原帖由 w677719 於 2015-7-29 07:35 AM 發表 Seems he is alright. I think chinese(hkies) are usually ultra cautious about the others. Many times their intentions are not bad. Good on you.
原帖由 人妻29 於 2015-7-29 07:09 AM 發表 I say no. I want to see if he will respect my wishes....I need to see if I can trust him... Turn out he did not push me to have sex, we are now watching TV on the coach cuddling.
原帖由 galex888 於 2015-7-29 08:16 AM 發表 諗深一層 tom 哥哥仔都幾sweet 香港仔一定不會
原帖由 已婚 於 2015-7-29 08:26 AM 發表 妳又知無?世界這麽大咩嘢人都有,只係際遇同命運所以遇唔到姐
原帖由 galex888 於 2015-7-29 08:33 AM 發表 但我作為男人阿tom tom 又買pizza 又在29妹家等她我也有少少感動 佢...放長線釣大魚...呀!? http://n2.hk/d/images/r10/mobile.jpg
原帖由 galex888 於 2015-7-29 08:33 AM 發表 但我作為男人阿tom tom 又買pizza 又在29妹家等她我也有少少感動