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去年skout識到一個American SP叫Joy,身高約5'7, 大約44-45歲但睇落30尾,非常豐滿成熟白人女性類型, 人亦好friendly 同好傾, 完全my type

先約喺灣仔pub 飲野,去到見到 Joy, 不得了! 佢啱啱放工, 著住black formal suit 加對2吋尖頭heels, 恤衫冇扣top 3 buttons, very relaxed and sexy. 開頭大家傾下計熱身,原來前夫對佢唔好,所以Joy 就選擇離開美,已經喺香港兩年做HR manager,大部分同事都係美國人。傾左一陣就開始 flirt: (J = Joy, 我= 我)

J: So all my co-workers are Americans. My social circle is all Americans. I'd like some diversity haha
我: Yea that's right. It's always good to be with different people. Let me tell you something.
J: What?
我: come closer... (然後佢哄隻耳仔埋我度,我向佢whisper) and you smell good dear
J: (俾左個 slutty smile 望住我) you smell good too

跟住我地開始 lip kiss 左分幾鐘, 我攬住Joy 條腰,佢居然摸住我 butt, 再用中指撩我asshole! 之後就由lip kiss 變成 French kiss, 仲專登整D口水聲,我地果刻相信已經聽唔到pub music, 睇黎呢次又遇到對手 😆
我: nice lips and tongue you've got
J: that's a firm ass dear
我: you're fucking hot Joy
J: I've never fucked an Asian cock and I want to try yours tonight
我: say please
J: please
我: please what?
J:  (Joy 用兩隻手指掃下我下面喺我耳邊講) it's getting hard already. Please, please please fuck me tonight with your nice dick. Can you do that in my place, please? I promise I'll be good

我: it's in me dear
J: no please. I want to buy you this drink. You've come all the way from new territories. Just treat me with your cum later haha
我: shit you're so naughty I like it
J: you'll find out more

由於已經三天2點幾,行去Joy 屋企路上冇乜人,Joy 拉我入一楝大廈條後樓梯kiss, 搞到咀與咀丶脷同脷之間只有口水絲,Joy開始申手feel 我下面,我都grab her ass and boobs, 運動身型,nice and firm

J: that's so hot. Your cock is fucking hard man
我: it's all yours. Do whatever you want.
J: fuck yes. You don't have to worry about that


(外地公幹中, 會嘗試盡快update)

外國人都比較friendly,就算唔啱要turn down你,都唔會有hard feeling

唔錯既分享,keep going please

Skout 多數唔應機同賓賓...師兄你一定係好型仔喇

It's fucking exciting! 好想追落去!

鬼婆44-45,好少仲keep 得好,btw 你覺得正就得
著suit and high heel 真係正,仲要有5'7


原帖由 adventure12 於 2017-5-3 04:13 PM 發表 查看引用來源
去年skout識到一個American SP叫Joy,身高約5'7, 大約44-45歲但睇落30尾,非常豐滿成熟白人女性類型, 人亦好friendly 同好傾, 完全my type

先約喺灣仔pub 飲野,去到見到 Joy, 不得了! 佢啱啱放工, 著住black form ...
God damn it! I like fucking hot cougars... can't wait to know more from u

咁嘅 look, unbeatable

fuck perfect!
