
破除迷思...歡迎大家分享性病知識 updated on 30-01-2019 p.1_#1

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原帖由 Laca 於 2017-11-21 10:28 AM 發表 查看引用來源
放心吧!唔好咁擔心,從另一角度諗,touch wood 如果真係早早發現問題,病向淺中醫唔係好事嗎?乜都唔知估估下咪仲擔心! 你會冇事嘅! relax and take care !

1. 如經尿道感染性病菌,用尿係咪會驗到? 
2. 如果性病菌已經入左前列腺,尿係咪驗唔到,反而精會驗到?
3. 同樣性病菌經尿道入前列腺,咁點解尿會驗唔到? 
4. 尿道性病菌日子愈耐愈,準確度係咪愈高,因為病菌會大量繁殖到足夠檢測量?
5. 成日見d人環吹,套交中淋/非淋,got兄之前話口交會好少感染淋同衣原,咁出事位係 陰道交?

原帖由 WOONE 於 2017-11-19 12:28 AM 發表 查看引用來源

師兄 咁事後28日要唔要驗埋菜花同飽診  咁我28日黎驗左冇事  84日唔驗得唔得 
菜花、疱疹無症狀就不要去驗了,如果驗,最快都要事後8星期,12星期更好。如果你話28日HIV combo negative,84日當然可以再驗,但拮手指抗體測試就足夠了。

原帖由 Laca 於 2017-11-19 10:43 AM 發表 查看引用來源

好既參考,means準確度有多少??因本人40日前發生性行為,有套性交,但無套口交,事後發現下體有損(但無流血),一個星期後,舌頭生小紅點和有一片黃色(摸不走),口腔亦生飛滋,龜頭有少許生野同破損,尿液亦是 ...
約90%吧,但問題係你嘅風險都睇到你HIV風險實際係0,冇感染,加上呢個90%嘅準確度,其實可以係話你無感染了。您形容嘅症狀都不是HIV症狀,明天任何一個日子去做實驗型HIV combo,答案就會係最終嘅結果,當心吧,都會係negative。

原帖由 hksexualhealth 於 2017-11-20 02:07 PM 發表 查看引用來源
HIV No risk
Urine STDs no risk
Warts, herpers, syphilis theoretically there are risks but essentially No risk.
Most common is allergic reaction to hand friction, baby oil or massage oil. Then the next day you will find your genital head gets reddish.
In very rare case, there is possible warts transmission happening, like when she has hand warts (skin warts) , however, you may feel weired or uncomfortable when she masturbates you, and you will stop her at that time. To play safely, you are welcome to check if her palms clean and normal.
Anyway, don't panic yourself.

原帖由 dw2047 於 2017-11-20 06:55 PM 發表 查看引用來源
今早鼓起勇氣做HIV Combo, 44日結果陰性, 非常感謝got兄, 經歷最難忘的4週, 終於脫恐, 恐艾症真的很可怕, 以後洗心革面 唔敢再試 這種恐懼與寂寞無人明白. 感謝got兄無私奉獻心理輔導.

唔知食緊嗰隻乙肝抗病 ...
Yes basically conclusive, congratulations bro.At the very beginning, your risk of HIV infection was very very low to 0. Entecavir actually can inhabit HIV viruses, however , as said before, negative combo test and your risk can make you relax and free of HIV, don't worry. 
If you have time, you can have a syphilis test also anytime, and it is expected to be negative also. 
If you don't mind, you can do 1 more hiv antibody test around 12 weeks , same result your will get ")

原帖由 hellohelloaaa 於 2017-11-21 11:26 PM 發表 查看引用來源
1. 如經尿道感染性病菌,用尿係咪會驗到? 
2. 如果性病菌已經入左前列腺,尿係咪驗唔到,反而精會驗到?
3. 同樣性病菌經尿道入前列腺,咁點解尿會驗唔到? 
4. 尿道性 ...
Got兄,有幾點想討論下:Hi Ching, let's share these questions and I try my best to tell 
1. 如經尿道感染性病菌,用尿係咪會驗到? →yes, it is, especially Urine DNA test at 10 days post exposure can find the bacteria, especially Gonorrea and NGU Chlamydia.
2. 如果性病菌已經入左前列腺,尿係咪驗唔到,反而精會驗到?
If not treated, urine DNA should be tested positive. Prostatitis always is the consequence of long time infection, and mostly are Chronic infections. In the case when the bacteria colonizes your prostate, you may find your urine negative but semen positive. 3. 同樣性病菌經尿道入前列腺,咁點解尿會驗唔到? Antibiotic may be less effective for chronic infection as it cannot reach to the prostate as deep as possible.And you have to see which kind of bacteria you are infected, some are very effective to the treatment but some may be resistant to it.
4. 尿道性病菌日子愈耐愈,準確度係咪愈高,因為病菌會大量繁殖到足夠檢測量?When you have symptoms you should go to check. Too much bacteria produeced can make you feel bad.

5. 成日見d人環吹,套交中淋/非淋,got兄之前話口交會好少感染淋同衣原,咁出事位係 陰道交?
Unprotected oral sex:Gonorrea is possible but not common, chamlydia is almost impossible as it doesn't like living it the throat.However, NORMAL bacetia living in the oral cavity CAN cause NGU infection and the associated symptoms. 
For protected vaginal sex, it is impossible for the STDs bacteria to get into your urine tract which should be well covered by condom, unless failure in use of condom occurs. Bacteria needs to enter directly into the urine tract, they cannot do it if they are blocked by condoms.Sometimes, we may be too panic to ignore or forget other possible exposures prior to the lastest one, in other words, you may be infected quite a long time. And allergic reaction to friction and condom may cause you think of getting infected with NGU, while NGU is quite not strictly recognized until test is offered.
Unprotected vaginal sex, any STDs are possible.

求分享性知識Let's share ")

原帖由 gotNoexcuse 於 2017-11-22 12:29 AM 發表 查看引用來源

Got兄,有幾點想討論下:Hi Ching, let's share these questions and I try my best to tell 
1. 如經尿道感染性病菌,用尿係咪會驗到? →yes, it is, especially Urine DNA test at 10 days post exp ...

1. 三個月後嘅梅毒螺旋抗體測試能足夠排除嗎? 會不會太早或太耐驗唔到? 如時隔11日或半年之後
2. 梅毒螺旋抗體測試有分igM同igG嗎?
3. 若果梅毒螺旋抗體測試neg,有冇需要再做梅毒血清複檢?
4. 梅毒分三期,各期時間分係多少? 會不會其中一期是檢測不到?
5. 梅毒快速測驗是哪一種? 
6. 現時社衛用的是哪一種測試?


[ 本帖最後由 kwaiiiiii 於 2017-12-1 04:53 PM 編輯 ]

1. 跟據Got兄講法,尿驗唔到而精驗到,可能因為食左抗生素清左尿道性病菌,但清唔到入左前列腺嘅性病菌? 所以就會出現依個情況?
2. 係未食任何抗生素之前,隨時間增加,驗尿驗精係咪好準
3. 若果皮膚有小損口,如肛門被紙巾刷損,坐左落受污染嘅床到,會唔會感染淋/非淋
4. 淋病球菌補體結合試驗 對驗 慢性淋病/冇病徵 有冇意義?
5. 衣原體/淋 可以透過血走篇全身嗎? 有網話淋可以透過血液 累及關節同眼
