原帖由 HKABC135 於 2015-8-8 10:51 PM 發表
「Road trip 有小孩或BB就緊係照顧小朋友至上。中途停下透下、輪流開下車或照顧小朋友,畀少少沩馨正能量亞29都夠開心!係喎,辣媽係咪餵人奶?係的話你唔飲得酒喎,咁就可以大條道理叫29 ...
ok...got it, my browser sometime does not show Chinese properly, don't not know why. Maybe missing the word in the library?
only question, what is this one "沩馨"??
actually it bee some time so now I switch back to formula....and start some other food....
now I can drink HAHA, but will keep an eye on 29 so she don't get drunk.