緊又邊得閒睬佢呢。佢繼續好好享受我為佢的冰火。佢舒服到成身 擺來擺去,仲週不時全身拗後,見佢咁興奮我就更加落力。幫佢吹咗好耐之後, 佢就拉我起身,坐在他的隔離,繼續為佢 口交,咁樣就方便佢用手在我身上不斷遊走。佢仲拉起我的睡袍,隔着條小T了弄我的陰部,我都畀佢摸到著曬,但係佢都仲係未射得出...我個口已經都好攰,我就話我要抖一陣,佢就話,"ok",但係佢又點會咁輕易放過我呢? 佢一邊搓著我的乳房,一邊用手去捽我的下陰,藉口話要報答我,話幫我舒服下喎。佢就跪在我的面前張開我的雙腿,撥開我條红色t-back,就用舌頭好溫柔咁 舔弄我的下陰。我初初都唔想,透過他溫暖的舌頭刺激我的下陰,我好快就已經意亂情迷。可能佢見我的陰唇仍然有少少腫起,今次佢就特别溫柔咁,好細緻地用舌頭去刺激我的陰蒂,好快我下面就已經畀佢搞到濕曬。佢見我已經濕曬佢就想用賓週插入嚟。當用手握住他的大肉捧並放在陰唇上嘅時候,我濕潤的陰唇感覺到他溫暖的大賓週在我的陰唇上磨擦就話,
"Stop.....I can't. My pussy is still swelling. You can't get into me that will prolong the healing......"
"Ok, if you don't want. How about we do 69? Both of us would get satisfied."(又話俾我抖陣…,我見佢冇打算插我妹妹我就答应)
於是我就除咗件睡袍,身上只剩下紅色的 Miracle bra 和紅色t back, 就趴在他身上,我哋就喺梳化上69, 就係咁我畀佢搞到好想要........到最後我都忍唔住喎,
"Arrr....I feel so good....I am cumming......I am cumming........I want it....Arrr........."
"What? You want it now. What a great news! Let's do it. I am waiting to hear your words for awhile."
"Wait wait wait. Hold on. You need to gentle and slow, ok? You know your cock is way too big to my pussy......"
"Ok. I know my cock is huge and I know you like how my big cock satisfies you and makes you cum. "
"Wait.......How about you lick my pussy a bit more? Or maybe... even give me another climax...At least once more....I want to make my pussy is really wet......."
"Sure, my pleasure!"
佢就好認真咁為我口交,直到我嚟咗 一次高潮,佢就即刻握住他的大陰莖就想插入嚟,
"You cum. Now is my turn....."
"Hold on.......Why don't we do that in my bedroom? That will be more comfy."
於是佢就好心急咁拖我入睡房,佢已經急不及待咁把我推倒在床上,張開我雙腿,再一次撥開我條t-back 就準備進入,
"Wait....a minute....Claim down......"
"You need to wear a condom. The trip is gone. No more bareback. Also, I haven't taken the pills these days."
"Ok, where are the condoms? You have any here?"
"Yes...Let me grab you one. Hold on."
佢已經畀我搞到好性急,喺我爬去床頭櫃攞condom嘅時候,佢隻手不斷在我身上胡亂撫摸。當我攞到個condom嘅時候, 我就順手攞埋支潤滑劑就返番到去床嘅中間。佢就在床上跪在我嘅面前,把佢條大賓週對住我,我就幫佢帶上 condom。
"This condom is too small to me. I used to use magnum size......"
"I know. I don't have magnum size here for you."
"Sure you don't. Your husband never fits into the magnum size."
"Shut up and be still. Don't tease my husband.......Here you go. It is on now."
"It is too tight...."
"But I really don't have any that fits to you. No condom no sex tonight...."
"Ok, don't blame me if it breaks."
佢見連condom都已經帶好, 佢就即刻把我推倒在床上,快速脱掉我條t back,再一次將开我双腳準備進入,我見佢咁性急我就用手推住佢,
"Wait wait wait.......your cock is huge. Let's use some lube."
"You are so huge. You need extra....."
"Be gentle and slow please. My pussy is still swelling. Ok?"
佢已經唔再理我,佢見有潤滑劑的滋潤,再加上陰道的濕潤, 就握住自己的大賓週對準陰道口, 就一下子沈腰用力插入去,並且全根沒入,嗰一下大家都一齊大聲呼叫.......  佢見進入時毫無阻礙,而且異常潤滑,佢就長驅直進,並且起勢猛烈抽插了好幾下......
"Arrr.......Arrrr....Mmmm....Hey......Easy....Don't ....you remember....Be gentle....."
"Arrr.....Sorry .....Too excited......Ok....I will take it easy....."

除咗初初插入去嗰好幾下,佢都堅守承諾慢慢把陰莖再一次撐開我的陰唇,再進入陰道.......成個過程佢都好溫柔同好慢咁進出...缺乏激烈的性愛動作,我哋反而全神貫注 感受雙方身體的反應及面部表情。這反而給予我們另外 一個性愛層次嘅享受...
"John....Don't fuck..........just make love with me tonight."
最後我嚟了一次好強烈的高潮,全身肌肉繃緊和抽搐。我肉緊地用力攬實阿John ,而佢也隨即發出咆哮聲之後,就隔住個避孕套在我陰道內釋放了他的精液... 大家在高潮餘溫後的高漲情緒底下,依然在床上互相喘著氣地緊緊地擁吻了好一段時間。 當佢在我身上仍然喘著氣嘅時候,我先至醒起,他的大陰莖仍然在我的體內,我就同佢講,
"Hey babe.....Pull off your cock before the cock becomes soft and your cum leaks inside my pussy....Be careful....Hold the condom when you pull out.......Don't leak any cum in me....."
而佢好聽話咁用手 Hold 住個套個底部才慢慢拔出他半軟的陰莖,免得精液流進我的陰道內......
"You cum a lot!"
"Oh yeah....Of course a lot, I haven't had sex for a week..... I still have more to come....."

於是大家瞓喺張床度一齊休息, 突然我醒起佢唔係要感受一下我的陰道 嘅緊緻程度咩,咁我就問,
"How you feel?"
"Wonderful of course."
"I meant my pussy....."
"Of course good. Wet and warm.......That would be even better if bareback."
"No! I meant the tightness."
"Oh oh oh.....Ar....I did not pay enough attention............Of course tight.......tight enough........"
"You jerk!"

"Sorry.......That was feeling so good......I forgot.......the experimental check up....."
"Oh.......Sorry.....How about......."
"How about..... do that one more time....? .......I promise I would pay more attention this time......"
"Arrr......You jerk... ..."
"Help me to make it hard.....I can check your pussy one more time......"
"Just checking? Or you want to do that one more time?"
"Both! Let's suck my cock and make me real hard that we can have accurate measurement!"
"Are you still able to have second round?"
"Sure, you know me, I can. Even two more times.........Let's suck it....."
"Oh my god....."
佢就開始撳我落去要我用口幫佢, 佢條半硬半軟嘅陰莖好快已經填滿我的口腔, 佢仲等唔切咁束起我的頭髮去控制我吞吐的節奏.......
"Oh yeah.......I feel so good.......Suck it......."
"Mmmm.......Mmmm......You are hard now.......Mmm....Mmm......"
"Suck a bit more.......I don't want to leave your warm mouth at this moment.......Suck harder....."
"Mmmm....You are so big......My mouth feels so sored......"
"Arr..... Shi.....Feeling so good......."
我見佢巨大的陽具在我被填滿的口腔內開始跳動著, 我知佢快到臨界位, 我就推開佢藉口話,
"I am tired. My mouth is so sore. You are too big. Also you almost cum....."
"Not that easy even I am feeling so good.....Don't you remember I just cum. The most maybe just the precum leaked out. I can last very long this time. Any way let me do the experimental measurement. Slay down and open your legs......."
當他正想提槍上馬長驅直進嘅時候, 我用手暗住自己的下陰,
"Hey, you are ready but I am not. Please make me wet......."
"Oh........Be careful.....Don't be too rough. My pussy is still swelling. Be gentle.......Oh yeah.......Arrr......Feel so good......You got skills.......Don't just lick my pussy.......Lick my clitoris........Yesss......right there.....Lick there.......Arrrr rrr.....Feel sooo gooooodddd.........Don't stop.......Lick there......Arrr....."
當我已經投入完全享受他所為我的服務, 好快我已經進入狀態,佢親我將近高潮的時候,亦即是意亂情迷嘅時候,佢好快速咁將他又大又硬的陰莖一下子插咗入嚟! 當我都未嚟得切反應嘅時候,佢已經開始 慢慢地用力抽插,
"Arrrr.........Don't be so rough...... aaarrrr.......errrr........easy........arrrr... You haven't worn a condom yet....Harrrrr......You cannot just put your cock in.......Arrrr.........Calm.....Calm down.....Please......."
"Oh.....Yeah.......Your pussy is so wet and tight.......I can't resist it........Siiii.....Oh...Feeling so gooooodddd......Condom would affect my feeling that I can't have the accurate measurement..........Let me feel your pussy tightness a bit more and make sure I can memorize your the tightness........"
"Arrr......You are cheating.......Arrrr.......So big.....Easy......Don't make my pussy more swelling....Arrr...just to feel the tightness......Why you are stroking back and for.....arr.....arrr........shit.....I am cumming.....Arrr........"
"Let's change the position.....to get more measurements........then would be easier to compare after the training........Let's do doggie....."
佢就好快將我軟弱的身軀反轉,並且任由他拉起我的身體,直到 pat pat 趷高,就即刻進入。當佢入嗰一下嘅時候,雙方都發出好大聲嘅呻吟聲。之後佢就即刻再次啟動他腰部和大腿的肌肉用力抽插,搞到拍拍聲
"Oh yeah......So tight.....Feel really good.....How you feel?......Yeah......."
"Arrr rrr......""Arrrr........Now you can feel the tightness now....... Memorize that feeling........."
"Yeah......I memorize now......"
"Arrrr.......then you should stop now......."
"No.......Siiii....I feel so good.....I don't want to stop......I wanna fuck a bit longer......" "Arrrr........Stop..........Easy.........Too hard now........"
"One last measurement, you go on top of me......I want to feel by cowgirl style........."
"Ohhh........Your pussy is so wet and tight......"
當我將他整條陰莖吞噬在我的陰道裏後 ,我就即刻忍唔住在他身上起勢策騎.......
"Ohhh......Slowly........I can't memorize the tightness.......Let me feel it slowly and completely..........Let's move your ass down along my cock from the dick head until the base......Then slowly raise your ass up til the cock tip........Yeah......Just like that......move slowly and make me feel good.......Oh.....No.....Feel completely.......Yes.......Like that......Keep going.....Don't stop......."
"Arrr.......Don't cum inside me.......My pills are up these days.......I am not on pills........"
"No worry. I am not that easy to cum this time. I cum once already that should last longer........Let's have some fun bareback.......Shit......Feeling so good.....So tight......"
就係咁俾佢搞到我好快就再一次高潮,而且軟弱無力咁攤在他的身......佢見我已經停止策騎,佢就反客為主咁不斷擺動他的下身,把陰莖由下而上頂上嚟。被他突如其來的侵襲,我畀佢搞到 延長了我高潮的時間 而且感覺特別強烈,
"Arrrr.... ‎........Oh....Shit.......I am cumming.......Fuck.......Cumming cumming.........."
最後我用我僅餘嘅氣力推開佢,並且離開他的身體 。自己在床上抽搐著,享受那強烈高潮後的餘韻。當他想再一次用男上的姿勢進入時,我就用手揞住自己的下陰,問佢,
"You feel the tightness, right?"
‎"yeah......I feel it and memorize it......Let's continue......I haven't cum yet....."
‎"let's wear a condom........Remember.....Make love with me, not fucking......Be gentle......."
佢好乖咁自己去攞避孕套並且帶上condom,就再一次長驅直進( 之前又話唔啱size 而家有咁快手可以自己帶上),
"Put some lube on otherwise the condom may breaks......."
佢只是把條陰莖抽出至龜頭仍然殘留在陰道口內, 就草草咁在莖部塗上潤滑劑, 就再次全根沒入.......
"Do that slow.....Don't be rough......
""Oh yeah......I will be gentle and last longer........You can enjoy longer time........Siiii.......Feel so good......Your pussy is so tight........."

‎嗰晚總共做咗三次 slow sex 給我帶來 高潮連連,而佢也樂在其中。佢嗰晚就喺我屋企過夜。做完兩次之後佢仲話 ,
"You don't need to worry too much. We are fine with slow sex that won't make your swelling pussy any worse if we use a lot of lube."
"But, how about the the looseness?"
"Arrr.....Then you need to stick on my training starting next week."
"Are you sure that would help?"
"Oh yeah sure.......Let's do it again. I can't wait...."

第二朝,我哋都有嚟多一次morning Q。 佢話本來想 stay over the weekend,最後我都拒絕咗,咁佢就依依不捨咁返屋企...

[ 本帖最後由 一等閑人 於 2018-5-7 10:34 PM 編輯 ]

Please click on the onion head if you like it.


原帖由 bentayga 於 2018-5-7 16:23 發表 查看引用來源
I hadn't finished the post last time. The admin closed the post.......


原帖由 maymaychu8 於 2018-5-7 04:31 PM 發表 查看引用來源

I hadn't finished the post last time. The admin closed the post.......
you are make love queen

正,支持may may,希望好快有3P睇

Nice update!

十扑 may may

